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Re: Origin of the Northern Barbarians & the Sons of Winter (part 1) (Score: 1) by Wykthor on Thu, March 11, 2004 (User Info | Send a Message)
Thanks Abyss, I've just read your submission and i can also compliment highly for your job :). The cruski always were my favourite barbarian tribe of the peninsula and the description you have done in Valkemf sure enriches their story (Goat shaggers? That's hilarious and twisted :) .
About the part 2, the history tying the Sons of Winter and the barbarians are pretty over in part 1, except that monasteries of their order can be put in the peninsula and a DM can fully use the culture (and the prestige class) of these monks.
I only regret a little for the way i subdivided the three articles. I didnt think about the font size difference and the article became shorter than i thought and perhaps a bit shallow. I 'll remember that in the next submission. Ah..cya in the next hours in the chat