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Re: 9's and why not Fraz? (Score: 1)
by rasgon ( on Mon, September 10, 2001
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In response to grodog:

Yes, because Fraz Urblu was imprisoned in a different part of the castle; he was put a wall somewhere, while the Nine had a chamber all to themselves.

That's the reason Olidammara isn't included as well (besides the fact that he's not a demigod).

Personally, I think that Rudd (CN(CG)) and Wastri (LN(LE)) balance one another out very well. For LE, I'd nominate Princess Glasya of Hell, just because I like her.

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Re: 9's and why not Fraz? (Score: 1)
by Tzelios ( on Sat, May 08, 2004
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The world per EGG is composed of 9 dimensions (see Gord novels).

Also, I feel, but I cannot provide a solid proof yet (this would require an essay), that EGG follows a traditional real world (or should I say occult? Why not, after all, one of Zagig's areas is occult studies) connotation of the number 9: 9 is truth, reality, the whole.



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