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Re: Living Greyhawk Gazetteer Update (Score: 1)
by iquander on Mon, September 10, 2001
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Erik Mona's guesses, while an interesting exercise, were only an exercise.

Depends. If we're talking about trying to find out exactly what Gary did in his personal campaign, I agree that Rob's list is correct (though apparently Gygax has cast some doubt on this, per some other posts I've read--saying that it was "just about" right, or somesuch).

If we're talking about making sense of the overall body of Greyhawk work, much of which was not written by Gygax, however, we've got to start asking questions like this, and jumping through fun rhetorical hoops to solve them (if they really need to be solved).

One thing that bugs me about applying the Gygax campaign list to the published Greyhawk is that it makes Zagyg MUCH, MUCH more powerful. How does a human spellcaster, albeit with the help of Kelanen and Boccob, capture freaking Obad-Hai?

Gary's Greyhawk is not the published Greyhawk. If it was, we'd have Odin running around, portals to Mars, and the "logo" of the Circle of Eight would be an eightball. Gary was clowning around with his buddies, and even he changed certain details before publishing the setting. Why some people want to slavishly stick to what he did in his "rough draft" campaign puzzles me. Not even he bothered to do that.


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Re: Living Greyhawk Gazetteer Update (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Tue, September 11, 2001
By your own words, you state that the list Kuntz gave was incorrect. Many of those listed are not demi-gods, your very first reason for saying Fraz-Urb'Luu couldn't be one of the Nine.

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