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Human Diversity And Demihuman Similiarity: The Impact On Oerth
CruelSummerLord writes ""Admittedly, I cannot but feel a certain pride when I consider that humanity is the dominant race of Oerth. However, only a fool would denigrate the abilities of the other races of this world, to say nothing of the power of their gods. For it is with their aid that humanity has grown to its current state of being, just as humanity has caused them to grow in turn; without either side of the formula, all would fall into ruin." -The Archmage Mordenkainen"
The Future of This Week in Greyhawk Fandom; Your Input Needed!
chatdemon writes "The time has come for some changes in the This Week in Greyhawk Fandom newsletter! Please vote for what you'd like to see! Author: richadmin"
Available for Download: Best of the AOL Greyhawk Folders
Pried from the hoards of the Canonfire Daemons, the compiled material from the old AOL Greyhawk boards has been made available as .PDF files in the Downloads Section at last. Grab them while you can, before the Canonfire Daemons reclaim their missing prizes...or read on, and learn what lore is contained within them, gleaned from the sages of times gone by.

Canonfire! is a production of the Thursday Group in assocation with GREYtalk and Canonfire! Enterprises

Contact the Webmaster.  Long Live Spidasa!

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