Keoish Intelligence Report from the Pomarj |
Posted on Tue, September 16, 2003 by Trickster |
Osmund-Davizid writes "Much has been written regarding the expansion of Turrosh Mak’s empire to the north along the Wild Coast. But little reliable information has been recorded regarding his western front, the Disputed Territories of the Principality of Ulek, or of changes within the Pomarj itself. Keoish agents have recently returned to Niole Dra with updates from within this dark land. This information has been spread to government agents of Keoland, the Principality of Ulek and the City of Greyhawk. Adventurers with appropriate connections to law enforcement, military, or intelligence agencies of any of these three nations can have access to the following information. Much of the news and locations described below have not yet become public knowledge.
Keoish Intelligence Report from the Pomarj By: Osmund-Davizid Used with Permission. Do not repost without obtaining prior permission from the author. Intelligence Report on Recent Developments in the Pomarj
An excerpt from the debriefing report of King’s Agent Osmund Davizid regarding his mission to reconnoiter the Pomarj and the surrounding lands and waters:
Fellow officers and agents of the Lion Throne, I report to you the results of my three month long survey into the lands held by the forces of the despot Turrosh Mak. A party of agents and I infiltrated the Pomarj through the northern tip of Ulek and made our way to the port city of Blue, where we were extradited by a disguised Keoish ship. I will now report to you in roughly chronological order the most notable and/or militarily significant aspects of the disputed territories of Ulek and the Pomarj.
The Border Forces: The easiest place to enter the disputed territories is through the northern borders. It is here where the most undisciplined and chaotic forces at Mak’s disposal are stationed. Turrosh Mak knew that his human troops would be more likely to have the patience for a protracted conventional military campaign then the majority of his humanoid forces. But outside of the lawful worshippers of the Earth Dragon (a minor deity that many of Mak’s human followers worship), the majority of the humans of the Pomarj were chaotic worshipers of Erythnul. Mak considered the chaotic rabble of humanity to be the fodder thrown at the dwarves of Ulek in the first few waves. By the various whims of war, several large contingents of these chaos-bringers survived and continue their murderous ways to this date.
One of the largest surviving bands of “the Many" is led by the blood crazed warrior-priest Bruvas Ribcracker of Erythnul. He is known throughout the disputed territories as a leader of both men and humanoids of unparalleled wanton cruelty. His private army is almost a power unto itself, a mixture of gnolls, men, and bugbears with a sprinkling of ogres and minotaurs as well. Ribcracker has a personal bodyguard of five trolls to include one of the giant two headed variety and wields a great mace and spiked shield with frightening effect1. Ribcracker keeps his troops busy with almost continual attacks on the dwarf armies in the hills across from him. Mak keeps reinforcing this area with his malcontents and Ribcracker gleefully sends them into the fray as fodder while saving his own forces as shock troops. This brute of a priest is not to be underestimated, as he is wily, cunning, and fearless as well as completely merciless and bloodthirsty.
The Briar Maze: In the central area of what was once the Prinzfeld province of Ulek, a mighty botanical horror is being created, a living maze of briars and thorn hedges that house an unusually large and organized clan of minotaurs. These minotaurs have a distinctive tattoo of a man with a snake’s tail instead of legs and great bat wings on their chests. I took this as a holy symbol of their chosen deity, as it matched descriptions of a devilish archduke who has been rumored to have a following among the more lawfully aligned minotaurs2.
This minotaur clan spearheaded the force that broke the militia and regular forces of Prinzfeld at the very start of the Greyhawk Wars. These creatures had originally dwelt in some of the deepest and darkest recesses of the forest before the wars, and came out in force once Turrosh Mak began his invasion. Once the fighting ceased, the minotaurs retrieved the rest of their clan from their forest home and began to create a huge, over ground maze of thorns and briars in which to live. The hedgerows that form the walls of the maze average about eight feet tall, just barely at a comfortable height for the minotaurs. An abortive initial attempt to reconnoiter the maze has uncovered the fact that the minotaurs supplement their already confusing home with a large number of pit traps, dead ends, and trapped animals left to wander in the maze. There is an extensive system of tunnels (perhaps the remains of old halfling burrows) that run underneath the maze and form a second labyrinth under the first, with holes that lead to the surface at various points throughout the maze. It is clear that to reach some specific points in the maze, you must enter the maze, descend into the under labyrinth, navigate through the tunnels, and climb out again to the surface. There were several chambers that were entirely closed off from the rest of the surface maze and only accessible from the underground tunnels.
The briar hedges that make up the maze itself are freakishly thick and hardy3. I theorize that the minotaurs imported some unwholesome Suss Forest growth and somehow made it flourish in the fertile soil of Prinzfeld. The hedges have grown at an incredible rate, leading me to further surmise that some type of magic must be augmenting the growth. Perhaps some shaman of the minotaurs has somehow gained power over the plant sphere of spells, or maybe an imprisoned or evil-minded druid assists in the briar’s growth rate. I have witnessed the minotaurs forcing slave gangs to plant more rows of the hedges to expand the maze. They apparently also periodically reshape portions of the maze from time to time by chopping out sections of the hedges and replanting them in different formations.
The hedges themselves partially resist fire, and as an added precaution the minotaurs regularly dump buckets of a sticky poison on the thorns. This poison has the property of giving mild hallucinations coupled with drowsiness4. The drying of the poison releases its vapors into the air. The vaporous form of the poison is less effective than if it is injected into the blood (such as when you prick yourself with a coated thorn). The hallucinations typically are of the senses distorting variety, causing the victim’s depth perception to wildly alter, further confusing attempts to map. The source of the poison is at this time a mystery. I have saved a sample of it for analysis by the learned sages at Niole Dra, but they have yet to determine the source, except to say it is from some kind of as yet unclassified mold or fungus.
Presently the maze spreads out almost a half a mile in each direction. There are at least five different entrances to the maze, any of them might lead to the center or be merely decoys. Mapping the maze by levitating or flying over it has proved problematic, as there are scores of yeth hounds living near the maze that patrol the skies at night. Goblin archers from the Wormridden Tree tribe have allied themselves to the minotaurs. The goblins guard against spying during the day, sniping at intruders from small platforms that rise out at various points in the maze. Also, much of the maze has overhead cover in the form of crude netting that the minotaurs draped over the briars and hedges. The nets keep the maze cool and shady as well as thwart efforts to map.
Large numbers of minotaurs have been seen entering and exiting the maze through each of the alleged entrances, carrying into it much looted treasure from the devastated countryside. It is rumored among Turrosh Mak’s human soldiery that there is a huge minotaur king ruling from a debauched court in the maze’s center. And that the central chamber is filled with stolen treasure. The minotaurs are known to trade most eagerly with the other humanoid tribes for slaves, paying heavy prices for human female slaves, who are dragged into the maze for unspeakable depravities. There are several copies of maps detailing different sections of the maze circulating among the rabble of the Pomarj’s armies, but most are likely to be complete forgeries or woefully inadequate.
My own attempt to map the interior of the maze met with complete failure, as my party was routed in combat and the map was subsequently lost in the confusion. I thank Pelor’s blessings that my party and I barely escaped with our lives. We were ambushed while traveling in the maze by a large force of goblins led by a couple of minotaurs. They had the advantages of familiarity with the location as well as surprise and they attacked us from several different passages at once. I decided that we could go no further and ordered a fighting retreat back the way we came. The goblins deliberately targeted anyone who was holding papers or scrolls in their hands in order to eliminate our mapping capabilities, which they did with frightening efficiency. We attempted to climb over the hedge walls to flee, but the poisoned thorns wrecked havoc with that plan. We managed our escape by giving up all attempts to be subtle and hacking our way out with axes. The hedges were difficult to cut, it took a long time to cut the smallest of holes to crawl out, and in the end we had to cut through several rows of the maze before we were back out in the light of day. We poisoned ourselves on the thorns, the noise created by our attempts attracted far too much attention from the aforementioned goblin patrols, and the wretched weeds effectively blunted our weapons as to reduce their effectiveness in combat until we had the opportunity to sharpen them.
I recommend a well-equipped force of irregular troops or perhaps adventurers to return to the maze in order to better ascertain the full extent of the maze and the forces within. There are bound to be many more hostages and prisoners deep within the maze yet undiscovered. My party and I managed to ambush a slave caravan bound for the maze and thus saved a dozen human beings from a fate worse than death. I split my party up and had my adjutant take these fortunate souls and smuggle them back through enemy lines (by another miracle of Pelor, they all survived a harrowing escape and are now safely back in Ulek). One of the captives was a captured adventuring swordmistress from Hookhill. She offered to assist us by guiding our way through the rest of the Pomarj, and I am indebted to her for her professionalism and skill in which she completed this task, as well as the invaluable insights and information she was able to provide.
The Occupation Forces: In contrast to the chaotic rabble on the borders, the more orderly soldiers of Mak’s army has been quietly building up defenses in Ulek’s interior (what was once the Deerfield and Grumel provinces). What were just last year fallow fields and empty lands have become cultivated plantations and fortresses throughout the old Ulek provinces.
The human worshippers of the Earth Dragon have taken it upon themselves to restart cultivation of the Ulek lands. Slaves do much of the work, while the overseers are a mixed bunch of humanoid riff raff and warriors of the earth dragon priests. These efforts are very efficient and have already yielded much needed produce for the armies of the Pomarj. I could not confirm it, but agents of the Scarlet Brotherhood most likely have been granting advice and aid to account for the rapid development of the lands.
There are still many acres of land throughout the provinces that remain fallow. These efforts by the Earth Dragon cult reflect only a beginning to the long-term project of controlling the Disputed Territories and setting up a base of logistic support for the armies. But it does represent a significant foothold in the region by the Pomarj forces and reflects the intent of the leadership to continue to hold these lands. The crops grown here are sent in both directions, west to the front line soldiers and east to the cities of the Pomarj.
Ogre Mountain: The name for this forbidding edifice and the surrounding area is a bit of a misnomer, as it is no more than a largish hill in what was formerly the eastern most corner of the Principality of Ulek. Some seven or eight months following the loss of the Ne-Ogard Province of Ulek, a conglomeration of three minor ogre tribes converged on this hilltop in order to celebrate their victory. With these common ogres was a cabal of the so-called “western baklunish ogre” or ogre magi. These wizardly minded ogres struck up a permanent alliance among the three tribes and they merged into one large tribe in order to hold their own against the nearby orc and hobgoblin tribes. The normal ogre tribes joined together to become known as the Great Club tribe, with the ogre magi as their leaders.
This cabal of ogre magi had unusual drive and ambition, as well as creative skills. Within a year, a walled fortress was built upon the top of the hill with the human and dwarf slaves captured in the war. From there the cabal of magi have, in effect, created a minor nation-state. The architecture of the fortress is reminiscent of the pagodas and onion domed towers of Zeif or Ekbir. Presumably the ogre mages retained the knowledge of this type of building from their ancestral homelands in the baklunish west.
Presently, there are over 250 normal ogres in the Great Club Tribe. Their ogre mage masters rarely leave the central tower of their fortress, and refer to themselves as “the Sword Arms of Death”. I was unable to ascertain through either scrying or by reconnaissance the number of ogre magi. The walls of the fortress are of an unusually dense stone that seems to be resistant to scrying and clairvoyance spells5. I received information from an ex slave who was involved in the construction of the fortress itself. She related to me that a circle of at least ten of these magician ogres conducted an elaborate ceremony to make the founding of the fortress official and conducted magical rituals designed to protect their fortress from magic.
I was able to witness the spell casting prowess of one of the magi, for a neighboring orc tribe attempted to muscle in on the ogres’ position while we were in the area. The magus cast a succession of spells that routed the much larger force of orcs, to include balls of fire, forks of lightning, and even a cloudkill spell. Apparently, the ogre magi have spellcasting ability beyond that which is found naturally among their kind, to at least the same degree as a middling human wizard6.
The economy of Ogre Mountain is based on the quarrying and selling of the same dense stone used to build the fortress. Based along the Jewel River, the ogres have set up a crude set of docks and barges in which they can float loads of the stone south to the Pomarj army supply lines and trade routes. The ogres also hire themselves out as mercenaries to other humanoid tribes, as officers of small humanoid unit or simple muscle. The regular ogres bear pendants of bone carved to represent a spiked club. The ogre magi have an elaborate heraldic symbol of a hand brandishing a katana sword on their personal standards and tabards.
Pits of Beltar: A cult of the Suel goddess Beltar has taken over a captured dwarf mine in the ex Ulek province of Grindin. The diggings have been greatly expanded to allow for the various temples, living quarters for priests, and assorted monsters and miners to live and work. This mine has become a hive for several weird monster types, to include a pair of manticores, a chained up hydra, and some hook horrors in the lower depths of the mines.
Surprisingly, there are very few slaves working in these mines. The Beltar priests have an entire xvart clan under their thumb and have convinced these normally slothful and untrustworthy creatures to dig for them. The xvarts have converted to Beltar worship and are completely fanatical in their work. The priests are convinced that a weapon of great power has been buried here by the fleeing Ulek dwarves. The weapon is said to be a blessed hammer of Ulaa with the additional power of being able to bless other weapons several times per day7. The dwarf lord who ruled this area of Ulek fell in battle while conducting a fighting retreat to Havenhill and his most trusted lieutenants fell by his side so the truth concerning this rumor is hard to ascertain. There are few in Ulek who can vouch for the conditions of the mines when it fell, of the whereabouts of the hammer. The cult has uncovered some very rich caches of weapons, armor, and unworked metal bars in various places in the mines, so their theory may well be right. The mines themselves still yield high-grade iron ore, which is readily sent to Stoneheim for use in their forges.
Twisted Forest: Rumors of a lost band of Suel migrants falling afoul of a terrible curse that petrified them keep resurfacing throughout the southern lands. The Twisted Forest, as it is known, is generally thought to be located in a valley far within the Drachensgrab Hills. Most of the Earth Dragon priests have no wish to tempt fate and explore the valley that houses these unfortunates, but a certain wizard in Stoneheim has been making much news in his attempts to get an expedition together to research the location.
The wizard, one Zargus by name, is not working under any official orders from Mak to conduct any research there, so it seems likely that the wizard is a Scarlet Brotherhood agent attempting to communicate with the trapped Suel. As of now, the expedition is still in the formative stages. Presently, the expedition has been delayed by intertribal orcish warfare in the immediate vicinity of Stoneheim, but as soon as Mak’s forces resolve the situation, Zargus intends to move. Zargus is putting a premium on human hirelings as opposed to the goblinoids, so this could be an opportunity for a party of agents to infiltrate the group and divine what Zargus is really up to.
Pirate Lord Targas’ Return: Woe be to the civilized sea powers of the south, for the dreaded pirate lord Targas has escaped from a prison cell in Prymp recently! Targas has returned to his fortified base in Blue and has whipped the ragged navy of the Pomarj into a frightening force to be reckoned with. He has effectively taken over control of the city of Blue from the former ruling council (by striding in and slaying the three members and displaying their heads on pikes). His first priorities were to shore up the city’s defenses, increase trade (with whatever groups will do so with the Pomarj, usually other pirates, rogue merchants, and the Scarlet Brotherhood) and then to aggressively train as many humanoids as possible to become adequate sailors. He has made great initial success in all his goals. The city has prospered and his fleets have raided as far away as Ahlissa and Hardby.
Targas himself is a naval tactician and strategist par excellence with a vast horde of magical might and monetary wealth at his disposal. His personal ship, the Bloodreaver, has many magical modifications to it as well as a staff of three battle mages and a fanatical crew. Targas spends almost half of his time at sea, preying on whatever shipping he can get away with. The Bloodreaver has been painted a rust red color, but all the same has a surprising record of being able to sneak up on and ambush other ships, so perhaps some concealing magic is routinely used in its attacks.
While Targas is away from Blue, he leaves command of the city to a mysterious priest of an unknown sea deity that arrived in Blue at the same time he did. Targas claims that this priest assisted in his escape from Prymp and has been given great leeway to run the city in his absence. A new temple complex is being built near the docks of Blue to the priests’ patron. This priest is known only as “The Deep One” and has been conducting many weird rituals off the coast of the city in conjunction with the different phases of the moons and as different parts of the temple are completed. All manner of crazy rumors are circulating as to what specific deity The Deep One is praying to8. One fact is worth noting; since The Deep One began his ritual chanting and sacrifices, the sahuagin raids on Blue have almost completely ended.
Goblin Priest’s mediation efforts: An exceptionally powerful and charismatic priest of the goblin god Bargrivyek has been touring the lands of the Pomarj in an effort to settle disputes among the various tribes and increase morale. The priest, one Breeyuch by name, travels with a small retinue of bodyguards and followers all throughout the land, preaching cooperation among the goblinoids against the dwarves, elves and men of the civilized world. He is actually respected by many of the goblin leaders as well as by Turrosh Mak and the Earth Dragon Cult, so his message has been heeded for the most part. Disruption of this goblin’s plans should be a high priority to our agents in the area.
Dealings with the sea hobgoblin and ogre tribes: One of the aforementioned goblin priest’s greatest successes was to negotiate alliances with the aquatic humanoid tribes that live off the coastline of the Pomarj. The Red Trident and Shark’s Tooth tribes of koalinth as well as the Killer Barracuda tribe of merrow9 have been instrumental in attacking approaching ships and raiding into neighboring lands. Most notable is the semi blockade of Gryrax that effectively cut trade into that port city by about one quarter this past year before the navies of Keoland and Ulek drove them off. These tribes have also been spotted ranging as far west as Gradsul in their raids. These tribes are acting against their usual natures in keeping such a long-term alliance with surface dwelling creatures. I surmise that as long as the alliance remains profitable for them to keep, they will do so.
Potential trading partner in the Bright Desert: Ships of the Pirate Fleet leaving from Blue have been reported to venturing towards the lands of the Bright Desert heavily laden with trade items (notably wood, foodstuffs, and cloth) and returning with gems and gold. There is no evidence that these ships entered any port along the Woolly Bay or Relmor Bay. Upon further investigation, it has been verified that a large encampment along the southern coast of the Bright Desert, near the Brass Hills, has been utilized as a trading post with the Pomarj pirates. Construction has begun to make a permanent port city at this location10. If indeed, the wizard of the bright Desert means to expand his empire, establishing outside trading posts would be a logical first step. Needless to say, all good aligned nations of the Flanaess should be united in attempting to see that this endeavor does not succeed.
Mordrammo: A strange tale is told by the human slaves of the Pomarj, of the last remaining citizen of Suderham who was cursed by the Earth Dragon to forever wander the land and never know peace. This revenant is said to have been a former high priest of the Earth Dragon Cult and a Slave Lord, named Mordrammo. Mordrammo is rumored to have fled from a group of adventurers who infiltrated the city of Suderham many years ago. As a punishment for his cowardice, he was cast out of the church and now endlessly seeks atonement for his misdeed.
Regardless of the rumors, there is a priest of the Earth Dragon that seems strangely outside the normal hierarchy that has been sighted at various locations throughout the Pomarj. This priest has been described as very powerful, but seemingly does not interact with any of the Pomarj troops or other Earth Dragon Cultists. This priest just reacts if attacked or investigated by others, commanding great power over the earth and elements. The figure often simply observes a Pomarj army in combat, a mining colony, or some other operation and then leaves the area without comment. If this priest is indeed the cursed Mordrammo, the purpose of his observances is as yet unknown and his relationship with the present head of the Earth Dragon Cult is likewise a mystery.
Conclusion: In summation, fellow agents, the Pomarj is home to some of humanity’s (and dwarvendom and elvendom’s) greatest enemies. Ulek suffered because it took the threat of unorganized humanoid rabble too lightly. It is evident that greater forces are at work in the Pomarj and that much more effort needs to be exerted by both Keoland and its allies in gaining intelligence about the area, and more missions targeting the power structure of the land be given greater priority. Turrosh Mak signed no peace accords, and we shall pay a heavy price in the future if we do not act decisively today.
--Osmund Davizid, King’s Agent
In general, statistics for the individual NPCs are up to individual to tailor to fit their campaigns. The timeline has likewise been left open to whatever would be appropriate to your particular campaigns.
1. Ribcracker gained his name from his particular fighting style of aiming his blows at vulnerable spots of his opponents’ armor, usually the joints of the breast plate. This has the effect of breaking loose the armor and shattering the ribs of the unfortunate victim. He decorates his own armor with rib bones taken from slain foes, and the amount of bones he displays gives mute testimony to his power as a warrior.
2. Perhaps the deposed archduke Geryon has cultivated such a following among these minotaurs. Their alignment certainly bears this theory out, as they are mostly Lawful Evil with slight tendencies to Neutral Evil (unusual in minotaurs).
3. These thorns are truly incredible. They grow quickly and have deep roots. They hedge rows are planted so densely together that the thorns resist normal fires (saves at +2) and do not quickly burn when subjected to magical fire. They are so strong as to blunt weapons used to try to cut them (after about 10-12 rounds of chopping, a weapon used in such a manner will be at minus one to damage, cumulative upon further cutting until sharpened). These properties may be natural, the result of some magical experiment, or be some freakish mutation. Further research into the thorns and the poison used on them are in order.
4. The poison in question is weak when in vapor form (plus 2 to saving throws, the saving throw being made upon initial contact with the gas and need not be made again until exit and subsequent reentry of the maze). Saves against the injected form are made normally. The effects are: altered depth perception to the degree that all to hit rolls are made at minus 1, the character experiences dizziness, drowsiness, and double vision until the poison’s effect wears off (typically 1-6 turns) or is cured, and all estimates of distance are mistaken at plus or minus 10 feet or so.
5. The stone itself is 10% resistant to magic. By adding special mortars and using spells in a building’s construction, the level of protection provided against scrying spells can be up to 70%. It is a matter of conjecture that the former dwarves of the region had knowledge of the use of this stone, but it seems highly likely that they did, and would pay dearly to have this particular quarry back in their control or in the alternative, the mines sabotaged.
6. Some of these ogre magi do indeed have wizard skills beyond their natural abilities. None are of high enough level to cast a cloudkill, however (the agent mistook a fog cloud for the poisonous cloud, as was the ogre magi’s intent at the time).
7. The hammer was known as the ‘Blessing Hand of Ulaa’ and had the power to enchant weapons (as per wizard spell, as a 12th level wizard) seven times per day. Otherwise, the hammer has a +2 bonus in combat. The church of Ulaa has sponsored several adventuring parties to attempt to locate and retrieve the hammer, thus far without success.
8. Most frequently ventured names (in hushed tones) include the demon princes Demogorgon and Dagon, as well as the outcast god Panzuriel. The Deep One uses holy symbols of an odd design (much like a stylized eye) in his rituals and speaks in a gurgling voice when chanting. His appearance is also noteworthy, as he is extremely pale with bulging eyes and seems to be covered with some sort slimy excretion all the time. His hands seem to be webbed and he only rarely makes any appearances during the day.
9. All three of these tribes are exceptionally large for this area of the world. The merrow, in particular, are endangering the ecosystem of the waters off Ulek with their voracious feeding habits and disregard for the environment. This perhaps presents a far greater danger then their blockades and raiding.
10. What is interesting about this construction is that Rary is not using his fiendish allies to help build it, and is instead using purely normal labor. Perhaps this is a sign that Rary’s grasp on such summoned creatures is weakening, but that is probably just wishful thinking. More likely is that Rary is just giving more direction and purpose to some of his followers who would otherwise fight each other in the sands of the Bright Desert.
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Re: Keoish Intelligence Report from the Pomarj (Score: 1) by Coldpenguin625 on Tue, September 16, 2003 (User Info | Send a Message) | Very interesting, I'm glad this was posted when it was considering my players have shown some interesting in heading towards the Pomarj (due to some campaign events). I enjoyed the article. |
Re: Keoish Intelligence Report from the Pomarj (Score: 1) by Alaric_Prympax on Wed, September 17, 2003 (User Info | Send a Message) | Very nice. You've given me several ideas. It looks like I'll be redirecting my campaign to include a few adventures here. Thanks! |
Re: Keoish Intelligence Report from the Pomarj (Score: 1) by Mario_Greymist on Wed, September 17, 2003 (User Info | Send a Message) | Great work in introducing adventure hooks and game background. I enjoyed the "intelligence brief" immensely. :)
Looking forward to more from you.
Re: Keoish Intelligence Report from the Pomarj (Score: 1) by Fallon on Mon, September 22, 2003 (User Info | Send a Message) | Great article! Keep up the great work! |
Re: Keoish Intelligence Report from the Pomarj (Score: 1) by Devon on Mon, October 20, 2003 (User Info | Send a Message) | Very, very interesting, considering that my Players HAVE to go into the Pomarj....to stop the re-birth of the Slavelords....... |