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Re: Alignments and the Newbie (Score: 1)
by Dark_Lord_Galen on Thu, October 27, 2011
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Big C.
Have read alot of your threads and enjoyed many of your perspectives, however, I have to disagree with you on most of this one.
First, seems most have not fully read / understood the intent of this listing. The intent (and maybe it was better as a forum instead of an article (but as I was not the vet of the site..... I leaned on others and their expertise as to the best place to post it)) was to take an old bulletin board posting I did years ago on providing simple examples of alignments and bring it forward with current examples for new players to "understand" the differences.
As to the Adam West version of Batman, I think discounting him from lawful good due to "being deputized" is not a premise for being LG. if that were the case Wyatt Earp and many "border line deputies"(such as  Sheriff Johnny Behan) would be LG? I don’t think so. Again, as was noted, not trying to develop this into a Hollywood vs history debate.
Based on the Original DMG (issued 1979 by GG and which the original list is based on) LG is " Creatures of lawful Good alignment view the cosmos with varying degrees of lawfulness or a desire to do good. They are convinced that order and law are absolutely necessary to assure good and that good is best defined as whatever brings the most benefit to the greater number....."
As for your assessment of the "current Dark Knight" I agree, and would add that "tendencies" can be defined in nearly all examples and would defer back to the origin of the intent of the article, to provide those that have no exposure to the game or alignments with a framework.
As for being "way off" on neutral evil, again you rely on tendencies. If that is the platform, then I would respectfully say, that those that are neutral evil lean toward the "NEUTRAL first" and evil second. Otherwise would they not call it EVIL NEUTRAL? If the evil acts outweigh then I would say they have darker tendencies toward Chaos. again, I would base this on the original DMG "NEUTRAL EVIL: Similar to neutral good alignment, NE holds that neither groups nor individuals have meaning. This ethos seeks to promote weal for actually brings woe to the truly deserving. Natural forces are  meant to cull out the weak and the stupid. this is not to say that Big T, Nerull and others don’t have those "tendencies" in both extremes, is still doesn’t address the intent of the message.
I do appreciate your feedback and views.

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