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Re: An Overview of Oerik (Score: 1)
by chatdemon ( on Fri, October 03, 2003
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The selection of the name Kara-tur is a bit weird, given that it's the name of unrelated Oriental Adventures products from WotC.
Karatur was introduced originally in the Oriental Adventures hardback for 1st edition AD&D. Insiders at TSR at the time have revealed that the region was indeed meant to be an expansion of Oerth, not Toril, at the time, but given the subsequent shift of focus at TSR from Greyhawk to Forgotten Realms, Karatur got coopted by the FR team. A lot of 'old school' Greyhawkers, myself (and Scottenkainen, obviously :-P ) still consider the real Karatur to be a remote region of Oerth though.
Was it in the original Gord books?
I can't be 100% certain, but I think that there was at least passing mention of Karatur (or at least an oriental land) in the Gord books.

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Re: An Overview of Oerik (Score: 1)
by TheSeekerofTRUTH on Sun, February 15, 2004
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In truth, it was wasn't...but you can put it there or Rokugan can fit in.

Your choice.

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