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Re: Literature in the Flanaess: An Introduction (Score: 1)
by Samwise ( on Mon, February 14, 2005
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Ummm . . .

Wow. :-P
I certainly wasn't expecting a response like that!

I agree with most of your conclusions, except I think Baklunish and Suel could come from the same root stock. After all, look at Roman/Modern letters and Arabic. You would hardly expect them to come from the same root but they do.
I think Sequoyah and Cherokee is a great parallel for Oeridian, and certainly supports the inclusion of Baklunish roots in "Common".
But I think even Flan could have the same root as Baklunish and Suel, we just need a point at which they may have traded such. But perhaps a few evolving hieroglyphic or syllabaries among various early and disparate Flan groups?

And of course, you mention the Language Primeval. While I would place Mathgamnha in a different place than suggested, it does post a very viable question as to what the form of magical writing is.

I will be interested to see where you go next with this.

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