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Re: Living Greyhawk Gazetteer Update (Score: 1) by Scottenkainen on Thu, September 13, 2001 (User Info | Send a Message) | Erik did NOT say Kuntz's answer was incorrect. He said it was based on human memory, which is never 100% accurate. No one is suggesting Rob Kuntz's memory is particularly faulty, and certainly no one is accusing him of having fabricated a false list.
Fact: The Rob Kuntz list answers the question "Who were the nine demi-gods captured under Castle Greyhawk?"
Fact: The nine gods listed WERE all demi-gods before their imprisonment. Whether the ones later listed as lesser gods ascended after their imprisonment, because of their imprisonment, or were simply retconned into lesser gods by Gary Gygax because player interest in them seemed to be higher is up to individual interpretation.
The problem here lies in the question being asked, not the answer given. "Who were the nine demi-gods captured under Castle Greyhawk?" is a historical question. The answer is the Rob Kuntz list. "Who should the nine demi-gods captured under Castle Greyhawk have been in published canon?" is a different question, and the one that Erik Mona's article answers.
Lastly, I must say that, if this article had appeared in the Heretic's Nest area, or lacked the words "Final Word" in the title, it would never have got my dander up like this. |
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