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    Re: Censer of Undying Strife (Score: 1)
    by musketbreath on Thu, April 14, 2005
    (User Info | Send a Message)
    I hadn't thought about animals and monsters in the area of effect, but I would probably rule that they either just die, or die and become a lesser form of undead, maybe Zombies or Ghouls. Ghoul horses attacking PCs to consume their flesh, that's an interesting image, and certainly something that hasn't really been done before.

    As you guessed, the Censer was written for OD&D/Classic D&D (I use the Rules Cyclopedia version), and as an artifact is intended to be pretty powerful, but I can see where it might be overly so in some campaigns. An hourly HD limit might work, or a total HD cap based on the potency of the humanoid sacrifice used to activate it, say (100 x HD/Level of the victim) HD max? That means that Dasco, the Keoish knight sacrificed by Vargalian would've had to have been pretty high level, unless of course the sword wraiths in the stark mounds have multiplied somehow.

    Thanks for the feedback,
    chatdemon in a cheesy pirate costume :-P

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    Re: Censer of Undying Strife (Score: 1)
    by chatdemon on Tue, April 19, 2005
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    best of all has NO 3E stats and even harkens to OD&D!

    I don't object to AD&D or D&D 3e stats, per se, but part of what I see as the beauty of Classic D&D stats is the fact they are fairly rules lite compared to the other editions, and easily translatable between editions.

    I'd much rather see a rules-lite or rules-less article than one written specifically for the edition I play, honestly.

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