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    Re: WeeJas Dissected Part II (Score: 1)
    by GVDammerung on Tue, March 29, 2005
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    Hi Mortellan, :)

    I think there is more here than edition change. Sargent changed the cosmological order of Oerth without a word of explanation. That, IMO, goes well beyond edition change. It is arbitrary.

    You raise a good point and I think your answer is probably correct. Magic and death are so central to the game that they have outsized representations.

    An interesting take on this question is explored in the context of the Selderine, where there are like 6 gods of magic, not including Corellon Larethian. The stated theory is that Corellon, unlike human deities, subdivides his magic portfolio to both increase elves access to magic and to ensure that action against one god will not cut off elves from magic. An interesting take compared to the "magical concentration" that you see in some pantheons.

    I personally have no problem with multiple gods of magic and death because only one solitary deity of either would have outsized influence for the metagame reasons you've identified. Given that we have Boccob and Nerull, I though WeeJas was an interesting take for the Suel to combine magic and death in one greater goddess. It gave Suel religious thought some very unique character, particularly with Lendor leading the pantheon. Reducing the Suel gods to less than greater deity status, to me, seems both unwarranted and harmful to what was a really cool, and unique, character of Suel religious thought.

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