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    Re: The Ocean Tor: A Mythical Realm of Oerth (Score: 1)
    by CruelSummerLord on Mon, August 19, 2002
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    You misunderstand some parts of the article. It is not supposed to be named after the ocean itself, but the mountain (or in this case, "tor") that is the island's lone notable feature that seems to be one of the few ways for surface-dwellers to enter the realm. The Ocean Tor is the only known means that offers entrance to these realms, and so the realm is named for it.

    I quoted the Forgotten Realms because they have offered, to my knowledge, the only name for that mysterious force emanating from the core of the world-faerzress. I have not seen any other source that quotes any name for this force, and so I decided to quote the original use of the term so people would know what I was talking about. If I were to just make up a non-canon word, it likely would have caused too much confusion. So I used the only word I knew, even if it did come from a source that rates just a bit higher than "The Eyes Have It" in the eyes of GH fans.

    As to how they got there...that's something the Brother of the Cruel Summer could follow up on in his next letter to the Respected Iquander!

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