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    Re: Fashion in the Flanaess - Furs (Score: 1)
    by Cebrion on Fri, April 07, 2006
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    I'll second the notion of more furs.

    Perhaps there needs to be a Fashion in the Flanaess - Furs Part 2: The Wild and the Wilder   What might be included would be more common animal furs such as beaver, muskrat, etc. (a single chart would probably suffice) and also the more fantastical furs like griffon, manticore, displacer beast, leucrotta, and other furry monsters.


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    Re: Fashion in the Flanaess - Furs (Score: 1)
    by GVDammerung on Mon, April 10, 2006
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    Hi Kirt,

    With respect to mountainous terrain, that reference was to the Corusk's and Griff's.  It was my thought that they were not suitable for the noble furs.  If a DM envisions those ranges differently, they could have noble furs there.

    With respect to the markup on furs, it is huge and the craftsmanship is the reason.  No one ever got rich as an individual fur trapper.  It is all in the aftermarket for processed furs.  Supply is perhaps the largest reason more people are not furriers - there is a limit to how many of the more valuable furs can be taken, most of these are either practical (number of tappers willing to go or surviving) or environmental (number of animals, hazards etc.) but in a fantasy game both of these factors are exacerabated.  As you note, there will also be, in a pseudo-medieval setting, be a guild structure as well.

    You are correct that I left out the common furs because they are common.

    Fantasy furs were, as I noted in another response, beyond the scope of what I was looking to do.  There does seem to be a lot of interest there, however.

    Insects, and I'd add feathers, are a fascinating possibility.  I see these as more likely a fashion fixture among the Olman and Touv, and any survivng nativist Flan cultures (letting out the assimilationist Tenha) than among the Oeridian and Suel dominated nations.

    An article on feathers is one I'd love to see (or do, but I have been unable to locate any good references in that regard).  Insect fashions would also be fascinating. 

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