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Re: Alignments and the Newbie (Score: 1) by Dark_Lord_Galen on Thu, October 20, 2011 (User Info | Send a Message)
Sir Xaris>"I was concerned that you listed Batman as LG at first, but see you listed his modern version as CG. I do agree that his earlier tv version was much more goodie-two-shoes, but that largely reflected the cultural attitude of the day." I agree with your assessment of the batman character as well ( hence the Lawful Puke comment Hehe) I submitted the list pretty much verbatum from one I had generated in the eighties.. I had originally put the Adam West character in their as an example of extremes ( and over acting) I agree with your assesment of Zorro and the Lone Ranger as well. However my intent with this posting was to inspire feedback from all to incorporate a more 21st century list of compariables based on known character types ( possibly not historically accurate ones ie William Wallace {MelGibson Version} not LG historically but case could be made for the holliwood role )..... I have challenged my players with the task as well when I was asked "who Dirty Harry was?".... I realized my "dinosaur had risen" I do thank you for your review and feedback.