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Re: 9's and why not Fraz? (Score: 1) by rasgon (notnotallowedyet@hotmail.com) on Sun, January 03, 2009 (User Info | Send a Message) | This was probably true in Gary Gygax's original campaign, but as far as the published canon goes, I think it's unlikely that Olidammara soared from demigod to intermediate status in less than a century. Olidammara was known to the ancient Flan, sponsored both Rudd and Kurell, and shows every evidence of having been a significant deity for a very long time. Anyway, you wouldn't have had any way of knowing this back in 2004 when you wrote the above, but the "Core Beliefs: Olidammara" article in Dragon #342 (2006) explains that Olidammara actually discovered that Rudd and the other demigods were being held beneath Castle Greyhawk only later, and he's captured by Zagyg during a failed attempt to rescue her, so his imprisonment was separate (and, anyway, very temporary - probably Zagyg tricked him into coming close enough to the obelisk that he lost his divine powers).
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