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Re: Dungeons and Demographics (Score: 1)
by Samwise ( on Mon, December 05, 2005
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In prior iterations that was the default. Just multiply to account for women and children.
The 3E/3,5 population default is that it is all adults (which means teenagers and above), which means a 10%- 40% increase depending on race. But that is for settlements, and doesn't mention overall numbers. It would still fall far short of course.

And the LGG repeats earlier notes about unaligned locations within and on the borders of all nations. But again, given all but one example, that shouldn't account for more than 1% increase in internal populations, and perhaps a 10% overall increase for external areas.

So maybe, with some stretching, you could eke out increasing the population density by about 50%. That is a beginning, but I think we still need another 350-700 years, enough time for the current population to double or quadruple or more. That should be more than enough to hack all the fantasy critters before moving more heavily into post-renaissance imperial politicing and adventures. :)

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