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    Re: The Gnolls of Raef - The Begininng (Score: 1)
    by Abysslin ( on Thu, June 03, 2004
    (User Info | Send a Message | Journal)
    Keep in mind the topic in which this article is categorized, as chosen by the author, is myths and legends which, as we all know, have always been exaggerated throughout every known history.

    I think the article was rather good given the amount of information within its short amount of text.

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    Re: The Gnolls of Raef - The Begininng (Score: 1)
    by Kirt on Thu, June 03, 2004
    (User Info | Send a Message)
    I believe ghouls are a part of Yeenoghu´s portfolio. His realm in the abyss includes many ghouls.


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    Re: The Gnolls of Raef - The Begininng (Score: 1)
    by IvorMac on Fri, June 04, 2004
    (User Info | Send a Message)
    Thank you for the feedback.

    So 500 years and Raef still had much life in her, seems too long.

    Raef's has no actual gnoll lineage. She is of olven and demonic heritage. High elves can live to 1000 years.

    CY reference point using the First Edition Greyhawk CY 1 = 4463 Olven Calendar
    So this was written about 2662 BCY (Before Common Year)

    I deliberately had it written by one of the betrayers trying to make up for his actions.
    It is thus vague and skewed. He was not witness to but tries to chronicle Raef's life from his own limited knowledge. We lots examples of this throughout our own history.
    Democracy is not that modern an idea. Again, there are many variations throughout our global history as humans.

    The issue of the elves and Raef is a simple one. She is an abomination and should not exist is now the olven view of her is portrait.

    Keep the writing in context, the time period and who writing it.
    I mean, how many gnolls do you know can write.

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