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    Re: 594 CY: Enter the Dragon (Score: 1)
    by Tzelios ( on Mon, April 12, 2004
    (User Info | Send a Message)
    I would like to thank cwslyclgh and Holian for their critic.

    You may assume that Sir Delius is kind like Bruce Lee. He is a very powerful character, developed by Chis Anderson, to appear in the next OJ. I acknowledged him in the work, by refering to him as Greybane, just because I find his definition of canon too strict and stiff, leaving no freedom to veteran DMs and renegade designers to be creative.

    I would not like to thank the anonymous user who rated my work with a 2(/5). I believe that most submissions were created by dilligent efforts, and do not deserve a 2. If this is a strategic voting by a contestant, I only have to say that I would not do the same thing, since this is a contest in order to have fun. It is not important who will win. The contest is important. Furthermore, I believe that harsh ratings should be definitely accompanied by a comment.


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