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    Re: The Wizards Library Part 2 of 6 (Score: 1)
    by GVDammerung on Thu, February 23, 2006
    (User Info | Send a Message | Journal)
    Long story. 

    When I first tried to post The Wizard's Library, I had done a final edit.  Unfortunately, the topical submission template at Canonfore mangled the article to such a degree that I contacted the administrators and requested the submission be terminated, which it was.  I also requested that the template be fixed so that it could handle a clean cut-and-paste from a word processor.  Unfortunately, this upgrade to CF has proven somewhat difficult to achieve and, in fact, still has not been implemented as far as I know.

    So, I began playing around with various methods to upload an article to CF which would not completely mangle the formatting of the submission.  I finally hit on a minimally effective method.  Unfortunately, it is not perfect and still requires reformatting and reediting within the submission template but to a lesser degree than before (30 minutes, give or take, vs an hour and a half).  The reeditting is necessary because CF introduces errors into the document, among these errors are numerous text duplications (plus spacing errors, bolding/ital/underline errors etc.) that have to be edited out or modified working within the template itself after the upload.  I obviously missed some in this reediting process.

    I have also noted that the uploading version is a 2nd Edit version, not a final edit version.  It is 98% good to go but with all the tinkering I was doing with CF trying to improve the upload process, I ended up uploading the next to final version as opposed to the final version.  Now that I have my workaround for CF submissions until a clean cut-and-paste can be enabled, this sort of confusion should not reoccur and only final edits will get uploaded (I normally do three edits of an article - initial, second and final).

    I like the PDF idea as it will let me substitute the final edit version.  I'm not sure how to upload a PDF, however.  I'll look to do a PDF version after all the parts of the submission have posted.

    BTW, for anyone interested in my workaround -

    (1) Keep the wordprocessed base document very, very simple - no columns, no tabs etc. - no significant formatting at all! Do include all bold/itals/underlines if you need them.

    (2) Upload the submission to the submission template.

    (3) Highlight the entire document and bold/unbold, ital/unital, underline/ununderline.  This will strip out all of your bold/ital/underline but it will, for some reason, also cut down on text duplication and spacing issues when you Preview. 

    (4) Hit the Preview button.  WARNING - If you preview directly from your cut-and-paste from your word processor, I find CF will introduce massive errors into the document!

    (5) Check your document for collapsed/expanded spacing, which I find is likely to occur.  Duplications should not now be present.  Reedit your document to restore the proper spacing.  Add your bold/ital/underlines back in.  Watch you title and introductory passage as errors may be introduced.

    (6) Preview again.  Your document should now be good.

    (7) Hit submit.

    This is a pain in the butt compared to how easily CF previously handled cut-and-pastes from a word processor but you should have a submission in good shape in 30 minutes, give or take.  The most important thing is to keep your base document as simple as possible.

    Hopefully, the CF staff will fix the submission template.  Soon.  If anyone has an easier way to upload, please share.  Maybe the CF crew have already addressed the issue?

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