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    Ratik’s Military 576-586 Common Year Part I
    Posted on Wed, October 27, 2021 by LordCeb
    jamesdglick writes "The archbarony’s survival was due in part to Lexnol III’s talent as a diplomat, but he needed an effective military to back it up. 

    Ratik’s Military 576-586 Common Year 

                                                                         PART I 

         The archbarony’s survival was due in part to Lexnol III’s talent as a diplomat, but he needed an effective military to back it up. This is my article on that subject. [Note: My goals were for this article to be interesting, informative, concise, and “accurate”. Whether it is interesting or informative is up to the reader. On the information side, I left the translation of information into game mechanics to the appendices. As for brevity, oh well. I think I accomplished the “accurate” part, which I define as being in accord with canon, or at least not contradicting it, to include reconciling contradictory canon. I incorporated some ideas from fanon when helpful, and tried not to contradict any of it. I’ve included endnotes for my sources or inspiration (if any in particular), and a bibliography. Word charts don’t seem to survive your format, so I put them in text form.]    


      Before 562 C.Y., Ratik and Bone March’s first line of defense was a relic of the Great Kingdom’s rule, the II Legion, supplemented by a variety of feudal levies and provincial militias. The II Legion was a long-service, all volunteer unit. The soldiers enlisted for 25-year terms. Their pay was usually a few months late and a couple of gold pieces short. The legion was smaller than most, with 10 “regiments”, each of 10 companies, and most companies of only 60 men.[1] The legion’s authorized strength was 5,880 men, but the ostensible commander of forces in the north, the Herzog of North Province, kept it even weaker out of negligence, treachery, or perhaps both.[2]   

      Legion casualties were high in the Bone March’s unsuccessful defense, and desertion rates among the legionnaires (many of whom were from south of the Tessar) were even higher. Some legionnaires even defected to the invaders. In the Fall of 562, Baron Lexnol III began conscripting human (including part-human) males who were subjects of Ratik’s 11 freeholds, and who were between the ages of 20 and 25 years of age, (dwarves and gnomes who were subjects of those freeholds were conscripted at ages 45-55). Service was for 12 months; this was in addition to the traditional 56 days’ of levied feudal or provincial service for which Ratikkans were traditionally liable.[3] The term increased to 15 months in Needfest 564 when it became obvious that the Bone March invaders would continue their attacks and that replacements would never come from the Great Kingdom.[4]   

         In the Fall of 565, Lexnol reorganized II Legion’s remnants into a new regular army. What was left of the 2nd - 10th regiments became the basis for Lexnol’s new-style 225-man infantry companies using the same number as its progenitor regiment. A 1st Company absorbed any leftovers. Four of 1st Regiment’s companies became the 1st - 4th Cavalry Companies, one company became the Marine Company, and the other companies provided personnel for three sapper platoons and various spellcaster, craftsmen, scout, and staff officer elements.[5] At the same time, Lexnol ended direct commissioning of the sons of nobles and military officers,  personally selecting candidates for the rank of tribune (increasingly called “subalterns”) on a merit basis, to serve for a period of time in a junior capacity before eventual commissioning, which was also to be on a strict merit basis (at least in theory).[6]

      The term of conscription increased to 18 months in 571, while 2-year enlistments replaced the old 25-year enlistments. All human and part-human males who were subjects of the 11 freeholds were expected to begin their active-duty service before their 20th birthday; the age for dwarves and gnomes was 45; for elves, 125. Subjects of the Dwarven, Gnomish, and Elven communities were not liable to conscription in the regular army (although many volunteered), but were liable for service with their home communities.

         Ratik faced continued attacks from the Bone March, but conscription and mercenary enlistments kept pace with losses. Initially, Bone March exiles were Ratik’s primary source for “foreign” recruits, but barbarians from the north enlisted in increasing numbers after the Ratik-Frutzi treaty. The army formed four new “volunteer borderer” companies (units accepting only Ratikkans who volunteered for two years of active duty) and two new sapper platoons. With time, there were enough veterans to provide each active volunteer borderer company with a reserve company.[7] Due to the transfer of subjects to provide cadres for the volunteer borderer companies, the 10 infantry companies now consisted primarily of conscripts and mercenaries. To a lesser extent, the same was true of the cavalry (see Appendix 5). The Archbaron also recruited mercenary units for specific missions on a temporary basis (e.g, Queg’s band from the Wavewyrm in 578[8]).

         Ratik’s victorious army captured over 1,000 Bone Marchers at the Battle of the Loftwood (Summer of 578). A few, selected by alignment and ability, enlisted directly into the regular army, but most of them joined four new penal companies, while a few prisoners, who needed more training (or reforming), were kept back, and later served as replacements. Volunteers from the regulars and provincial levies provided the cadre. The reformed brigands served 5-year terms in return for a pardon. To keep the penal companies up to strength, they were renamed “probation” companies in Wealsun 583, accepting not only prisoners of war, but soldiers who had been court martialed.[9] Due to many of the original recruits completing their term of service (and thus receiving their pardons), companies were deactivated in Patchwall 583, Growfest 587, and Richfest 587; the latter two partly due to losses in the Kalmar Pass disaster in 586.[10]   Halflings were previously exempted from military service (most were non-subjects from the Bone March, anyway). In 581, they were conscripted (by the age of 22) into a skirmisher company. This unit provided the officer and NCO cadre for an additional company at the beginning of 586.[11]

        Facing the old crush of manpower at the beginning of the Greyhawk Wars, Lexnol authorized the conscription of unmarried women between the ages of 20-25 for a period of 3 months (without initial entry training) in the Summer of 583 (females had hitherto been accepted as 2-year volunteers). The intent was for women to fill new service support positions (e.g., cook, maid, etc., one per platoon), fill garrison detachments, and to increase the number of potential spellcaster recruits; a few (mostly from the upper classes) served as soldiers in fighting platoons (particularly the cavalry). Lexnol extended the term of service to 6 months, including initial entry training, in Growfest 585. This was extended to 12 months for Brewfest 586.[12]


    Ratik’s Personnel Resources 

         In 578 CY, about 1,379 Ratikkan human males, 9 gnomish males, 12 dwarvish males, and 12 “miscellaneous” males (mostly half-humans) became available for military service in the 11 freeholds. Of those, 238 of the humans, 1 gnome, and 1 dwarf did not serve (either rejected for service, or somehow dodged), while 18 human and 1 half-orc recruit were detailed to garrison service. This left 1,112 humans, 8 gnomes, 11 dwarves, and 11 “others” for full, active-duty service. Over time, these numbers grew through natural population increase and the acceptance of increasing numbers of Bone March refugees as subjects.[13] Only 19 percent of the male Ratikkan population was either relegated to garrison service, rejected for military service outright, or managed to avoid active duty service. Ratik’s finances may have been in order, but the manpower pool was dry.[14]   

         Additionally, 783 “outsiders” (anyone from outside the 11 freeholds) enlisted for “human” units and 43 (mostly dwarves and gnomes) enlisted for the sappers. In the case of the dwarves, gnomes, and elves, most of the “outsiders” were subjects of Ratik, but came from the various demihuman communities, which had a certain amount of autonomy regarding military service.  Some of the human outsiders were Bone March refugees who were not subjects of Ratik. Other “outsiders” were foreign mercenaries who tended to arrive better trained and more experienced, than natives [i.e., foreigners tend to be something other than 1st level Commoners]. The archbaron could grant Ratikkan subjecthood to foreigners, but this was normally only done for valorous, or long (25 years’), service, although it was sometimes granted to fill certain positions e.g. craftsmen, spellcasters, or scouts which required subjecthood. Later, Bone Marchers who volunteered (as to opposed to being sent) to the probation companies became subjects after five years of honorable service. (See Appendix 1 for additional details)


    Selection Standards & Initial Entry Training

    The Fest Games: 

         Every fest week, local communities held games, culminating in one held in each of Ratik’s five military districts. These included contests for the local missile weapons (sling, bow, and/or crossbow), fencing, weightlifting, caber toss, sprinting, and an obstacle course.[15] The Western, South-Western, and Central districts held jousting and equestrian steeplechase events (to test potential cavalrymen), and the Central districts held swimming events (for the marines). The military noted each participant’s performance with an eye to determining future postings for military service, including selection for tribune/subaltern. 

    Selection at Initial Entry Training: 

         Recruits appeared at the district rendezvous on the first of the month after the fest. The instructors were a combination of called-up militia, volunteer borderer reservists, retirees, and regulars from each local unit. First, the recruits went through some basic tests. All roles took the recruits’ weightlifting and carrying abilities into account to ensure that they could handle the gear associated with their role. Initial entry training was brief (see below), so there was a lot of reliance on pre-military skills. Those who became missile troops (including volunteer borderers) showed some sort of proficiency with either the bow, crossbow, or sling (all commonly used for hunting and competition in Ratik). Cavalry candidates proved their equestrian skills. Marines had to have Ordinary Seamen certifications and proved the ability to swim with weapons and armor. Craftsmen were certified Apprentices (at least). Spellcasters were at least capable of casting cantrips or orisons. Marines, volunteer borderers, craftsmen, spellcasters, and subalterns were 2-year volunteers. Volunteer Borderers and subalterns also had to be subjects of Ratik; being a subject was not a prerequisite for becoming a spellcaster or craftsman, but it was preferred. Craftsmen, spellcasters, and subalterns were literate in Common, and had the archbaron’s recommendation. Subaltern candidates passed a written test of military knowledge, underwent a reference check, then faced a personal interview with the Lexnol himself. 

         For some jobs, the typical recruit greatly exceeded minimum standards. The supply of willing candidates versus the small number of openings ensured that most of the recruits who became apprentice craftsmen were actually journeymen—this was particularly true for blacksmiths, amongst whom non-humans were a majority. All of those accepted as spellcasters could cast 1st level spells.

          In some cases, there were additional, unstated preferences. Any proficiency with ballistae or catapults was preferred for marine and sapper recruits. Sappers were almost entirely recruited from dwarves and gnomes, while the infantry, borderers, cavalry, and the marines were almost entirely human (or part human). Evaluators preferred stealth skills and fieldcraft for volunteer borderers. Finally, even though Archbaron Lexnol tried to be fair, family connections and charm inevitably played some role with anyone who needed his recommendation. 

         Manpower for garrison units that guarded certain archbaronial installations came from two sources. The first source were conscripts who did not meet the standard for service in other units, but are nonetheless judged suitable for limited military service. The NCOs and officers for garrison units came from veterans who have served honorably but had been physically debilitated in some fashion, since “Heal” and “Regenerate” spells are hard to come by. The position was meant to be something of something of a sinecure. 

         The instructors usually decided which recruit went to which unit on the first Freeday after the beginning of initial entry training, factoring in reports from any previous militia and levy service (or from service in other armies, or employment entities, in the case of mercenaries), previous certifications, performance during the fest games, and their training up to that point. The instructors also sent reports on subaltern candidates to the archbaron. (See Appendix 2 for additional details) 

    Initial Entry Training: 

         Initial entry training was designed to develop and evaluate a recruit’s discipline, physical fitness, skill-at-arms and armor, and some ability to campaign and fight as a member of a squad.[16] After the first week, the instructors might modify a recruit’s assignment based on their continued training. Sometimes, deficient recruits slipped through. Standards might also be waived simply to fill a slot, particularly if the recruit barely missed a weight-lifting carrying-capacity standard (the soldier just had to develop some stamina). People who were otherwise fully qualified occasionally failed through carelessness, and there were occasional attempts at cheating (or sandbagging), but the Powers-That-Be had plenty of time to investigate a recruit’s background, and in extreme cases, they had access to “Detect (Alignment)” and “Zone of Truth” spells determine the recruit’s trustworthiness. In some cases, the evaluators waived a standard if they thought the recruit was simply sandbagging to avoid a job, or bucking for an outright exemption, then noted the apparent lack of motivation. 

         At the end of initial entry training, the recruits went to their units, ready or not, although the vast majority of recruits were at least proficient with their basic weapon. Those few who were selected for the officer track were promoted to subaltern on graduation. 

         Despite the chaotic alignment tilt of Ratik’s population, most Ratikkans showed up for active-duty service (over 80 percent during the 570s), and the desertion rate for Ratik subjects was less than 2 percent per year during the same period. In part, this was because of the obvious threat from the Bone March, and because both the Suel and Oeridian strains of Ratik culture tie military service to manly worthiness (albeit in different ways).[17] 

         The same teams that evaluated and trained cavalry recruits (in the Marner, Ratikhill, and Rakers cohorts) were also responsible for acquiring and training horses. The freehold of Cormik is the closest that Ratik came to “horse country”, so many mounts were imported from elsewhere, making Ratik’s cavalry arm relatively small as a consequence.[18] About 10 percent of horses were replaced every year due to aging and illness, with a few others lost in battle.[19]

    (See Appendix 3 for additional details) 



    Author Unknown (presumably the Nyrond triad for the Living Greyhawk Campaign). Nyrond Gazeteer 593. [military descriptions as of 592 CY] 

    Author Unknown (presumably the Ratik triad for the Living Greyhawk Campaign). Ratik Gazeteer 593

    Abbott, Peter and Nigel Thomas. Germany’s Eastern Front Allies. London: Osprey Publishing, 1982: Reprint 1985.

    Bambra, Jim. The Complete Book of Dwarves. Lake Geneva: TSR, 1993.

    Breault, Mike and Thomas M. Reid. Glory of Rome. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR, 1993. 

    Bartlett, Clive. English Longbowman. London: Osprey, 1995. 

    Bukhari, Emir. Napoleon’s Dragoons and Lancers. Botley, Oxford: Osprey Publishing, 1976. 

    Bukhari, Emir. Napoleon’s Hussars. London: Osprey Publishing, 1978. 

    Collins, Noonan, and Stark. Complete Warrior. Renton, WA: Wizards of the Coast, 2003. 

    Collins, McDermott, and Schubert. Heroes of Battle. Renton, WA: Wizards of the Coast, 2003. 

    Cook, David. (Greyhawk) Wars. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR, 1991. 

    Cook, Monte, and Jonathan Tweet, Skip Williams. Dungeon Master’s Guide (v. 3.5). Renton, WA: Wizards of the Coast, 2003. 

    Cook, Monte, and Jonathan Tweet, Skip Williams. Player’s Handbook (v. 3.5). Renton, WA: Wizards of the Coast, 2003. 

    Cruel Summer Lord, “Living Greyhawk Gazetteer Addendum: The Aerdy East, Part 3”, Canonfire. (posted 10 JUL 2004), see “Ratik”. Accessed 27 SEP 2019: 

    D’Amato, Rafaele. Roman Centurions 31 BC- AD 500. Oxford: Osprey Publishing, 2012. 

    Durham, Keith.  The Border Reivers. Oxford: Osprey Publishing, 1995. 

    Fosten, Bryan. Wellington’s Light Cavalry. Botley, Oxford: Osprey Publishing, 1982. 

    Fosten, Bryan. Wellington’s Heavy Cavalry. Botley, Oxford: Osprey Publishing, 1982. 

    Fowler, Jeffery. Axis Cavalry in World War II. Botley, Oxford: Osprey Publishing, 2001. 

    Gygax, Gary. Dungeon Master’s Guide [AD&D1]. No place of publishing given; presumably Lake Geneva, WI: TSR, 1979. 

    Gygax, Gary. “Developments from Stonefist to South Province”, Dragon #57 (January 1982): pp. 13-16. 

    Gygax, Gary. A Guide to the World of Greyhawk Fantasy Setting. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR, 1983. 

    Gygax, Gary. Glossography for the Guide to the World of Greyhawk Fantasy Setting. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR, 1983. 

    Gygax, Gary. Monster Manual [AD&D1]. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR, 1977; Reprint 1979. 

    Gygax, Gary. Saga of Old City. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR, 1985. 

    Gygax, Gary. “Warhorses and Barding”, Dragon Magazine #74 (June 1983): pp. 4, 6.

    Henson, Dale. Howl from the North. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR, 1991. 

    Holian, Gary, Erik Mona, Sean K. Reynolds, and Frederick Weining, Living Greyhawk Gazetteer. Renton, WA: Wizards of the Coast, 2000. 

    Lau, Matt, Empty Coffers RTK[m]3-03 Living Greyhawk Ratik Regional Adventure. 

    Lau, Matt. Enemy Lines RTK[m]2-05 Living Greyhawk Ratik Regional Adventure. 

    Lau, Matt. Reflections RTK 0-01 Living Greyhawk Ratik Regional Adventure. 

    Lau, Matt, Scalphunt RTK[m]3-01 Living Greyhawk Ratik Regional Adventure.

    Lau, Matt. The Ungoblin RTK 3-05 Living Greyhawk Ratik Regional Adventure. 

    Lau, Matt. The Whispering Tide RTK 3-06 Living Greyhawk Ratik Regional Adventure. 

    Lavery, Brian. Nelson’s Navy. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press; Reprint London: Conway Maritime Press, 1989. 

    Kuntz, Rob. “The Great Kingdom and the Knights of Doom”, Dragon #59 (March 1982): pp. 24-25. 

    McNab, Chris. The Roman Army. NY: Metro Books, 2013; Reprint Osprey Publishing, 2010. 

    Michael, Nicholas. Armies of Medieval Burgundy. London: Osprey Publishing, 1983; Reprint 1989. Art by Gerry Embleton. 

    Mohan, Kim. Advance Dungeon & Dragons Wilderness Survival Guide. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR, 1986. 

    Nicolle, David. Arthur and the Anglo-Saxon Wars. London: Osprey Publishing, 1984. Art by Angus McBride. 

    Phillips, T.R., ed. The Roots of Strategy, Epitome of Military Science by Flavius Vegetius Renatus. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1985. 

    Salas, Dan. “Rel Mord”, Fate of Istus. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR, 1989. 

    Sargent, Carl. Atlas of the Flanaess: From the Ashes. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR, 1992. 

    Sargent, Carl. The Marklands. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR, 1993. 

    Sargent, Carl, and Rik Rose. Greyhawk: Folk, Feuds, and Factions. Lake Geneva, TSR, 1989. 

    Simkins, Michael. The Roman Army for Caesar to Trajan. London: Osprey Publishing, 1984; Reprint 1998. 

    Baker, Rich and Skip Williams.  Combat and Tactics [AD&D2]. No Place of Publishing given; presumably Lake Geneva, WI: TSR, 1995. 

    Wilson, Johnny. “Prying Eyes”, Dragon #303 (January 2003): pp. 72-78. 



    [1] Author Unknown (presumably the Nyrond triad for the Living Greyhawk Campaign), Nyrond Gazeteer 593, “Military Organization and Composition”;

        Rafaele D’Amato, Roman Centurions 31 BC- AD 500, (Oxford: Osprey Publishing, 2012), 3-5;  

        Gary Gygax, A Guide to the World of Greyhawk Fantasy Setting (Lake Geneva, WI: TSR Inc., 1983), p. 23; 

      Rob Kuntz, “The Great Kingdom and the Knights of Doom”, Dragon #59 (March 1982: 24-25, 24-25; 

       Chris McNab, The Roman Army (NY: Metro Books, 2013; Reprint Osprey Publishing, 2010), 146, 152; 

      Michael Simkins, The Roman Army for Caesar to Trajan (London: Osprey Publishing, 1984; Reprint 1998), 10. 

       Using the Nyrond Gazeteer as a basis, I use the Imperial Roman Legions as the likely model for the Great Kingdom’s military system, but with modifications. The Nyrond Gazeteer’s legions average 10 companies per “regiment” (an Imperial Roman cohort had five or six centuries), but this is in line with Gygax, who notes: “. . .the Overking’s Companion Guard consists of 10 select companies of various arms…” Kuntz also describes multi-company formations as “regiments”. Gygax and Kuntz may have been inspired by late 18th Century – mid-19th Century British (or American) use. I figure each of II Legion’s companies had 60 men, except for 4 cavalry companies in the 1st cohort, which had 30 men each (somewhat like the Roman equivalent). That the kingdom’s northernmost defenders were the Second Legion is my invention, inspired by Legio II Augusta in Roman Britain and the 2nd Infantry Division in the Republic of Korea. 

    [2] Carl Sargent, Atlas of the Flanaess: From the Ashes (Lake Geneva, WI: TSR, Inc., 1992), p. 34. 

        A reasonable surmise from “…Ratik’s relationship with the Great Kingdom cooled following the succession of the House of Naelax in the Kingdom, which increasingly neglected this little state.” 

    [3] Carl Sargent, The Marklands (Lake Geneva, WI: TSR, Inc., 1993), 11. 

       Sargent describes Furyondy’s feudal service as the “traditional two months each year.” I assume that two months (56 days) was probably the old Great Kingdom’s typical military service requirement for feudal or provincial service (sort of like England or Scotland’s 40 days per year). 

    [4] Gary Holian, Erik Mona, Sean K. Reynolds, and Frederick Weining, Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, (Renton, WA: Wizards of the Coast, 2000), 35. 

         The Bone March “ceased to be part of that empire after 563 CY”, and presumably, Ratik along with it, if not before. 

    [5] Gygax, A Guide to the World of Greyhawk Fantasy Setting, 32; 

       Nicholas Michael, Armies of Medieval Burgundy (London: Osprey Publishing, 1983; Reprint 1989), pp. 12-13, table on pp. 12-13, Table B on p. 13, p. 11, 12-13. 

        First, 225 men per company seems to have been inspired by Charles the Bold’s Ordinannces of 1473. As to gear, “the baronial levies consist of schiltrons of spearmen and a small force of light cavalry… A force of men-at-arms, crossbowmen, and mounted sergeants comprise the regular arm of Ratik, with bow armed woodmen patrolling the north and sling-equipped hillrunners watching the southern borders.” Spearmen and light cavalry are typically more “regular army”, while men-at-arms and sergeantry are more associated with levies, but Charles the Bold’s Ordinannces of 1473 did have men-at-arms in the regular army. So, are the crossbowmen supposed to be mounted? Maybe EGG got dyslexic and reversed the two? Or maybe that was the Table of Organization before 576 CY, to the best of the Savant Sage’s knowledge? Maybe the TO&E evolved slightly over time?  It does confirm that the following weapons were in use: Crossbow, Sling; Bow; Spear. 

         Gary Gygax, “Developments from Stonefist to South Province”, Dragon #57 (January 1982): pp. 13-16, 14. 

         Gygax’s description of the regulars as “the standing army of 2,250 foot and 500 horse” seems to confirm my idea that the infantry and light cavalry are the regulars. To square the circle a little, I assume that nobles and gentry disproportionately join the cavalry when they serve, and might therefore be (self-equipped) as medium or heavy cavalry. Incidentally, it would ease the transition between active military service and the levies if both had similar organizations. 

    [6] Author Unknown, Nyrond Gazeteer 593, “Military Organization and Composition”. 

       For 582-592 CY, “Tribune” is the starting rank for all officers and spellcasters in Nyrond, where the rank of tribune is roughly comparable to a lieutenant in the U.S. Army or U.S.M.C (O1 or O2). In the Roman Imperial Army, “Tribune” equated to anything between a 2nd lieutenant (O2) and a lieutenant colonel (O5). I assume that Lexnol would have made commissioning somewhat more meritocratic when he reformed so many other things. I am not crazy about the title “tribune” for Ratik (or Nyrond, for that matter), so I figure there was a shift toward the term “subaltern”.

    [7] Gygax, “Developments from Stonefist to South Province”, 15; 

          Michael, Armies of Medieval Burgundy, pp. 12-13, table on pp. 12-13, Table B on p. 13, p. 11, 12-13. 

          By 578, “the standing army of 2,250 foot and 500 horse was augmented by four companies of borderers (900 men) and the cadres for four more such units.” 

       The infantry and volunteer borderer companies seem to have 225 men per company, which just happens to be the strength of Charles the Bold’s 1473 Ordinnance companies.

       Since Ratik’s human population pool was already a bit “dry”, I assumed that the cadre were for recalled reservists. 

    [8] Gygax, “Developments from Stonefist to South Province”, 15. 

         “The newly proclaimed Archbaron of Ratik frantically organized his forces after the joint Ratikker-Frutzi foray into the Bluefang-Kelten.” 

      Gygax mentions Queg’s (apparently free-lance) band defending the Ratikkan left at the battle of the Loftwood.; I invented the name of Queg’s vessel for my own campaign (three PCs served on her). 

    [9] Gygax, “Developments from Stonefist to South Province”, 16; 

        Simkins, The Roman Army for Caesar to Trajan, 8. 

       “About 1,000 [captured Bone Marchers] were willing to join the Archbaron’s army…” I assumed that 1,000 would be a large number to absorb into the units after seriously wounded troops returned to duty and the arrival of new recruits to the units in Readyreat. The Battle of the Loftwood occurred on 14 Reaping in my campaign. 

    [10] Author Unknown, Ratik Gazeteer 593, “Ancient History”; 

         Holian, Mona, Reynolds, and Weining, Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, 91. 

         Holian et al describe most of the lost as Bone Marchers. That implies independent émigré outfits, but I figure some of the losses could have been from the probation units. 

    [11] Author Unknown, Ratik Gazeteer 593, “House Optwall” and “Notable Sites in Ratik”;   

           Sargent, Atlas of the Flanaess, Reference Card #2 (585 CY); 

           Gygax, A Guide to the World of Greyhawk Fantasy Setting, 3, 18, 32 (576 CY); 

           Holian, Mona, Reynolds, and Weining, Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, p. 89 (591).       

        No halflings are listed for Ratik’s population in 576 and 585. Ratik’s 591 CY population includes 8,310 halflings, so I had to do something with all those new halflings. The Ratik Gazeteer seems to assume that the halflings arrived recently: Lord Erik of Optwall “has made good friends with the leaders of halfling communities that have set up residence in his lands”, including at Hobniz End. Recent Halfling exiles from the Bone March or the Rakers would explain why the Halfling population saw a disproportionate increase vis a vis the other races between 576 and 591.

    [12] Sargent, Atlas of the Flanaess, p. 34;    

        Matt Lau, Enemy Lines RTK[m]2-05 Living Greyhawk Ratik Regional Adventure, p. 3;  

        Matt Lau, Scalphunt RTK[m]3-01 Living Greyhawk Ratik Regional Adventure, p. 5.  

         Sargent: “Ratik men and women are all militarily trained, and conscription is universal” ias of the Spring of 585CY, presumably meaning universal military service for both sexes. Conscription for women is not mentioned for women in 576 or 578, so it probably came after 578. In 592, Lau describes five male and female soldiers serving together as (apparently) infantry. In 593, Lau describes a patrol of “Loftwood Foresters” with both male and female members, but they are not Ratikkan troops (see Matt Lau, Empty Coffers RTK[m] 3-03 Living Greyhawk Ratik Regional Adventure, p.5, where the foresters wish to ally with Ratik).

     [13] Sargent, Atlas of the Flanaess, Reference Card #2 (585 CY); 

        Gygax, A Guide to the World of Greyhawk Fantasy Setting, 3, 18, 32 (576 CY);    

        Holian, Mona, Reynolds, and Weining, Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, p. 89 (591 CY). 

        Ratik’s 576 CY is listed as: “35,000” “total human population”; “8,000 +” Mountain Dwarf “fighting males” (see definition p. 18); “3,000 + Gnome” “fighting males”.p. 32; definition of “fighting males” is on p. 18 off the Glossography. The definition for “total human population” is on p. 3, which does not include garrisons. 

        Ratik’s 585 CY population is listed as 36,000 Humans; 8,000 Dwarves; 3,000 Gnomes; 

        Ratik’s 591 CY population is listed as 109,415 humans; 8,864 mountain dwarves; 2,216 hill dwarves; 8,310 halflings; 4,155 elves; 2,770 gnomes; 1,385 half-elves; 1,385 half-orcs on LGG, p. 89. 

         The 1,379 male humans coming of age every year is about what Ratik is less than Ratik would need to go from 35,000 humans in 578 CY to 109,415 in 591 CY, even allowing for a very high rate of births, and a low rate of deaths, but not impossible rates. I assume, however, that some of the population increase between 576 and 591 came from naturalization of Bone March exiles.    

    [14] Gygax, “Developments from Stonefist to South Province”, 14. 

     “The manpower pool of the Archbarony was totally dry in 577.” …and presumably in 578 as well.   

    [15] Matt Lau, Reflections RTK 0-01 Living Greyhawk Ratik Regional Adventure, pp. 2-3. 

         Reflections includes an example of local Needfest games during the early 590s. Many of the participants might not have served yet, which might explain the apparent preponderance of Commoners. 

    [16] McNab, The Roman Army, 152-153 (on IET); 

        T.R. Phillips, ed., The Roots of Strategy, Epitome of Military Science by Flavius Vegetius Renatus (Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1985), 75, 80-94, 103, 118-119, 132, 143, 149-150, 171-172; 

        Simkins, The Roman Army for Caesar to Trajan, 9-10. 

       I figure the Ratikkans would try to maintain the classic Great Kingdom’s training standards, but there’s only so much you can do in month; Continuing the Rome-Great Kingdom analogy, the initial entry training for the Roman Legions was typically four months (close to the current for US Army or USMC for combat arms), at the start of up to 25 years of active duty.   

    [17] Cruel Summer Lord, “The Aerdy East, Part 3” see “Ratik: Society and Culture”: 

         Ratik is a mix of Suel and Oerid culture. 

    [18] Author Unknown, Ratik Gazeteer 593, “House Cormik” (“The peasant families who lie here [Cormik] raise a wide variety of crops and livestock.”).

          I assume that a wide varietyof livestock includes horses. This is the closest that any of Ratik’s freeholds came to being described as horse producing. 

    [19] Bryan Fosten, Wellington’s Light Cavalry (Botley, Oxford: Osprey Publishing, 1982), 25-27; 

         Bryan Fosten, Wellington’s Heavy Cavalry (Botley, Oxford: Osprey Publishing, 1982), 21. 

         Most cavalry horses were 3-12 years’ of age during the Napoleonic era. I don’t see why it would much different in the Flanaess. Maybe we need age tables for horses… 


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    Re: Ratik’s Military 576-586 Common Year Part I (Score: 1)
    by Longetalos on Tue, November 09, 2021
    (User Info | Send a Message | Journal)
    The population figures in earlier than LGG published sources is for Able-bodied people only. The LGG counts the total population.  That might explain the large jump in the population figures you have for Ratik.

    Re: Ratik’s Military 576-586 Common Year Part I (Score: 1)
    by jamesdglick on Wed, November 24, 2021
    (User Info | Send a Message) http://
    In my case, I'm still in 578, so I could always modify what comes later. However, Gygax's original uses "fighting population" for demi-humans (p. 18 in the Glossography), but apparently uses "total population" for humans (p. 3), also implied by the calculations to determine the fighting population (10%, etc). LGG references the DMG for determining population (p. 19). I don't have the D&D 3 DMG, but the DMG 3.5 version defines the community populations as "Adult Population", not "All Population" (see table 5-2), so I assume that the figures follow that definition. 

    Either way, even if you're right, my text (which is rather vague) would still be right, even if I have to modify my endnotes (which are detailed). I'm open to changing my mind.

    BTW, Someone actually read my tome. Hurrah!


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