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Re: Living Greyhawk Gazetteer Update (Score: 1) by Tzelios on Sat, October 12, 2002 (User Info | Send a Message) | Dear Mr. Eric Mona,
I love and always appreciate your work for its scholarly depth. I consider you one of the most important second-generation Greyhawk designers.
However, there is an approach that mostly helps to enrich a fantasy world like that of Greyhawk, and in parallel, to detangle and alleviate confusion. To quote the words of your colleague Gary Holian, this method “asserts the PRIMACY OF CANON and exhorts its practitioners to find the most consistent and ingenious method to satisfy ALL sources”. Guess what the name of the method is? The name of the method is your name (!): MONAtic.
Given the work of Plato on the consistency of names, “Cratylus”, and modern psychology theories investigating the relation name-personality, I suggest that you should immediately go to a psychiatrist! Alternatively, using your highly coveted skills, you can prepare a second “final word on Iuz and co”, where you should attempt to clean up the mess that you did.
A very, very good fan of yours,
Stelios “Tzelios-Stelios” Skarlatos
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