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Re: Yecha Hills - Heart of the Tiger Nomads (Score: 1)
by Kirt on Tue, November 23, 2004
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While I respect the purity of your vision, the suggestion that the Tiger Nomads use illusion magic is not just a problem of conflicting sources. IIRC, the '83 boxed set which you cite as your prime reference gives their leader illusionist levels (as it does the Wolf Nomad leader). I don't know why Gygax chose illusionist levels for nomadic peoples - other than it was a way to make them more than simple fighters before the release of the barbarian class.

In keeping with the spirit of your piece, I would suggest that Tiger Nomad illusionists are not tricksters of the gnomish mold. They are not interested in deceiving their own people, and in any event would be severely punished if they did so.

Instead, their illusionists are more like battle-mages who use the powers of illusion to enable the light cavalry tactics of their people - hiding ambushes, screening attacks, making forces appear to be doubled or halved in size, etc. These illusions are used against non-Tigers, and thus are allowed.

The name Temujin sounds familiar - is this from Greyhawk or do I recall it as being the given name of Genghis Khan?


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