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Re: Dungeons and Demographics (Score: 1)
by Woesinger on Mon, December 05, 2005
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You make a good point there on the natural barrier (or lack thereof). The disease couldn't have an animal-carrier resevoir, but must (if it existed) spread from human to human (since there's no real evidence of mass human movements prior to the Migrations). Given the Suel and Oerids weren't decimated, the pestilence must have been endemic to those populations (and become so in the dim and distant past, since they were able to rebound to the point, in the case of the Suel, where they could build a 5,000 year old empire).

To make a plague work it'd have to be sufficently virulent to the Flannae population (and only really to them) to practically wipe out the majority of those infected in such a way that they don't travel far enough to spread it to other groups.

So - if the odd germ-bearing Oerid appeared in and around the Fals Gap, infected a tribe and then went back west - only that tribe would be affected. The big kill off was sustained because the Oerids and  Suel kept moving east, bringing their germs with them.

It's a little implauasible alright. That said, a new varient of an existing disease might have played a part of a multiple whammey (disease, famine, war) hit on the Flan population, which may have already been affected by the collapse of their own civilisations.
And perhaps Vecna's empire was overstated in its extent or population?

All stuff to think about.

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Re: Dungeons and Demographics (Score: 1)
by Woesinger on Thu, December 08, 2005
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One possible complication with trying your regression on Aerdy is that, unlike the Keoish founders, the Aerdi, having conquered the Flamni Basin, then wnet back and added most of the rest of the Flanaess to the empire. That muddies the waters a little. I mean, what present day population do you regress from?

Obviously you can't just go from the current population of Ahlissa. You should add the Solnor Compact and Medegia, but do you then add the North Kingdom (probably)? And the Iron League? The Bone March (the human pop there's taken a big hit anyway)? Ratik? Nyrond?

I guess you can make certain assumptions - such as fiefs with a majority or a large Oerid component population (anything with a big O) that lie east of the marches of Nyrond, were probably settled by the Aerdi exclusively.
You can also assume that in Nyrond and points west (or in eastern states with only small o pops) - the conquering Aerdi armies comprised such a small proportion of the population as to render them negligible in terms of the founder population.

Must sit down and do this systematically, but if we assume a human population of roughly 5 million for the old Great Kingdom (Ahlissa, the North Kingdom and the Solnor Compact + Medegia), then regressing back you get  a founder pop of between 185,185 and 625,000 (or so). If we assume that the states of Ehlissa and the lands of the Tyrants of the Trask had significant Flannae populations (which may or may not have crashed after the conquest of those lands by the Aerdi), not to mention wandering Suel like the Zelrads, you'd be aiming for the upper end of that bracket as a realistic founder population.

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