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    Answers for Verithmirax comments (Score: 1)
    by Osmund-Davizid on Sun, October 16, 2005
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    A few answers to your comments:

    Yes!  I thought that the picture of the green dragon fighting the kobolds was one of the best in the old DMG.  So I threw in that aspect to give my dragon a little more personality and to have some old school tie in.

    As far as the advancements of the Horned Society goes, your suggestion on fleshing out their philosophies on other areas is a good one.  But, as the lands of the Horned Ones was poor in resources and skilled personnel, there were practical limits to what the Society could put into practice from their theories. 

    For more HS info, the Codex of Greyhawk has a couple of great articles on different views of the Horned Society (they are under the geography tab) linked here: []

    Yeah, gate magic is powerful stuff.  But Oerth seems to have more then its fair share of gates, fading lands, etc.  Also, with all the fiendish activity in Iuz and Aerdy going on, one more gate isn't likely to overly tip the scales of power.  Having a dragon be the keeper of a gate that leads to Hell is a touch overly powerful.  But my version of Malbolge is a layer that is currently in flux with a change of leadership and while a dragon is the guardian of the gate, there are certainly other devilish minions also keeping watch over such a portal from the Hell side of the gate.

    My theories on the dragons has always been that they were epic in scope.  They can be defeated, but in Greyhawk, the race of man has become so dominant that dragons have to be especially crafty, strong, and/or powerful to survive.  More discussions on this topic have been carried on in the forums linked here:

    As far as the last note goes:  there is a difference between wanting your own destruction and having a well prepared contingency plan for when and if that event ever occurs.  Besides, I imply this is just a theory some sages have thought up, it could be true or false as taste dictate (although I did use the LGG as the source of this idea).

    As mentioned above, the HS lands had very little resources to begin with - so losing a resource poor land that is surrounded by chaotic demons ruled by an untrustworthy demigod on one side and legions of paladins and holy knights on the other side, a decentralized organization may have a better chance of surviving (think of SPECTRE in James Bond movies, if they were a nation-state they could have been just attacked but as a shadow organization they have to be tracked down, much harder to do). 

    Anyway, none of this is official - thanks for the comments and feel free to use, disregard or modify as you wish - and/or continue this discussion on the forums. 


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