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    Map of Glacial Flanaess (Score: 1)
    by Tiffinki on Fri, May 14, 2010
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    If you want it, help is on the way. Viewing your map set me off on the subject, and I've been working on a Campaign Cartographer 3 map of the Flanaess in the grip of an ice age, inspired by yours.

    In actual game play, however, your map would be excellent as a player handout, even if the DM had a CC3 map. Absolutely convincing.

    I've edited maps before - heck, I once ran a campaign where the PCs went back in time to about a month before the Twin Cataclysms (and ended up nearly getting killed, because they were some distance east of Tovag Baragu).

    To run that adventure, I found a map of the Flanaess in CC2 (CC3 was not out yet at that time), and edited it to reflect how the Flanaess was different a thousand years back. That was an easy, if time-consuming, edit; it was mostly a matter of erasing the nation-states from circa 580 CY and enlarging the forests a little (I assumed that a lot of lumbering had taken place prior to 580).

    Note: The original CC2 map of the Flanaess was drawn by one of Profantasy's own employees. It's still in their library.

    Creating an ice age map is proving to be more of a challenge, but I like the way it's shaping up. And, on that topic....


    Although, as you pointed out yourself, it isn't a terribly big deal, but I liked your comments about how, realistically, the land would change during an ice age. Can you tell me more? I'm an old hand at fantasy mapping, but I'm no geologist.

    On the map I'm working on, I've expanded the coastlines of the Flanaess to a degree, but not too much - I'm mindful that the uncountable weight of ice age glaciers would press the land down, even as the oceans receded. Also, the mountain ranges are untouched. No geological feature is eternal, but mountains can make a better claim on that than coastlines. Eight thousand years is nothing to them. (I'm not so sure of that with regard to hills, though).

    Two questions for sure - how far north could forests exist? I can easily imagine them being much larger, like you said, but where would their northern limit be? (If you would be kind enough, I would like to hear your estimate for that, considering both regular glaciers and also for black glaciers). And, where would mixed and deciduous forests be able to grow, if anywhere?

    Thanks, guys! All comments and information welcome.


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