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Royal University at Rel Mord
Posted on Mon, May 24, 2004 by Farcluun
GreySeer writes "Despite being renowned flanaess wide, little is known about the Royal University at Rel Mord. The following writeup describes the political situation at the University along with the colleges and campus, and can be useful as flavorful interlude in an ongoing campaign.

Royal University at Rel Mord
By: GreySeer
Used with Permission. Do not repost without obtaining prior permission from the author.

This article is also available at the Nyrond Website, and an outline of the university can be seen on the Map of Rel Mord.

Rel Mord University is a federation of a few different colleges working under a unified charter set aside by royal decree in 268CY. Some of the colleges existed before hand, some have been added afterward. The charter establishes a Council of eighteen members including three representatives from each College, two members from the more recently created Endebar hall, three members appointed by the crown and finally the Chancellor, who is elected every five years.

The university used to be individual groupings of buildings which were close to each other. Over the years these buildings were expanded and eventually merged into a larger eclectic structure which stretches across many city blocks, with a large open area in its center. To the south of the University is the Royal Annals, which is only loosely affiliated with the university. Wandering through the university can be a confusing task, and one easily will get lost in its maze of century old winding and weaving passages and stairs. Each college is fairly independent from each other, and there is much redundancy in curriculum's and areas of study. However, despite this there is still a decidedly unique flavor to each college.

This college is a founding member of the university, and was originally established in 117CY. It continues to have a strong militaristic attitude in its structure, and while it is not a war college, it is best known for its military studies. Students at Hawkwood maintain a strict sense of martial order, and can be seen drilling each morning on the open grounds of the university. These students come from well-todo merchants and noble families.

The Wadroll School is a founding member of the University, and was originally established in 68CY by the Wizards Guild of Rel Mord. Its primary focus is arcane studies.

Hildebard Park is a founding member of the University, and was established in 210 CY as a school for well to do merchants. Their main focus is educating their students on how to behave in civilized society, teaching history, letters as well as the science of business.

The College of Autgarius is a founding member of the University, and is the oldest college of Rel Mord, tracing its roots to -43CY. It was started as a tutoring center for the children of the nobility. It still maintains an elite attitude, and very few students are accepted who do not have a certifiable pedigree of some sort. The College of Autgarius is best known for its History, Arts and Theology curriculums, but it also has a School of Metaphysical studies. This school has been the center of much debate against the Wadroll students, who consider it to be baseless and unfounded. Its primary focus is to try to scientifically analyze and reproduce the arts of the Arcane and even Divine.

Endebar Hall was established by the crown in 523CY as an institute to focus on civil sciences, such as architecture, engineering, agricultural science and road building. Students of Endebar Hall often believe they are the only ones who truly know any form of practical science.

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Re: Royal University at Rel Mord (Score: 1)
by mortellan on Mon, May 24, 2004
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Thanks Seer. This is very reminisent of the writeups for GHC's colleges. Clear and concise.

Re: Royal University at Rel Mord (Score: 1)
by cwslyclgh on Mon, May 24, 2004
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I agree, a nice article that says what it needs to with out a lot of useless wordage. great job.


Re: Royal University at Rel Mord (Score: 1)
by IvorMac on Mon, May 24, 2004
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Thanks for the College ideas, how did you come with the Names?

Re: Royal University at Rel Mord (Score: 1)
by GreySeer on Thu, June 03, 2004
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My wife and I hashed out the names over a few weeks period of time, we worked hard to get a proper flavor with each college that reflected their attitude and areas of expertise. Thanks for the feedback!


Re: Royal University at Rel Mord (Score: 1)
by TheocratIssak ( on Wed, May 26, 2004
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I like what GreySeer writes and as previously posted, this is very concise, however, I think it may be too concise. I like that GS has given us an example of how the university works as well as the individual college focus. However, I would prefer to see a much more indepth explanaition and example of the Autgarius and Wadroll Colleges and their debates. I'd like to understand why the Endebar kids think they are so special.
How is it that the Autgarius college has been able to drain public cofers (which although this isn't mentioned or implied, but something in which I'm taking for granted) since prior to the funding of Nyrond and what results it has come up with on its scientific explanations of both Arcane and Divine magic? This is the primary focus of this particular college, yet, there is nothing more to this than a 19 word sentance.
Why and whom of the crown decided to build yet another aspect of the college in 523? Why not just further the merchant college and expand its current currilum to incorporate engineering, agricultural and road building? I'm not sure, but I'm sure that agriculture must have been one of the first things that were traded. Road building can only further the efforts of trade by making trade routes smoother and quicker, and not to mention easier to protect. This to me seems like an expansion of the current Hilderbard following with thier philosphy of educating for a better civilized society.
I rate this article a 3 out of 5. It has some creativeness to it, and gives an example of what a major college may entail, yet it does not have enough of the crunchy bits that make Greyhawk, the Greyhawk that we know and love.

Re: Royal University at Rel Mord (Score: 1)
by GreySeer on Thu, June 03, 2004
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lots to respond to, sorry for the delay...

Autgarius does need more explanation. They are not only talking about metaphysical magical effects, that is just what they have received a repuation for recently. The abstract breakdown is mostly by social class, with only wadroll being by specific functionality:

Autgarius: noblility (true blue oeridian and suel, primarily)
Hawkwood: mixed nobility and upper class, military bent
Wadroll: wizards guild
Hildebard Park: Merchant class
Endebar Hall: commoner and merchant

I figure the reason behind Endebar Hall was because they needed something done, and the other colleges were too entrenched in beurocracy and in-fighting to do something about it, so a new college was created (probably at the instigation of some well-to-do adventure or family or some such).

I will admit a certain lack of meat; at the time it was designed, it had to fit on a single sidebar. I should spend some more time to add more to it, but it is a little intentionally left open for some interpretation by new judges and writers.


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