What specifically do you think was disconnected in that section? I don't doubt there is some, I'd just like to know what specifically.
The gap I know about, and it is deliberate. This piece is the "rise and fall", and wasn't intended to detail the recovery. That last section is so people don't think I am saying the Oeridians are a non-player at the current time. Also, I don't currently have any plans to deal with the recovery separately, as it touches on too many other significant events. However you will see it referenced slightly in Imperial Keoland, and more extensively in The Return of House Neheli and the Plague of Madness, where it becomes a significant element in those events. But I don't know if there is much to say about a comprehensive narrative detailing it over multiple centuries.
And indeed, I do expect to pdf the entire series once it is finished and have it available in the downloads section. It will have to be periodically updated as I add additional essays, but I do want to see one consolidated document containing all of them available.
As for organizing them in a different way, that is possible in some cases, not possible in others. Several of these essays contain seemingly disconnected events that I connect for any of several reasons: to show an intended subtext that might have been overlooked (the upcoming Rhola and the Toli will be the best example of that); to create a connection to develop the history, or just develop the overall history as a whole (the upcoming Yaheetes and Tyrus is an example of this); or simply to pad out a document, combining what would otherwise be several very short segments (the previous Conflicts in the Yeomanry is a prime example of that last. None of those conflicts are directly connected to each other, but each is too short for its own piece.). In some cases, it will be possible to edit the overall run into a single, linear, historical narrative. In others, the scope of the passage of time between the events is more significant, and thus certain elements need to be referenced out of sequence. This shows rather dramatically in the Rhola and the Toli, whose main events occur over four and a half centuries, and affects events for another three centuries. Conveying the passage of that much time is more important to the narrative flow and setting the importance of the events than having it appear in a simple linear flow. Balancing those elements is a task I'm leaving for another time. Right now, I just want the history written.