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    Re: Iuz the Evil, Part 3 (Score: 1)
    by Man-of-the-Cranes on Fri, November 30, 2001
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    The vampire was one of the PC's in the party (along with Mort, and Michael and Kyrian who were both played by the same guy). Donal and Michael were too of the longest running characters in the campaign, probably lasting about 8 years real time.

    They began together in the Temple but then trod very different paths. In his mortal days Donal Darkbane was known as Bolan Ironedge, a beer-swigging barbarian. But his path was a dark one which eventually led him into Ravenloft.

    He rached about 8th level (2ed) and his player, Richard, was actually beginning to think he was becoming a little stale and was thinking of dual classing him somehow - maybe as a thief. But then he had the misfortune to become to be cursed with an evil dagger - fang of the nosferatu - and later killed by an infected member of the group who became a weretiger.

    After his death and due to his link with the cursed dagger he rose as a vampire and has ever since (or actually since a little while before) been struggling to maintain his own identity and not tread to far the path of evil - with varying success.

    Richard was devastated to be killed this early in the adventure and in such a fashion, but Donal was not so easily killed. His dagger acted like a soul gem and was transported away by the MotC to locations unknown.

    I do have quite a bit written up on both Donal and Michael after this story, as well as Michaels backstory which Bolan/Donal dips into from time to time.

    I will be posting some of these in the new year as I have already promised, whose story is of most interest to most people I wonder?

    I am also beginning to toy with the idea of picking up some threads of my campaign through play-by-email at some time in the future.

    Man of the Cranes

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