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Re: Living Greyhawk Gazetteer Update (Score: 1) by Scottenkainen on Mon, September 10, 2001 (User Info | Send a Message) | "Official" naming is, and always has been, irrelevant. The list Rob Kuntz provided is the one and only correct list of demi-gods imprisoned under Castle Greyhawk, because those WERE the demi-gods imprisoned under Castle Greyhawk. There's no way to even make an issue of it. Erik Mona's guesses, while an interesting exercise, were only an exercise.
Fraz-Urb-Laa is not considered one of the nine demi-gods for two reasons: 1) it's not a demi-god, but a demon prince (albeit an extremely powerful one), and 2) it was imprisoned in a separate area of the dungeons. |
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Re: Living Greyhawk Gazetteer Update (Score: 1) by Herald on Mon, September 10, 2001 (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.puddleton.com | I believe that in the next coming months there will be a new diety named as the mother of Hexator and Heironious as well as the recently killled god of war named in the new chainmail game. Did you have something to do with that naming Erik? |
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