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    Re: Literature in the Flanaess: General Histories (Score: 1)
    by GVDammerung on Mon, March 14, 2005
    (User Info | Send a Message | Journal)
    Hi Scott,

    As you will note in its description, the Chronodex lacks an index. It's name evokes "chronology" and "chronicle," as well as "index," which is not exclusively a modern term. I toyed with "encyclopedia" but for obvious reasons chose not to use that term. One could also add "of the Flanaess," but that gets close to the "glossography."

    The author of the Chronicles of Keoland will return. While each installment of Greyhawk Bibliographica can be read independently, there is also a larger narrative if all parts are read together. As I have indicated there are 17 installments presently pretty much written and 12 more in outline.

    The first book is a combination of canon plus my own invention. The second book is of my invention.
    The third book is a combination of canon plus my invention.

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