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Re: Dungeons and Demographics (Score: 1)
by Samwise ( on Mon, December 05, 2005
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Cool. Check those numbes, and let me know. I want to see if my theory holds across the Flanaess.

Also, for us GGS groupies, you see I didn't identify the source of the Flan population implosion. Several significant issues need to be considered when choosing one, among them:
1. Suel presence in the Sheldomar
Suel colonists began showing up about 300 years before the Twin Cataclysms. Plagues from them should have been spreading from then, and most should have run their course by then. (I think.)
2. The Bramblewood and Fals Gap don't look like a real barrier
That is, they shouldn't have blocked a transfer of domesticated species. But it seems they did, and things like horses weren't in the Flanaess before the migrations. That is an obvious source of disease, but the blocking effect would need to be explained.

And of course, there still exist a number of significant magical disasters, Sulm, the Isles of Woe, Keraptis and Tostenhca, and the City of Summer Stars to name a few. But again, that is for future consideration.

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