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The Silver Wolf: Descending Into The Depths Of The Oerth: Like Father..Like Son?
CruelSummerLord writes "Denrik wanted to remind Normin how much more money the Glendowyrs might have if he didn’t spend so much of it getting sloshed at the Orc’s Trough, but he wisely held his tongue."
The Silver Wolf: Descending Into The Depths Of The Oerth: A Wretched Wasp's Nest
CruelSummerLord writes "The city was nearly as bleak and depressing as the shantytown outside. Signs of poverty were everywhere, from the filth littering the streets to the beggars and street urchins rooting through trash containers and debris piles, to the buildings that were either decrepit, ramshackle hovels or fortresses with barred windows and thick oak and bronzewood doors. People skulked furtively through the streets, regarding one another suspiciously, and the very air itself was rife with tension and fear."
The Silver Wolf: Descending Into The Depths Of The Oerth: Brotherly Love
CruelSummerLord writes "Everything briefly went dark for the companions as Kashafen started casting his group teleportation, but the look in Weimar’s eyes was seared into his friends’ minds.It was a look that made clear that he was ready to kill every bandit in Stoink to save Denrik, if that was what it took."
The Silver Wolf: Descending Into The Depths Of The Oerth: Prologue
CruelSummerLord writes "It all seemed barren, bleak and lifeless. There was hardly any life for miles around except the few sickly bushes and stunted trees that struggled to survive in the hard, dry wasteland. Everything was silent except for the grinding creak of the wheels of the caravan’s wagons, the grunting and laughter of the gnolls and orcs the caravan employed as guards, and the occasional quiet sobbing of some of the wagons’ occupants"
The Silver Wolf-Behind The Mask: Epilogue
CruelSummerLord writes "“And what if you did?” Jolene said, her eyes narrowing as she crossed her arms. “What if you’d hardened Veluna the way you seem to want to? Could we even call ourselves Velunese anymore? Surely you remember the saying-what good is there to gain the Oerth, if you lose your soul in the bargain?”"
The Silver Wolf-Behind The Mask: Old Endings, New Beginnings
CruelSummerLord writes "The fourth day was a special one for Luna. It was Midsummer’s Day, the holiest day of the year for Pelor. It was also the one night of the year that Luna and Celene, the twin moons of Oerth that the human Luna and Seline were named after, were both full. Although the people of Highfolk were not generally followers of Pelor, some of the independent Flan peoples of the Vesve and the Yatils were devoted to him. Some of those Flan came to Highfolk for Richfest, and Luna joined in the drumming and dances to honor the god and the moons who reflected his light."
The Silver Wolf-Behind The Mask: Where Are We Going From Here?
CruelSummerLord writes "For Luna, the evening of the companions’ return and the two days after were a punishing cycle of waking up early, praying for as many curative spells as she could cast, casting them on the most seriously injured defenders, using her mundane medical skills to treat less critical injuries, trying to get some sleep and then waking up to start all over again, for nearly sixty hours."
The Silver Wolf-Behind The Mask: Theater Of Pain
CruelSummerLord writes "She hated the slaughter all around her, hated that she had to use Pelor’s gifts to contribute to it. Her mind filled with rage at the masked ones who’d started all this, wishing it would all just end."
The Silver Wolf-Behind The Mask: The Best Defense Is A Good Offense
CruelSummerLord writes "Furduch Na’Gwaylar, Laird of the Gnome Vale, tightened his grip on his spear. As the cousin of High Laird Gwaylar, overall ruler of the Yatil vale named for its gnome inhabitants, he’d traveled to Highfolk to represent his community in the Knights’ strategic meetings. When he’d first learned of the Spine Breakers’ pending invasion, he’d returned to the Vale to prepare its defenses. He hadn’t expected to run into the adventurers who’d brought news of the invasion, much less that they’d ask him and the thirty Vale soldiers accompanying him to help strike at the Council of Crippled Helplessness."
The Silver Wolf-Behind The Mask: The Art Of War
CruelSummerLord writes "“We can be one of the scouting units fighting for Highfolk.” Revafour said, gesturing to the rest of the companions. “We’ll take the fight to their ruling council…”“…and end their threat to these lands once and for all,” he said, the fire in his eyes belying his calm demeanor."
The Silver Wolf-Behind The Mask: Asymmetric Warfare
CruelSummerLord writes "The sounds of cracking whips and pained screams filled the air as the Spine Breaker officers ruthlessly enforced discipline on their men. The disruptions of the last two days had only worsened the resentments and loathing between the hobgoblin clans. It was all the Council of Crippled Helplessness could do to keep the three clans in line, and Ugtharn finally had enough. At his suggestion, the Council ordered a brutal disciplinary crackdown using brute force, the universal language all hobgoblins understood."
The Silver Wolf-Behind The Mask: Cloak And Dagger
CruelSummerLord writes "Amyalla needed nearly two hours to go through Thayvin’s correspondence and put it all back in the proper order. It was time well spent, as she found the letters she sought.She also found much more than she bargained for."
The Silver Wolf-Behind The Mask: Hidden Agendas
CruelSummerLord writes "“Smiling masks concealing darker designs, you said?” Jolene said when Luna met with her in private one evening.“Yes, Your Highness,” Luna said, nodding. “Lord Pelor’s message was quite clear. My friends and I aren’t sure if the Horned Society is truly involved with the Spine Breakers. The divination talked about the dangers coming from the south and west.”"
The Silver Wolf-Behind The Mask: The Heart Of The Matter
CruelSummerLord writes "Hobgoblins named their clans for the gruesome fates they inflicted on their victims, and the Spine Breakers were no different. Ugtharn and the rest of the Council of Crippled Helplessness stood on a raised platform, looking down at the sight of the Heart Piercers’ and Hackers’ ruling councils kneeling and shackled in two long lines. Two Spine Breaker hobgoblins stood behind each member of the defeated councils. One of the Spine Breakers held a large war hammer, while the other held a long wooden stake."
The Silver Wolf-Behind The Mask: Actions And Words
CruelSummerLord writes "“It’s likely someone we’ve previously crossed,” Amyalla said. “It could be House Naelax, or a follower of Kalrek Burunne or Lady Babylon who survived their masters’ falls. It could even be someone allied with that hag coven from the Bearded Lord’s Hollow.”The companions fell silent at that, realizing how many enemies they could’ve made in so short a time."
The Silver Wolf-Behind The Mask: Mark Of The Beast
CruelSummerLord writes "They barely made any progress before Revafour cursed loudly, picking up the one of the hobgoblins’ shields. The shield displayed the ghoulish image of a hideous red skull adorned with bone-white horns and a golden crown on a pitch-black field. Luna felt her blood run cold at the sight."
The Silver Wolf-Behind The Mask: The Man Of The High Castle
CruelSummerLord writes "The Conclave members all knew why the provincial lords had the upper hand over Belvor, even if none of them dared to say it out loud. Belvor was mired in grief ever since his son and heir, Crown Prince Thrommel, was abducted after the Battle of Emridy Meadows. That grief caused the fatigue that Belvor so often showed, replacing the force and drive he’d displayed in his younger days."
The Silver Wolf-Behind The Mask: Backward And Forward
CruelSummerLord writes "“Then perhaps we ought to see what comes of this conference between the Knights and their allies,” Ma’non’go said, before taking a long drink.“Especially after what happened in Baranford,” Revafour said. “It sounds like Iuz or the Horned Ones might be acting soon.”"
The Silver Wolf-Behind The Mask: On A Knife's Edge
CruelSummerLord writes "“Then you might as well prepare the axe, because we know as much as you do,” Morland said, half-smirking. “When I receive a sack with thousands of gold wheatsheafs,” he said, referring to Furyondy’s gold currency, “and a message telling me who my band’s targets are and where I’ll strike, I don’t ask questions. Maybe it’s the Horned Ones. Maybe it’s one of the Bandits. Maybe it’s Iuz. Maybe it’s some entirely new power. You truly expect me to care?” he said, his smirk widening."
The Silver Wolf-Behind The Mask: Just Beyond The Riverbend
CruelSummerLord writes "Rumors had been swirling for years of possible invasions from Iuz, the Society or both. The Knights of the Hart were the first lines of defense for Highfolk, Furyondy and Veluna. Their duty was to hold the line against invaders until their countries mustered their main armies. The Knights’ leaders regularly met to keep their strategies and intelligence up to date."
The Silver Wolf-Behind The Mask: In Word And In Deed
CruelSummerLord writes "They both saluted the fallen heroes of Emridy Meadows and stood in silence, thinking of all the warriors who’d given their lives so that others could live."
The Silver Wolf-Behind The Mask: The Highwaymen
CruelSummerLord writes "Her Highness Jolene Sarneth, Mistress of the Celestial Order of the Moons, reflected the mixed heritage that came from Veluna’s long history of racial harmony. Her skin was brown in color, partway between the light tan of the Oeridians and the darker copper of the Flan, her hair the chestnut-brown of the Oeridians but wavy in the way of the Flan, and her eyes were a Sueloise gray. Her moods were decidedly mixed as well, capable of fiery passion one moment and ice-cold calmness the next."
The Silver Wolf-Behind The Mask: Lies And Truth
CruelSummerLord writes "Ma’non’go gestured to Weimar for his flagon of Big Cedar Log, and took another long, heavy drink before he continued."
The Silver Wolf-Behind The Mask: Finding My Voice
CruelSummerLord writes "Rage boiled within Ma’non’go at that realization. He’d had a bad feeling ever since he’d seen those human bodies in the Glimmering Hall. The story the duke’s journal told of how the Hall was betrayed reminded him of everything he’d suffered back in Hepmonaland.He’d lost one family due to that betrayal. Now he was on the verge of losing his second family to it, seemingly powerless to prevent it."
The Silver Wolf-Behind The Mask: Diamonds Are An Adventurer's Best Friend
CruelSummerLord writes "“As the organ-master writes, so did the dwarven lord lament the axe’s devastation, in the fourth and twelfth…As the organ-master writes, so did the king wander in the second and third…As the organ-master writes, so did Berronar weep tears of joy in the first and sixth,” Airk read. “Damned if I know what any of that means,” he said."
The Silver Wolf-Behind The Mask: Telling Friend From Foe
CruelSummerLord writes "Tears formed in her eyes as she tried to whisper a prayer to Pelor. Her friends were all similarly affected, and even Airk had a look of sorrow as he considered what the dwarves suffered. She couldn’t imagine how they were going to search through all this brutality."
The Silver Wolf-Behind The Mask: Ghost Of A Chance
CruelSummerLord writes "A horrific white thing materialized among the ghasts, inspiring its minions’ efforts against the companions. Like some of the ghasts, it too was human once. Now, it was a ghost, a tortured, enraged mockery of the man it was in life, its very form distorted by the malice that was practically tangible around it. Ghosts were some of the most dreadful undead of all, the spirits of people so wicked in life that their evil allowed them to continue their depravity even in death."
The Silver Wolf-Behind The Mask: Beyond The Grave
CruelSummerLord writes "The companions’ sadness didn’t keep them from being wary, and they stopped short when they came upon a particularly bloody scene. The dwarven and orcish bodies had more flesh on them than any of the other corpses the companions encountered, and they weren’t surprised when the corpses suddenly sprang to life. Leaping to their feet, the corpses slowly advanced on the companions, their eyes glowing with a malevolent light. Their flesh was a sickly rotten greenish gray, and their teeth and nails were both sharpened to a knife’s edge."
The Silver Wolf-Behind The Mask: A New Day Dawning
CruelSummerLord writes "Smiling, Luna turned her gaze from her friends and back over the Lortmils.It was just the seven of them, enjoying the beauty of the mountains as they traveled to their next adventure."
The Silver Wolf-The Honor Of The Crown: Maybe Tomorrow
CruelSummerLord writes "Airk looked around at his fellow adventurers, his second family.“You’ve all come this far to help me,” he said. “Now it’s my turn to help all of you. Wherever you want to go, whatever you need…I’ll be with you.”"
The Silver Wolf-The Honor Of The Crown: Let The Past Lie
CruelSummerLord writes "Not knowing what else to do, on the tenth day after the battle with Lady Babylon’s forces, he entered Flinthold’s temple to Garl Glittergold and started to pray. He knelt in front of the altar to Garl for over an hour, reflecting on his failing to stop Kalrek’s treachery, his murdering Laessar, his punishing Kalrek, his efforts to find the Crown of Arumdina and his refusal to take the throne of Flinthold."
Red, The Sun With Smoke, The Oerth With Blood.
JasonZavoda writes "The Charge of Caldni Vir"
The Silver Wolf-The Honor Of The Crown: Kings And Vagabonds
CruelSummerLord writes "He briefly imagined himself on the throne of Flinthold, making peace with Garnetholme and making restitution to the Kutunachke. He saw himself helping his wounded nation heal, helping his people grieve for their losses and rebuild what was broken. He saw himself leading the charge against any orcs, giants or other monsters that threatened his fellow gnomes."
The Silver Wolf-The Honor Of The Crown: Enter The Dragon
CruelSummerLord writes "As Lady Babylon opened her mouth once again to bite at him, her eyes burning with anger, Ma’non’go honestly wondered if it would be enough."
The Silver Wolf-The Honor Of The Crown: Remembrance For The Brave
CruelSummerLord writes "Airk was silent as he fought, never losing his focus, but somehow knowing that the Crown of Arumdina was helping him battle.He was silent, knowing that just as the Crown was helping him, it was helping his allies as well."
The Silver Wolf-The Honor Of The Crown: Crowning Achievement
CruelSummerLord writes "Everything changed when Airk said those words. The Crown of Arumdina, still in his hands, started glowing brightly, the gold and platinum light its metal parts emanated shot through with streaks of diamond, emerald and ruby light. Everyone in the room, gnomes, humans and halfling, stood in shock at the Crown’s reaction. They could feel the power emanating from the Crown, power that was finally manifesting itself."
The Silver Wolf-The Honor Of The Crown: Out With The New In With The Old
CruelSummerLord writes "“What proof do we have that Flinthold will keep its promises?” the matriarch asked, her gaze shifting between Airk and Revafour. “I, for one, want a guarantee that your gnomish kin are going to do that. Let’s see them swear an oath to their gnomish gods. And I want to see it for myself.”"
The Silver Wolf-The Honor Of The Crown: Burn Out
CruelSummerLord writes "When the flame died away, there was only a mass of charred bones where nearly a score of living beings once stood. The sickly scent of burning flesh filled the air."
The Silver Wolf-The Honor Of The Crown: Hiding In Plain Sight
CruelSummerLord writes "“I honed my craft in the Free City of Greyhawk, remember?” Amyalla said with a confident smirk. “Picking locks is Greyhawk’s national pastime.”"
The Silver Wolf-The Honor Of The Crown: Gnomes Fell Down And Lost Their Crown
CruelSummerLord writes "“We’ll leave in the morning,” Airk said to his friends once he’d recounted his conversation with Gilduros and Arthur. “Arthur and the rest of the Council will take care of the refugees and muster the rest of Flinthold’s army. They won’t be able to win on their own, not without the Crown. Flinthold’s depending on us, and its fate is in our hands.”"
The Silver Wolf-The Honor Of The Crown: Mass Firing
CruelSummerLord writes "“You would be queen, and I would be king,” Wilhelm said, banging his hammer on his shield. “Why should our peoples shed further blood when we might battle for the throne ourselves? The winner becomes the new ruler, and the loser becomes carrion. What’s your name, woman?”"
The Silver Wolf-The Honor Of The Crown: The Divine Right Of Kings
CruelSummerLord writes "Factions supporting Wilhelm and Moswen openly and loudly argued in the streets, nearly coming to blows more than once before city watchmen broke them up. Similar unrest was occurring in Flinthold’s smaller towns, and a palpable sense of tension was rife throughout the kingdom."
The Silver Wolf-The Honor Of The Crown: Marching As To War
CruelSummerLord writes "Humans and their appearance appealed to the Scarlet Woman. They were so numerous and common that they could walk into the communities of almost any other race and not attract much notice. The Scarlet Woman benefited from that as much as anyone, realizing that her appearance made her minions more at ease around her."
The Silver Wolf-The Honor Of The Crown: Family Reunion
CruelSummerLord writes "“Without the help of Garnetholme, we wouldn’t even have a Flinthold,” Airk said, returning Osian’s glare. “Or did you forget how they helped us survive our war with the Steelhearts?”“That was then,” Osian said, waving his hand dismissively. “This is now.”"
The Silver Wolf-The Honor Of The Crown: Homecoming
CruelSummerLord writes "His friends were surprised at the strong family resemblance between the two gnomes. They were also surprised at how somber the interaction between them was. Much like dwarves, gnomes could often be more open and warm with their kin than with other races. Airk’s friends couldn’t sense that between him and Gilduros. Everything between the two brothers just seemed…solemn."
The Silver Wolf-The Honor Of The Crown: Long Paths And Longer Memories
CruelSummerLord writes "“We thank you for helping us deal with the giants,” Borrinn said, “and you’re welcome to half the treasure as payment. We also wish you safe travel on the rest of your journey…and I also wish more Flintholders knew more of their own history.”"
The Silver Wolf-The Honor Of The Crown: The Call Of The Mountain
CruelSummerLord writes "The monsters were passing between two tree-covered hills, approaching a tree-lined gully, paying little attention to the hills on either side. The goblins took the lead, eager to keep the bugbears between them and the hill giants. Hill giants often disliked goblins, and bugbears were frequently mediators between the two races. Goblins often revered bugbears as leaders, while hill giants tolerated them well enough. Breaking up that relationship was key to the companions’ ambush."
The Silver Wolf-The Honor Of The Crown: Order Of Precedence
CruelSummerLord writes "Soon, with the humanoids all but defeated, the last few years of the Wars turned more into a conflict between humans, dwarves and gnomes. All three races fought both each other and their own kinfolk, and betrayals were rampant among all the races. While most of the humanoids were driven out of the mountains and into the Pomarj peninsula, the allies’ infighting ensured that some of them managed to stay or even return."
The Silver Wolf-The Honor Of The Crown: A Simple Question
CruelSummerLord writes "Airk paled at her question. His expression showed he hadn’t even considered it. Soon, he was the one who hesitated for several seconds before speaking."
The Silver Wolf-The Honor Of The Crown: Lady In Red
CruelSummerLord writes "“I come from a far, far longer time than you know,” the Scarlet Woman said, her smile becoming wider than ever, “and I’m no wizard. I’m something far, far more. As for what I want, I want it all…”“…and I will take it all,” she finished, brushing back her long hair.The Scarlet Woman was no longer offended, but Hoslanne felt more unsettled than ever."
The Silver Wolf-The Honor Of The Crown: Survivor's Guilt
CruelSummerLord writes "“…You’ve never forgiven yourself for any of this, have you?” she said.“Because I don’t deserve to be forgiven,” Airk said with a scowl. “Forgiving myself would dishonor the memories of Laessar and my other brothers.”"
The Silver Wolf-The Honor Of The Crown: Seeing The Forest And The Trees
CruelSummerLord writes "Revafour Greystar felt none of that cold as he watched the Sunsebb sun rise over the calm, still waters of the lake. His heart was warmed by the sight of the sunrise, by the quiet majesty of the oak, cedar and kara trees, and the distant sounds of the birds and fish. It offered him one of the moments of solitary peace he so cherished, where it was just him and the land."
The Hill Giant Chief - Nosnra's Saga - Part 18 - End
JasonZavoda writes "This is the End, my friend."
The Hill Giant Chief - Nosnra's Saga - Part 17
JasonZavoda writes "Much Better Than Ponies"
The Hill Giant Chief - Nosnra's Saga - Part 16
JasonZavoda writes "Them Bones, Them Old Bones"
The Hill Giant Chief - Nosnra's Saga - Part 14
JasonZavoda writes "A Snake on the Path"
The Hill Giant Chief - Nosnra's Saga - Part 13
JasonZavoda writes "Back on the Trail Again"
The Hill Giant Chief - Nosnra's Saga - part 12
JasonZavoda writes "Don't Have A Cow"
The Hill Giant Chief - Nosnra's Saga - Part 11
JasonZavoda writes "A Hard Path to Follow"
The Hill Giant Chief - Nosnra's Saga - Part 10
JasonZavoda writes "Out of the Fire"
The Hill Giant Chief - Nosnra's Saga - Part 9
JasonZavoda writes "They didnt want to set the world on fire..."
The Hill Giant Chief - Nosnra's Saga - Part 8
JasonZavoda writes "Caught in the Middle Again"
The Hill Giant Chief - Nosnra's Saga - 2020 - Part 7
JasonZavoda writes "Time to Run - An overstayed welcome."
The Hill Giant Chief - Nosnra's Saga - Part 6
JasonZavoda writes "Hunchbacks and Monkeys, Oh My."
Omnipotent view – Returning the Anvil of the Lortmils
longetalos writes "Squad 13 has found the Anvil of the Lortmils. Little do they know the chaos this will unleash."
The Hill Giant Chief - Nosnra's Saga - Part 5
JasonZavoda writes "Iron Bars Do Not A Shield Make"
The Hill Giant Chief - Nosnra's Saga - Part 4
JasonZavoda writes "Out of the Frying Pan"
An Unsung Death In Geoff Part 1
JasonZavoda writes "The Giants had taken Geoff now the heroes were taking it back"
The Hill Giant Chief - Nosnra's Saga - Part 3
JasonZavoda writes "Taking the fight to the Giants"
The Hill Giant Chief - Nosnra's Saga - Part 2
JasonZavoda writes "Nine Heroes Against the Giants"
The Silver Wolf-For Crown Or Country: Epilogue
CruelSummerLord writes "That castle, after all, was the reason Xavener used those adventurers-the Company of the Silver Wolf, he’d heard some of the Crandens call them-to ruin the plans of Chelor and his cabal. Conquering the Iron League would have brought Chelor great wealth and honor, but it wouldn’t have brought him closer in line with the Malachite Throne. North Province, Rel Astra, Medegia and Ratik would also all be as independent as ever. Ivid would have been pleased at the conquest, perhaps enough to change his plans."
The Hill Giant Chief - Nosnra's Saga Part 1
JasonZavoda writes "The Story of Giants and the Adventurers Come to Oppose Them"
The Silver Wolf-For Crown Or Country: You Can't Go Home Again
CruelSummerLord writes " “We did what we had to do,” Seline said. “There wasn’t any other way around it-people like Chelor and Xeravho made their own choices. I miss the performances, the balls, and the heritage…but if even if I can’t return to that home, I can return to my other one can’t I?”"
The Silver Wolf-For Crown Or Country: Burning Man
CruelSummerLord writes "Both men were drenched with blood and sweat, but they ignored it as they resumed their struggle. Caradoc seethed at the thought of the glory and treasure he stood to gain from invading the Iron League, gains that the companions threatened. Ma’non’go felt the rage he’d been carrying for nearly a decade rise up again, rage at losing his family, his honor and his home due to lies and betrayal. Their eyes locked again, and they both saw the anger and hate in each others’ souls."
The Silver Wolf-For Crown Or Country: A Hill To Die On
CruelSummerLord writes "Ma’non’go knew that Caradoc would be a much more dangerous opponent than he was when they fought at the cabal’s manor. Caradoc was dressed in heavy plate armor, and carried a large broadsword and shield a bearing the crowned boar’s head of South Province. Caradoc also had a murderous look in his eyes, one that promised the Olman warrior a slow, painful death for his previous humiliation. Ma’non’go realized he’d offended Caradoc’s warrior pride, and their clash would only end with one of them dead."
The Silver Wolf-For Crown Or Country: Over The Hills And Far Away
CruelSummerLord writes "Airk knew that seeking the help of burrowing mammals was an old gnomish tradition. He knew that he was trying to return a sacred gnomish treasure back to its rightful home. He knew that, as his adventuring friends had helped him so far, he would help them with things that were important to them.But as he walked back to rejoin his friends, he heard that same voice at the back of his mind again, the voice he’d first heard in the Wizard’s Hat Inn back in Greyhawk."
The Silver Wolf-For Crown Or Country: Opportunity Knocks
CruelSummerLord writes "He smiled, ever so briefly, as he resumed working on his painting of Norreck. The painting featured Norreck as golden and resplendent, fiercely loyal to Aerdi’s crowned sun.It was only noticeable to anyone who studied the painting very carefully, but that crowned sun was already starting to set. "
The Silver Wolf-For Crown Or Country: Drinking Game
CruelSummerLord writes "Xavener felt like the Overking at that moment, reveling in the power he felt. He thought back to the castle he’d painted those months ago, the castle he saw so often in his dreams. The Iron League’s remaining intact allowed that dream to continue, and Xavener knew he was another step closer to making it a reality."
EDIT: The Silver Wolf-For Crown Or Country: Improvisational Theatre
CruelSummerLord writes " “The halfling and that drunken blonde man will save you?” he said with a smirk. “Let them try-the puny huts of Caradoc and his cabal don’t have the defenses my humble home does. But don’t worry-they’ll join the rest of your friends in the slave markets!”"
The Silver Wolf-For Crown Or Country: Improvisational Theatre
CruelSummerLord writes "“The halfling and that drunken blonde man will save you?” he said with a smirk. “Let them try-the puny huts of Caradoc and his cabal don’t have the defenses my humble home does. But don’t worry-they’ll join the rest of your friends in the slave markets!”"
The Silver Wolf-For Crown Or Country: Total Party Kill
CruelSummerLord writes "The Crown of Arumdina was a magnificent piece, every part of it beautifully crafted and assembled with pride. Its cap was made of pure sable fur, its tailoring fit for a king. The Crown’s circlet was of gold and ringed with rubies, while its arches were of platinum, each lined with two rows of diamonds on either side of each half-arch. Each of the four spaces between the Crown’s half-arches bore the image of a separate burrowing mammal, a raccoon, a sable, a badger and a mole, wrought in gold to match the circlet, and bearing bright emeralds for eyes. The monde was of platinum like the arches, and atop it there stood a piece of mithril crafted to resemble a battleaxe. The mithril was said to be a piece of Arumdina, the sentient battleaxe wielded by Garl Glittergold himself. That mithril axe was the source of the Crown’s power, giving a powerful magical blessing to the gnomish king that wore it."
The Silver Wolf-For Crown Or Country: The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword
CruelSummerLord writes "In just a few short weeks, everything would be in place. Count Fedorik would be dead and Idee would be at South Province’s mercy. The rest of the Iron League states, fractured by the conquest of Idee and the further disruptions of the Naelaxian agents, would fall one by one."
The Silver Wolf-For Crown Or Country: Watery Grave
CruelSummerLord writes "The wizard’s attack was the last thing Weimar or any of his friends expected. The waters of the lake moat began to bubble and stir before they rose into a massive column nearly twenty feet tall. Two smaller columns extended from the column’s sides, growing what looked distinctly like human hands. A trio of bubbles formed nearly at the top of the column, two small ones appearing over a larger one, reminding Weimar of a human mouth and eyes."
The Silver Wolf-For Crown Or Country: A Matter Of Perspective
CruelSummerLord writes "“I don’t know,” she admitted. “I just remember all the joy I experienced growing up in House Cranden, attending the balls, reading the histories, performing in the plays. I thought of what Aerdy was like before the rot that set in under House Rax, and how much Aerdy’s lost since the Turmoil Between Crowns. Those are the things I love…and the things I miss.”"
The Silver Wolf-For Crown Or Country: The Eyes Have It
CruelSummerLord writes "Caradoc feared nothing that he understood. He couldn’t fathom Xeravho, though, and that disturbed him. Xeravho was the one who’d come up with most of the details to murder Count Fedorik of Idee, while Caradoc was responsible for planning the military invasion of Idee that would come with the Count’s death. The country would be in chaos with Count Fedorik dead and Idee at loggerheads with Sunndi, so that South Province would overrun it with little difficulty."
The Silver Wolf-For Crown Or Country: Dangerous Liaisons
CruelSummerLord writes "“That nothing would happen at tonight’s ball?” Xavener said, his beaming smile turning to an unpleasant leer. “Under normal circumstances, yes. Those Naelax idiots your Olman friend humiliated just now will deserve everything that’s coming to them. But circumstances change…especially when the organizer of the ball is involved,” he finished, his eyes gleaming again."
The Silver Wolf-For Crown Or Country: There's No Place Like Home
CruelSummerLord writes "Weimar cheered up a bit from that. It was one thing to insult Keoland’s shameful military history--he did it all the time himself. It was quite another to take the insult from a coddled young dandy who’d never cut his mother’s apron strings or seen a day of hard combat in his entire life!"
The Silver Wolf-For Crown Or Country: All In The Family
CruelSummerLord writes "Sixteen years old now, and as wealthy as he is wise,” Jerrica said, smiling admiringly at the thought of the handsome young prince. “He’s the pride and hope of House Darmen-artist, philosopher, romantic…and the most eligible bachelor in the whole of the Great Kingdom,” she finished with a twinkle in her eye. “Is that why you and Luna really returned? Seeking a husband?"
EDIT: The Silver Wolf-For Crown Or Country: Many Paths Become One
CruelSummerLord writes "“I think it means he’s a better fighter than most of the rabble that make up the Keoish Army,” Luna said with a wry smile. “After all, it’s the same army that’s been defeated by everyone from the Ulekian states to the Grand Duchy of Geoff to the Hold of the Sea Princes.”"
The Silver Wolf-For Crown Or Country: A Portrait Is Worth A Thousand Words
CruelSummerLord writes "“He’s perhaps driven more than any other man for this to succeed,” Sylphianna said. “If I didn’t know better, I’d swear he wanted to avenge his honor.”“…Is that right,” Xavener said, as he suddenly switched his focus to painting the chessboard that Ewain and Norreck had left on the table next to the divan Sylphianna was lying on."
The Silver Wolf-For Crown Or Country: Skull And Crossbones
CruelSummerLord writes "One looked like a hideous cross between a hobgoblin and a fish. It had the build and face of a hobgoblin, but its body was covered in slimy green scales, and it had webbed feet and hands. The other looked like nothing so much as a demonic-looking fish that somehow grew arms and legs and learned to walk upright. It too was covered in scales, but they were a deep greenish black on its back, leading to a lighter green on its belly. The creature’s fins were pure black, which contrasted all the more with its gleaming white, razor-sharp teeth. Both creatures carried short stabbing spears, which were already splattered with the blood of the two dead sailors at their feet."
The Silver Wolf-For Crown Or Country: Jaws Of Death
CruelSummerLord writes "The sailor was about to answer, but he was interrupted again, this time by the cries of dying men coming from belowdecks."
The Silver Wolf-For Crown Or Country: Royal Favorites
CruelSummerLord writes "Standing several feet back and to the side of his father, Xavener glanced over at Herzog Chelor, who was watching the proceedings. At first glance, Chelor seemed like a greasy, overweight, pompous slob, his oily black hair never seeming to be properly washed and several days of beard stubble on his chin. Xavener noticed several faint stains on his clothes as well, stains that not even the most vigorous washing could remove, from previous debaucheries. His general behavior confirmed most peoples' initial impressions of him, but the seething look in his eyes reminded Xavener of his infamously short temper."
The Silver Wolf-For Crown Or Country: Like Father, Like Daughters
CruelSummerLord writes " “Remember, you have Ma’non’go to protect you,” Revafour said as he nodded towards the latter, “and you also have the rest of us as well. We’ll defend you to the death…” Revafour paused, letting his words hang in the air for a moment. “…to the death of anyone who would dare threaten you,” he finished with a smile"
The Silver Wolf-For Crown Or Country: Royal Treatments
CruelSummerLord writes "“Of course,” Matthias said, “and that’s why you hired me to look into where the Crown of Arumdina might be. It’s certainly an engaging story, but I had a devil of a time putting everything together. I had to cross-reference several of the sources at the Great Library with some of the sources at the library here,” he said, gesturing around at the Guildhall. “And it would have been easier if our library wasn’t such a disgraceful mess. I’ve told the senile old codgers who run this place a dozen times that they need to reorganize the library, but do they listen? No, of course not!”"
The Silver Wolf-For Crown Or Country: Castles And Dreams
CruelSummerLord writes "“Besides, you never know what the future might hold,” Xavener said, still smiling. Norreck stopped smiling as he looked curiously at his son. “Do you remember our last chess game, father?” Xavener said, his smile widening. Norreck nodded as Xavener laughed again."
The Silver Wolf-For Crown Or Country: Heavy Is The Head That Seeks The Crown
CruelSummerLord writes "You don’t deserve their help, Airk heard an inner voice tell him. You’re going to get them all killed. They’ll never realize their own dreams, because they’ll die trying to save your wretched hide.Airk tried to ignore the voice, but it came back to him again and again.Day after day after day."
The Silver Wolf-Ghosts Of The Past: Epilogue
CruelSummerLord writes "I won’t rest until I’ve fulfilled my responsibilities to Laessar, his family, the brothers we lost in the Hateful Wars, and Flinthold, Airk thought. I have much to answer for, and there will be a reckoning for my sins, but no matter how many roads I have to walk before I do, I know that I won’t walk them alone."
The Silver Wolf: Ghosts Of The Past-And I Dub Thee Unforgiven
CruelSummerLord writes "Trendin gasped in horror as his mother and sisters cried out in despair. Airk stared at Laessar’s body while the rest of Luna’s companions glanced at one another, realizing what had happened. Luna felt weak in the knees as she realized her failure, and she would have collapsed if Ma’non’go hadn’t caught her."
The Silver Wolf: Ghosts Of The Past-Blood And Treasure
CruelSummerLord writes "“You worry too much about foolish things,” Kalrek said, the smile returning to his face. “You let them rule you instead of tearing through them and taking what you want. Why do you think I’ve prospered the way I have? What’s your reverence for the likes of Baravan and Segojan ever gotten you? Or are you just letting Garl Glittergold play an especially sick joke on you?”"
The Silver Wolf: Ghosts Of The Past-Fog Of War
CruelSummerLord writes "Luna felt sick at what the companions would have to do, but she knew that the consequences of not doing it would be far, far worse. "
The Silver Wolf: Ghosts Of The Past-My Kingdom For A Crown
CruelSummerLord writes "Kalrek would have the power of the Crown on his brow, the power of the public face of his kingdom in one hand, and the power of the hidden face of his kingdom in the other. That kingdom, Kalrek’s visible and hidden kingdom, would grow like an ever-expanding tunnel. It would bring him new treasures, new glory… …and new victims. He could hear Urdlen laughing again."
The Silver Wolf-Ghosts Of The Past: The Shadow Knows
CruelSummerLord writes "Amyalla whirled around, thinking that the dogs might be responsible, but then she screamed in pain as a blade slashed her viciously across the back. Twisting around, Amyalla tried to stab whatever attacked her, but then she heard cruel laughter that no dog could make. She also heard the cries of her friends in the darkness."
The Silver Wolf: Ghosts Of The Past-Rivers Of Blood On My Hands
CruelSummerLord writes "And please let me punish Kalrek for his crimes. I accept my fate, but please let me make Kalrek suffer his first for all the blood he’s spilled.  Those are the boons I ask of you. My failings are mine alone-no one else should suffer for them. "
The Silver Wolf: Ghosts Of The Past-Highway Robbery
CruelSummerLord writes "An image of Urdlen tearing his victims apart passed through Kalrek’s mind, and he began to laugh out loud at the thought of it. He saw that image a lot. It pleased him to no end."
The Silver Wolf: Ghosts Of The Past-Rivers Of Blood On The Stone
CruelSummerLord writes "Far off to the side, Airk could see other dwarves sorting through the gnomes' dead bodies for valuables. As the dwarves finished with the gnomes' bodies, they tossed the corpses into a large pile, likely intending to leave the bodies to rot for the underground scavengers."
The Silver Wolf: Ghosts Of The Past-Off The Beaten Path
CruelSummerLord writes "Airk considered Bretten’s request, frowning. Etterboek was considerably to the north of Hommlet. Bretten and Nusanne were likely planning to take the western branch of the High Road where it forked, and cross the ford over the Imredys Run. From there, they could reach the city of Penwick and continue west to Etterboek. The companions had been planning to continue along the south branch of the High Road. They could travel south from Etterboek to Hommlet once they’d escorted Bretten and Nusanne, but it was a delay.   "
The Silver Wolf: Ghosts Of The Past-Wood And Wine
CruelSummerLord writes "“How long has he been carrying around this grudge against this supposed traitor?” Weimar said, a faraway look appearing in his bleary eyes. “How long has he been dwelling on what happened to his kin? How long has he been blaming himself, even when only a fool would consider him responsible? Gnomes have such long lifespans-how long do they keep such memories with them?”"
The Silver Wolf: Ghosts Of The Past-The Gnome Who Would Be King
CruelSummerLord writes "Normally, Gangrelen feared nothing. However, this gnome seemed so far above Gangrelen, above every other being that lived in the complex complex, that Gangrelen was relieved indeed that the gnome was glad to see him. The gnome’s mannerisms were those of a king, and indeed Gangrelen could imagine him in the company of the human kinds of Nyrond, Furyondy or Keoland. The gnome radiated confidence and certainty, as well as an aura of power and wisdom that almost seemed tangible around him."
The Silver Wolf: Ghosts Of The Past-Old Demons, New Suffering
CruelSummerLord writes "Looking at one another, Airk’s companions nodded reassuringly. Ma’non’go was certain, however, that he wasn’t the only one troubled by the look that was still in Airk’s eyes."
The Silver Wolf: Ghosts Of The Past-Cat's Meow
CruelSummerLord writes "Ma’non’go’s warning came just in time, and the companions scattered before the beast would have landed in their midst. As the companions readied their weapons, they got a good look at the creature in the lamplight. To Ma’non’go, it resembled one of the black panthers that were said to dwell in the lands of the Touv people that the Olman sometimes dealt with back in Hepmonaland. It was far larger than any panther, however. The creature’s tail was unnaturally long, extending well over its owner’s head and swinging around like a flail."
The Silver Wolf: Ghosts Of The Past-Lost And Found
CruelSummerLord writes "That was something Revafour hadn’t expected. “…Why are you asking?” he asked, genuinely puzzled by her request. “Because I want to know,” Seline said. “I want to hear it from your perspective.”"
The Silver Wolf: Ghosts Of The Past-Bad Things Always Come In Twos
CruelSummerLord writes "Four of the trolls were the same kinds of monsters the companions had been fighting over a week now, but the fifth one was another matter entirely. The towering monstrosity was an even more disgusting shade of green than his underlings, if it was even possible, and two heads sprouted from his broad shoulders. One of them chattered eagerly in the mishmash language the trolls used to communicate, while the other one was laughing wildly."
The Silver Wolf: Ghosts Of The Past-Slow Burn
CruelSummerLord writes "Of the score of trolls who had attacked the village, half of them had fallen to acid or to Luna’s fiery magic. The defenders gathered up the rest of the trolls and stacked them in a large pile. Luna stood before the pile of trolls, chanting another spell. She gestured to the sky and Pelor responded, as the pile of troll corpses burst into flame. The trolls’ makeshift funeral pyre filled the air with a disgusting stink, making many of the defenders want to retch."
The Silver Wolf: Ghosts Of The Past-A Midsummer Night's Plea
CruelSummerLord writes "Luna and Revafour frowned as they exchanged glances. Trolls had an amazing ability to heal from most injuries, such as they could not be killed by steel alone. Steel could disable trolls, but the hateful things could only be killed permanently by acid or flame."
The Silver Wolf: Ghosts Of The Past-Prologue
CruelSummerLord writes "Laessar had given his family and servants strict instructions that he was not to be disturbed when he reviewed his confidence. When he emerged from his study two hours later to eat his supper, he was again projecting his confident, assured manner. He was the only one who knew it was all a lie. "
The Silver Wolf-A Light In The Dark: Chapter Fifteen-Trail Of Dreams
CruelSummerLord writes "The forested area was a common stopping point for travelers between Greyhawk and Dyvers. However, as the adventurers got a fire going and ate their evening meal they felt as if they were the only people in all the world. Shadows crept in around them as the sky filled with a dazzling collection of stars. The stars contrasted with the light of the fire, lending an aura of wonder and mystery to the adventurers’ surroundings."
The Silver Wolf-A Light In The Dark: Chapter Fourteen-Breaking Dawn
CruelSummerLord writes "Even in just the short time he’d known them, Ma’non’go had seen how the Flan warrior and his gnome and halfling companions had suffered in their own right. Ma’non’go had concluded that they weren’t so different from himself, or Luna and Seline. And then there was Weimar-for all his cheerful demeanor, Ma’non’go doubted that was all there was to it.To his own surprise, Ma’non’go found that the idea of parting ways with any of the other adventurers dismayed him."
The Silver Wolf-A Light In The Dark: Chapter Thirteen-Darkest Hour
CruelSummerLord writes "Luna felt a sense of accomplishment in destroying the idol of Orcus, realizing that she had done right by Pelor. However, destroying the idol had done little to relieve her worries about her fellow adventurers, or the sorrow she felt for all the people who these monsters had victimized."
The Silver Wolf-A Light In The Dark: Chapter Twelve-Darkness Falls
CruelSummerLord writes "At that moment, the seven people walking down the passage they had not entered yet all shared the same desire.To make the monsters pay with blood."
The Silver Wolf-A Light In The Dark: Chapter Eleven-Degrees Of Separation
CruelSummerLord writes "The giants and ogres shivered as the weird sisters began their chant, feeling as if they were being watched. Something wrong, not of this oerth, was coming, some horrible thing that sent chills down their spines. They were utterly helpless before it, and they could feel it looming before them, something that promised infinite menace, attraction and horror all at once."
The Silver Wolf-A Light In The Dark: Chapter Ten-Fallen Heroes
CruelSummerLord writes "Wow, all that remains is to deal with these monsters, whoever they are, he thought. Borrowing Weimar’s spyglass, he focused it to take a good look at the Bearded Lord’s Hollow, and determine the best path to take. It was now fifteen minutes’ march to the hollow, no more."
The Silver Wolf-A Light In The Dark: Chapter Nine-Dogs Of War
CruelSummerLord writes "The death dogs more than lived up to their name. Over four feet high at the shoulder, with hides coal-black in color, the death dogs each bore two huge heads bristling with sharp-edged fangs. There were almost thirty of the foul things, howling balefully as they charged their prey, and they had the adventurers completely surrounded."
The Silver Wolf-A Light In The Dark: Chapter Eight: Two Paths Become One
CruelSummerLord writes "“So you’ve been wandering since then,” Weimar reflected. “Searching for something?”Revafour frowned at that.“You’re not alone in that,” Weimar said, “not at all. I’ve often wondered about that myself, and if I’ll ever find it…”"
The Silver Wolf-A Light In The Dark: Chapter Seven: Back And Forth
CruelSummerLord writes "You insult my honor with such a question, Ma’non’go’s message read. I am a slave to no man-I protect Luna and Seline because I owe their father a debt for saving my life. And as for why I do not speak with my voice, the reasons are my own and I will not speak of them."
The Silver Wolf-A Light In The Dark: Chapter Six: Find The Path
CruelSummerLord writes "“Your friends have mentioned a great evil,” the Flan leader replied, as the adventurers kicked up their horses to follow. “If my suspicions are correct, we may need your help just as much as those whose child you seek to rescue.”"
The Silver Wolf-A Light In The Dark: Chapter Five: Honor Among Thieves
CruelSummerLord writes "“I know all about you, Pieden,” Amyalla accused him, her voice icily calm as Pieden cowered against the wall. “Kidnapping children to sell as slaves, lining your own pockets for their suffering. You’re so brave and strong, intimidating those who can’t fight back. How do you deal with someone who is capable of dealing with you on your own terms?” she demanded, her voice rising angrily as she brandished her dagger."
The Silver Wolf-A Light In The Dark: Chapter Four: The City Narrows
CruelSummerLord writes "The Green Dragon Inn was where many of her old friends tended to congregate. While the Wizard’s Hat was one of the best-kept secrets in Greyhawk’s river quarter, the Green Dragon Inn was one of the river quarter’s most notorious hangouts. The Green Dragon Inn’s clientele was tough and crude, made up of thieves, mercenaries, dockworkers, common tradesmen, and other lower-born folk both honest and dishonest."
The Silver Wolf-A Light In The Dark: Chapter Three: The Faintest Of Trails
CruelSummerLord writes "North by north east…In the hills, built stone on stone like cairn…The innocent plead for deliverance…At the giant’s cloven beard…"
The Silver Wolf-A Light In The Dark: Chapter Two:
CruelSummerLord writes "Pieden knew what the wicked ones wanted. He wasn’t sure who he hated more, the wicked ones for what they were doing to Elian, or himself for not being able to stop them. They were demanding more victims, he knew, and if he did not bring them then Elian would die.So be it, then.He had not survived on the streets of Greyhawk as long as he had through sentimentality, after all."
The Silver Wolf-A Light In The Dark: Prologue And Chapter One-The Long Roads
CruelSummerLord writes "Uboldine’s eyes seemed to pierce through Joelmac’s sight, all the way to the back of his mind. His heart began pounding, the blood roared in his ears, and a crippling tension seized his limbs. Ublodine’s gaze ravaged Joelmac’s body, seizing it with pain before it began to shut down.It was the last sight he ever saw."
The Silver Wolf: Ghosts Of The Past, Part Fourteen
CruelSummerLord writes "An hour later, they were on the road, all seven.The Crown of Arumdina was waiting. "
The Silver Wolf: Ghosts Of The Past, Part Thirteen
CruelSummerLord writes "Blood streaked down one side of Kalrek’s face, but if he was at all upset by the blow he didn’t show it. His smile grew even wider, as he began to laugh once more. With a murderous light in his eyes, he blocked Airk’s next strike and thrust once more with his sword. Airk moved to block it with his shield, but Kalrek hooked his sword under Airk’s shield and heaved it upwards, throwing Airk off balance and leaving him completely defenseless.Kalrek didn’t waste the opportunity, slashing Airk across the chest and down to his leg. Blood poured down Airk’s chest, a flow that was only worsened when Kalrek followed up with another blow that cut deep into his hip and thigh and caused another well of blood to rise up. "
The Silver Wolf: Ghosts Of The Past, Part Twelve
CruelSummerLord writes "“How long has it been, old friend?” he smirked. “Six decades and more?”“Far too long,” Airk replied, “that you continued to draw breath on this oerth.”“And yet, here I am,” Kalrek grinned. “I continue to live and to thrive, seizing the day, building my reputation and my fortune. What of you, then? How has burrowing through haunted ruins, rescuing distressed damsels, and traveling to the four corners of the Flanaess benefited you? Or has it truly done so?”"
The Silver Wolf: Ghosts Of The Past, Part Eleven
CruelSummerLord writes "He would have the Crown on his brow, the power of his subjects in one hand and the power of his minions in the other, his empire, his visible and hidden empire, would grow like an ever-expanding tunnel, always seeking new treasures, new glory……and new victims.He could hear Urdlen laughing. "
The Silver Wolf: Ghosts Of The Past, Part Ten
CruelSummerLord writes "Twisting around, her dagger leading, Amyalla tried to strike back against whatever was attacking them, but all she heard was the twisted laughter of something in the darkness, something more than the doglike creatures that had attacked her.She heard the cries of her companions in the darkness."
The Silver Wolf: Ghosts Of The Past Part Eight
CruelSummerLord writes "“Have you ever felt such guilt that it threatened to drive you mad?” Airk asked. “The feeling that you have brought shame to your heritage and your people, shame made all the worse by the fact that you couldn’t bring yourself to bring a murderer to justice?""
The Silver Wolf: Ghosts Of The Past, Part Seven
CruelSummerLord writes "Airk was all but certain that he had died, and when he awakened in a haze of pain, he wondered if he had come to the Seven Heavens or the Tri-Paradises.The scene awaiting him looked more like the Nine Hells. He was securely chained to a line along with several other gnomes, all of whom were marked with grisly half-healed wounds and were covered in dried blood. "
The Silver Wolf: Ghosts Of The Past, Part Six
CruelSummerLord writes "“Big words coming from men who likely wouldn’t even be able to pleasure that young lady you’re harassing, assuming you were worthy of being with her,” Weimar scowled back. “I’ve always found that the more people such as yourselves boast about your prowess, the smaller your protrusions actually prove to be in practice. Granted, I’m sure you all know that about each other already, considering how little success you’ve likely had with anyone else…”"
The Silver Wolf: Ghosts Of The Past, Part Five
CruelSummerLord writes "“…an’ when that turtle bit down on the barrel, it blew up real good,” the sailor grinned to Amyalla, who only smiled back as she took a sip of wine. “See, that’s the secret to dealin’ with most of these sea bastards-the stupid ones run like dogs when they’re burned by flamin’ oil. Even the smart ones don’t think of stayin’ round too long after that, if’n you’re lucky…”"
The Silver Wolf: Ghosts Of The Past, Part Four
CruelSummerLord writes "Let them think him a warlord, seeking nothing more than to enrich himself at his victims’ expense.Let them ignore what he was truly searching for, the cherished prize that would be the ultimate triumph, the ultimate irony, and the ultimate insult to his old kinfolk.All for his glory, and the glory of the Crawler Below."
The Silver Wolf: Ghosts Of The Past, Part Three
CruelSummerLord writes "Let them think him a warlord, seeking nothing more than to enrich himself at his victims’ expense.Let them ignore what he was truly searching for, the cherished prize that would be the ultimate triumph, the ultimate irony, and the ultimate insult to his old kinfolk.All for his glory, and the glory of the Crawler Below."
The Silver Wolf: Ghosts Of The Past, Part Two
CruelSummerLord writes "“That was too easy,” Revafour said, voicing what they were all thinking. “These things were just fodder.”“So now it’s just us and the master, and whatever he’s got waiting for us,” Weimar chimed in. “Somehow, I don’t think he’ll be in a welcoming mood.”“You never know,” Amyalla quipped as they made their way into the cavern. “Perhaps he’ll be pleased that we decided to deliver his next meal.”"
The Silver Wolf: Ghosts Of The Past, Part One
CruelSummerLord writes "It’s almost like music, she thought to herself, choosing the correct instruments and using them in the correct order for a symphony. That’s the thing about magic-it can be so infinitely creative when a wizard sets her mind to it! "
The Green Wine of Celene
GreyhawkGrognard writes "A young spendthrift noble in the Free City of Greyhawk crosses paths with a merchant who is both more and less than he seems. But will the thieves' guild, of all things, set things aright?"
That Infamous Key
Mystic-Scholar writes "            Well, I never thought the tale would be so long in the telling! Mrs. Hildegard should be in any moment . . . Ooo! Sausages and biscuits! My, but you are a wonder, Mrs. Hildegard! And will you smell that milk gravy! It'll be good to break our fast while I continue my tale of . . ."
Origins Of The Silver Wolf: A Light In The Dark, Part Seven
CruelSummerLord writes "It was a common stopping point for travelers between the free cities, but as the adventurers got a fire going and ate their evening meal they felt as if they were the only people in all the world. As shadows crept in around them, the sky filled with a dazzling collection of stars, even as the twin moons Luna and Celene began their evening dance. The moon and stars contrasted with the light of the fire, lending an aura of wonder and mystery to their surroundings."
Origins Of The Silver Wolf: A Light In The Dark, Part Six
CruelSummerLord writes "They had expected horror when they entered into the large cavern, but what they saw was something out of a madman’s nightmare. The cavern was filled with dozens of corpses, many of them with rotting flesh still hanging from their bones. The flesh and the bones alike of the bodies were riddled with bite marks, as if something had started trying to eat them and then finished halfway through. It was just like the scene they had encountered in the first cavern, and yet it was worse, as many of the bodies were being posed in ghoulish scenes."
Origins Of The Silver Wolf: A Light In The Dark, Part Five
CruelSummerLord writes "At that moment, the seven people walking down the corridor all shared the same desire. To make the monsters pay with blood. "
Origins Of The Silver Wolf: A Light In The Dark, Part Four
CruelSummerLord writes "Soon their cries faded, as did the laughter. The fog and steam died away soon after that as well, until all that was left were the lifeless and maimed corpses that were the only things in the cave to begin with. "
Origins Of The Silver Wolf: A Light In The Dark, Part Three
CruelSummerLord writes "Their ritual completed, the weird sisters fell silent as Dorbella gestured to Bruddelmort, who stood nearby with the rest of his kin. Bruddelmort stepped forward as the weird sisters resumed their ritual, this time with a different spell in mind. They cast the spell on their minion, preparing him for the next phase of their plan. Soon, the ritual ended as Dorbella began casting one final chant of her own, preparing herself for her role in the coming storm. "
Origins Of The Silver Wolf: A Light In The Dark, Part Two
CruelSummerLord writes "“You four seem to be adventurers, are you not?” the leader of the guards asked calmly. “Yes, we are,” Weimar replied. “Is that a problem? Because if it is, we can be on our way-“ “No, you may in fact be the people our lord is searching for,” the leader of the guards shook his head. “He could use the help of talents such as yours…” "
Origins Of The Silver Wolf: A Light In The Dark, Part One
CruelSummerLord writes "Was he awake or asleep? Joelmac hardly knew anymore, and in any event it didn’t really matter. The wicked ones, the ones who were keeping him imprisoned in his cell, always kept it dark in the cavern. He could hear their mocking laughter, and the screams and cries of his fellow prisoners, whether in his sleeping nightmares or when he was awake in the darkness of the cell. He could also see the wicked ones clearly despite the darkness, and even more so the horrors they had forced him to witness. Again, it hardly mattered whether he was awake or asleep-they were waiting in the darkness."
Omnipotent View – Siege of Grabford
longetalos writes "In this Omnipotent View the forces of Iuz work from inside Grabford to undermine the defense of that city while the horde marches to its walls."
The Knot (Part Three)
ragr writes "Life flies by and when it does, Greyhawk waits for you.Long time in coming, but we return to The Harbour where ropes entwine and tempers fray as surely as worn cord."
Omnipotent view - Crossing the Veng
longetalos writes "In this story, an army of humanoids and agents of Iuz crosses the Veng to assault Grabford. Their advance scouting force is led by the self-proclaimed genius Melbrug the Crusher.Richard Di Ioia - aka Longetalos"
Omnipotent view - A day in the life of Bradus the bard
longetalos writes "In this story, Bradus the bard's day goes from good to bad very Richard Di Ioia - aka Longetalos"
Omnipotent view - Bad news at home
longetalos writes "In this omnipotent view, a priest returns home to find his temple Richard Di Ioia - aka Longetalos"
Even the Undead can Know Fear
Mystic-Scholar writes "A Sir Ivon Story            It is a feeling I have, nothing more. Unease, if you will. A sense of being . . . hunted!"
Omnipotent view - How does one interrogate a dragon
longetalos writes "In this omnipotent view, the mentat Mann Marzoon is being convinced to intrude on the thoughts of a captured Richard Di Ioia aka Longetalos"
The Work is Never Done
Mystic-Scholar writes "A Sir Ivon Story                 It was exquisite, the perfect weapon for . . . destroying the Undead.  "
No Rest for the Wicked
Mystic-Scholar writes "The Living were interfering with my plans."
That Infamous Key, Part Nine
Mystic-Scholar writes "What's this? Sunrise! Goodness me! Have we been talking all night? (Chuckles) You're right, dear girl . . . we'll blame it on the cider! And Mrs. Hildegard's exquisite muffins of course! Hmm? Yes, indeed it is! The same Brother Nortoi! Still there. Did I tell you that I helped him out when I was searching for . . ."
The Making of a Paladin
Mystic-Scholar writes "I killed my father."
That Infamous Key, Part Eight
Mystic-Scholar writes "Well, will you look at that, Slinky's finally dozed off! Must be the muffins! Hmm? Trouble? Bah! I was in no trouble! Disappointed are you? Well, have another muffin and mug of cider and you'll feel better. (Laugh) No, I wasn't in any trouble, but it seems that my Master had already learned of my search for . . ."
A Tale of Good and Evil, Chapter 1
quae writes "In 584 C.Y., Greyhawk City has opened her arms to a new group of heroes who have saved the lands of Oerth from the wretched Demon Queen of Spiders. But not all within the city walls welcome our heroes with good intentions…"
By Steel and Spell: Part IV
masterarminas writes "The companions arrive in Barovia to find that evil is not always evil."
By Steel and Spell: Part III
masterarminas writes "The fellowship is now aware of the nature of the threat.  And our story continues . . ."
By Steel and Spell, Part II
MasterArminas writes "Continuing the story from Part I, our heroes makes new discoveries and learn what kind of foe they now face."
By Steel and Spell (Part I)
MasterArminas writes "In the northern reaches of the Timberway Forest, an ancient evil is growing stronger.  Old friends -- once separated -- must now come together to battle and defeat this malevolent presence . . . once and for all!"
Return of the Spider Queen, Part 2
Flint writes "A final confrontation awaits Aalas in the Fane of Tiamat, but the awakening of a powerful evil seems inevitable -- whether he wins or loses . . ."
Of Ashes and Empire
LeahcimTheLearned writes "The Kingdom of Aerdy, once the jewel of Oerth, spanned the continent, then fell into decadence and finally into memory.  But as one wise learned man once said; 'Sometimes ashes hide an ember to start a fire anew . . .'"
Return of the Spider Queen, Part 1
Flint writes "Aalas -- Son of Agnure of Hommlet -- begins to lead his company away from the Fane of Tiamat, but he quickly realizes that he has little choice but to return to the Fane in an attempt to free his imprisoned step-father."
That Infamous Key Part VII
Mystic-Scholar writes "(Yawn) My, but it is getting on. Perhaps I should finish my tale another time? (Snort) Old age indeed! Older than you I might be girly, but I am not that old! . . ."
Origins of the Silver Wolf: Many Paths Become One
CruelSummerLord writes "“And now here we are,” Weimar laughed, finishing his last tankard. “It’s fascinating, isn’t it?” “What is?” Revafour asked curiously, finishing his water . . ."
That Infamous Key, Part Six
Mystic-Scholar writes "Well, hello there ‘Slinky!’ I wondered where you had gotten off to! Hmm? ‘Missy’ did what?  Dear girl, why ever did you put ‘Slinky’ in a cage? . . ."
The Knot (Part Two)
ragr writes "It's a curious thing about knots. Each of them is different. For some, the knot loosens. For others . . . it tightens. "
The Knot
ragr writes "Sometimes you choose a career. Sometimes the career chooses you. "
That Infamous Key Part Five
Mystic-Scholar writes "Ah, a beautiful star filled sky! I’m glad the clouds have gone. And will you look at the way the moonlight glows upon the snow capped mountains! Hmm? Digressing? What do you mean ‘digressing’? Child, you were the one that needed to go the privy! As for the story, well, it seemed that a part of Wolfsire’s past was catching up to us and we would soon be embroiled in more than just a search for . . ."
That Infamous Key Part Four
Mystic-Scholar writes "Oh dear! Would you look at that! The fire is dying down again, just throw another log on, would you? Mmmm, at least the cider is still warm. Would you care for another mug? And I think I’ll have another one of Mrs. Hildegard’s exquisite muffins! They are simply delicious! What? Oh, dear, I must apologize. I allowed myself to get distracted again, didn’t I? Hmm? Oh, no, we had only just begun ‘the chase’ for . . ."
That Infamous Key, Part Three
Mystic-Scholar writes "Yes, just put another log on the fire; that’s fine. It really is nice of you to visit with me of an evening like this; a break from study and research and all that. You are a sweet girl and a fine apprentice too, I must say. Did you enjoy your muffin? Excellent, aren’t they? And the cider! Hmm? What? The story? You mean I didn’t finish it? Well, now that you mention it, I suppose I didn’t at that! Ha, ha! The mind, it’s the first thing to go you know! No, no, no, catching the half-orc did not end the search for . . ."
That Infamous key, Part 2
Mystic-Scholar writes "Ah, nice warm cider, on a cool Sunsebb evening in front of the fireplace, nothing quite like it! And these muffins! Have you ever tasted their like? I really must get the recipe from Mrs. Hildegard. Huh? What? Oh, I am sorry . . . the story! Of course, how obtuse of me. In my defense I really must blame Mrs. Hildegard’s excellent muffins for my lapse. Now, where was I? Oh, yes! I was talking about . . ."
That Infamous Key, Part 1
Mystic-Scholar writes "You want a story? A thrilling tale of yester-year? Something relating to my youth, you say? Ah, yes, I see, you want to know how it all began! Well, I could entertain you with tales of my childhood, growing up on my father’s farm in the Yeomanry. Or perhaps regale you with my first adventurous journey to Greyhawk, after having gained my apprenticeship with my Master. But neither story is how my adventuring career really began. Well, it all started with . . ."
The Fall of Myrsyma’s Temple
Mystic-Scholar writes "Long before Queen Ehlissa created her Marvelous Nightingale, long before the Wizard-Priest Tzunk used the Codex to attempt the conquest of the Brass City, long before Kyuss performed unholy experiments in the mortuary city of Unaagh in the kingdom of Sulm, there was another legend whispered among the Flan . . . Caerdiralor . . ."
Flight from Caerdiralor
Mystic-Scholar writes "Long before the Twin Cataclysms there were whispered stories of lost empires of the Ur-Flan; the Occluded Empire of Vecna, the Isles of Woe in the Nyr Dyv, Veralos near the Rift Canyon, Tostehnca in the Griff Mountains and Sulm in the Bright Desert.    But long before any of these, there was another. So long ago that even the resilient gnomes of the Headlands, the enduring dwarves of  the Iron Hills, the long lived elves of the Rieuwood and the ancient treants of the Menowood are hard pressed to remember. But it is whispered . . . Caerdiralor . . ."
The Return of Thrommel: Lost Memories and Forgotten Hopes
CruelSummerLord writes "'Is this our curse for making enemies of the Horned Ones? Joy and peace given with one hand, and taken away with the other?' - Belvor IV, King of Furyondy, on Prince Thrommel's return to the kingdom of Furyondy and his rejection at the hands of Jolene of Veluna, after six years of absence."
Trail of Dreams: The Silver Wolf
CruelSummerLord writes ""Where do we go?  Do we even know?  Can we even know?  Does it even matter?""
Dirty Words - Pastiche in the World of Greyhawk
gvdammerung writes ""Pastiche."  Wash your mouth out with soap!  You said a dirty word!  Don't you know that the World of Greyhawk includes only unique, totally new, never before encountered, inspired from no preexisting anything, fantasy?  Indeed, that anything less is hack work?  So say many.  And thereby demonstrate their . . . personal preferences!  That is it precisely - personal preference - and not one wit more.  For pastiche is, has been and remains a vital part of the World of Greyhawk.  The real issue is not whether pastiche is a good thing or a bad thing - that's just personal preference - but how well it is done. "
Barbakoa, Alligator Accession
wolfsire writes "A bungle of poorly posed puns, allusions and alliterations, to humorously (hopefully) help halloo the Olman Revival in the Amedio Jungle. Viva la Fronds!"
Postfest V, Part III: The Krakens: Puppetmasters of the Ocean
CruelSummerLord writes "I am all that is. I am all that ever was. I am all that there will ever be. This world is mine to do with as I will. I am the master, you are my puppets. That is the way of the world, as Panzuriel decreed."
Prisoner of Darkness
kirt writes "The party’s quest to save Prince Thrommel takes them into the prisons of Dorakaa itself, There, they confront priests of Iuz, shadow magic, undead, demons, orcs, a giant, a bulette, and magical wards in a high-powered dungeon crawl. This is Part VII of the The Abduction of Thrommel. WARNING: This episode contains SPOILERS from WGR6 The City of Skulls (1), and dungeon masters planning to run this adventure may find this episode particularly useful as an example of play."
Into the Heart of Darkness
kirt writes "The band of heroes that was summoned by King Belvor now travel across the plains of Iuz on the trail of Prince Thrommel. Using a map of the sewers, they enter the feared city of Dorakaa itself. This edition is part VI of The Abduction of Thrommel. WARNING: This episode contains SPOILERS from WGR6 The City of Skulls (1)."
Postfest IV: The Secrets of Runes
Argon writes "What is truth? There are many things we know as being true, but what if I told you that truths exist that many are not aware of. Yes, these truths are as old as the cosmos itself, manifesting before the shaping of planets, before existence."
The Abduction of Thrommel - Part V: A Summons From the King
kirt writes "In this episode, Carnail and Kris travel to Chendyl, where they meet the other heroes who will be undertaking the mission to Dorakaa in search of the missing prince. They are briefed by King Belvor and his wizard Karzalin, and begin their journey to Iuz."
The Abduction of Thrommel - Part IVb - Interlude with Carnail
kirt writes "While Dame Kristiana trains, Carnail has ten days free before she will appear before King Belvor. She decides to spend her time visiting the Electors of Perrenland."
Shadows and Light
cwslyclgh writes "This is the prologue for a Greyhawk book I started writing when I was in high school, oh so long ago... maybe someday I will put more of the story onto Canonfire! But for now, this much will have to do. The prologue takes place about 20 years before the Twin Cataclysms, and the rest of the story was split up between the present day and various time periods in the past. I hope you enjoy this bit of writing. Comments, critiques, etc. are welcome as always."
The Abduction of Thrommel - Part IVa - Interlude with Kris
Kirt writes "At Tenser’s suggestion, Kris will be traveling to Chendyl to join a group of heroes being assembled for a daring raid on Dorakaa. Perhaps there they will find the missing Prince. But first, Kristianna has a few days to prepare, time she will use to be trained as a druid by an old friend from a former life."
Chronicles of a Malcontent: Chapter 2 - Brothers of Tedium
DangerDwarf writes "Krost continues his journal, detailing hs entrance to the monkly order, the Brothers of Tedium."
Chronicles of a Malcontent: Chapter 1 - Origins
DangerDwarf writes "A journal entry of the self-styled "Malcontent" and his origins in the grand city of Niole Dra."
The Abduction of Thrommel - Part III - The Chase
Kirt writes "The PC’s were standing next to Prince Thrommel when he was kidnapped and have been implicated in his disappearance. In Part III, they try to get him back. This post describes how, with a commune, limited wish, and Carnail’s mirror of mental prowess, they almost recovered the Prince, only to have him snatched away again. But was it really the Prince? (Read on...). They also meet with the Archmage Tenser to discuss the situation. Part IV will briefly detail Kris’ druid training, and then Part V continues with their summons by King Belvor, and his desperate plan to recover his son. Footnotes explain the non-canon parts of my campaign and detail background knowledge on PC’s and NPC’s."
Abduction of Thrommel - Part II: The Circus
kirt writes "My Greyhawk campaign started in 560 CY and we are now at the end of 573 CY. Not only did the PC’s experience the abduction of Prince Thrommel as a “campaign event”, they were standing next to him when it happened! Given that Thrommel’s abduction still generates interest among Greyhawkers, I thought some of you might like to read how it all played out in my campaign. This Part II describes the actual abduction itself. Part III will detail the attempts of the PC’s to locate the captured Prince through magical means."
The Abduction of Thrommel - Part I Prelude to Circus
kirt writes "My Greyhawk campaign started in 560 CY and we are now at the end of 573 CY. Not only did the PC’s experience the abduction of Prince Thrommel as a “campaign event”, they were standing next to him when it happened! Given that Thrommel’s abduction still generates interest among Greyhawkers, I thought some of you might like to read how it all played out in my campaign. This Part I sets up the political situation just prior to the abduction. Part II (the Circus) describes the actual abduction itself. Subsequent parts will describe how the PC’s are attempting to figure just what happened. Footnotes explain the non-canon parts of my campaign and detail background knowledge on PC’s and NPC’s. Warning: This post contains a SPOILER to some of the events in “The Jingling Mordo Circus”, a module from Dungeon Magazine Issue #7."
Changes of the Heart- The Conclusion
fallon writes "The conclusion of Fallon's encounter with a member of the Scarlet Brotherhood."
Changes of the Heart Part IV
fallon writes "Join in the fourth installment of the continuing saga of Fallon and his encounters with Scarlet Brotherhood."
Changes of the Heart Part III
fallon writes "The third part of the story of Fallon and his encounter with a member of the Scarlet Brotherhood"
A Greyhawk Giggle
Braggi writes "Fresh from the celebrations of Needfest, share a fun song and dance inspired by a bit of paint, some little metallic people, and quite probably a fair bit of eggnog.The Killer Kobolds loved it, they haven't quit singing it yet!"
Changes of the Heart Part II
fallon writes "Fallon returns with the second installment of his exciting tale of good, evil and the Scarlet Brotherhood."
Changes of the Heart Part I
fallon writes "In the mysterious world of the Flanaess, sometimes even evil can be changed for the good. Join Fallon the Sage as he relates a story of an encounter he had several years ago with a Monk of the Scarlet Brotherhood..."
The Duke's Admiral: Chapter 8
Mario_Greymist writes "What happens when good men do nothing? Some might say the Greyhawk Wars was the result of such: Evil expanded unchecked by the forces of Good until it was almost too late. In the Duchy of Urnst, unmarred by the recent horror that had swept most of the Flanaess, Duke Karll Lorinar-the Ranger Duke of Urnst-has seen the fruits of his own benign neglect and has vowed that past mistakes will be rectified?"
The Duke's Admiral, Part 4 (Chapter 7)
Mario_Greymist writes "What happens when good men do nothing? Some might say the Greyhawk Wars was the result of such: Evil expanded unchecked by the forces of Good until it was almost too late. In the Duchy of Urnst, unmarred by the recent horror that had swept most of the Flanaess, Duke Karll Lorinar-the Ranger Duke of Urnst-has seen the fruits of his own benign neglect and has vowed that past mistakes will be rectified… The latest installment of the ongoing saga!"
The Duke's Admiral, Part 3 (Chapter 6)
Mario_Greymist writes "What happens when good men do nothing? Some might say the Greyhawk Wars was the result of such: Evil expanded unchecked by the forces of Good until it was almost too late. In the Duchy of Urnst, unmarred by the recent horror that had swept most of the Flanaess, Duke Karll Lorinar-the Ranger Duke of Urnst-has seen the fruits of his own benign neglect and has vowed that past mistakes will be rectified…"
The Duke's Admiral, Part 2 (Chapter 5)
Mario_Greymist writes "What happens when good men do nothing? Some might say the Greyhawk Wars was the result of such: evil expanded unchecked by the forces of Good until it was almost too late. In the Duchy of Urnst, unmarred by the recent horror that had swept most of the Flanaess, Duke Karll Lorinar--the Ranger Duke of Urnst--has seen the fruits of his own benign neglect and has vowed that past mistakes will be rectified..."
The Duke's Admiral, Part 1 (Chapters 1-4)
Mario_Greymist writes "The Duke's Admiral Chapters 1-4 What happens when good men do nothing? Some might say the Greyhawk Wars was the result of such: Evil expanded unchecked by the forces of Good until it was almost too late. In the Duchy of Urnst, unmarred by the recent horror that had swept most of the Flanaess, Duke Karll Lorinar-the Ranger Duke of Urnst-has seen the fruits of his own benign neglect and has vowed that past mistakes will be rectified…"
The Soaring Three
MichaelSandar writes "Sit back and enjoy a rousing tale of the Soaring Three, a band of adventures in the Keoish town of Cryllor. Author: Michael Sandar"
Nut Thieves from Beyond!
Damren writes "This is a story write-up of an one shot adventure I ran sometime ago that may or may-not be suitable here. Some who have read it thought it to be entertaining. I leave it to you to decide. Author: Damren"
Fallen Angels - The Story of a 592 CY LG Adventure in the Yeomanry
reswald writes "This is the fictionized account of a mini-module adventure run at the Weekend in the Yeomanry (21-23 June 2002) to resolve the "Marry a Farmer's Daughter Contest" which has been in progress since 1 Jan 2002. It describes the aftermath of The Landstraad or Land Terror, the qreat earthquake that has devasted a large area of The Yeomanry. Author: Reswald"
The Fall of a Paladin: Conspiracies, Riddles and Arrows
Man-of-the-Cranes writes "The saga of the ill-fated Paladin of Heironeous continues as Governor-Knight Michael Torgrim fulfils duties to his new Lord-Mayor. Author: Man-of-the-Cranes"
A Tale of the Companions of the Silver Wolf
CruelSummerLord writes "A tale of how the Companions of the Silver Wolf united in their first adventure, before they became a great company sung in the history of the Flanaess... Author: CruelSummerLord"
Omnipotent View: The Forging of a Man
Longetalos writes "Where a man learns that a god always grants a second chance to those that served him faithfully - whether they want it or not. Author:Richard Di Ioia"
The Fall of a Paladin: Echoes of the Future
Man-of-the-Cranes writes "Following the sinister disappearance of his old comrades, Michael Torgrim, Paladin of Heironeous and Hero of Greyhawk City travels to the Great Library seeking help. This is the fourth chapter in the ongoing tale of one paladin's fall from grace and is dedicated to the player of the paladin: Matthew Gillies. Author: Man-of-the-Cranes"
The Fall of a Paladin: An Uneasy Reunion
Man-of-the-Cranes writes "Part three of the series, advancing the tale of the hero Michael Torgrim and his ill-fated quest. Author: Man-of-the-Cranes"
Omnipotent View: Follow the Money
Longetalos writes "A morning in the life of a monk of Zilchus. Author: Richard Di Ioia"
Omnipotent View: Survivors of the Great Crusade
Longetalos writes "Surviving the surviving of the Great Crusade. Author: Richard Di Ioia"
Omnipotent View: The Twin Cataclysms
Longetalos writes "Behold, the wrath of Baklun made real. Revenge is a dish best served hot (no matter what those Klingons say...) Author:Richard Di Ioia"
Unsung Death In Geoff and Other Greyhawk Fan Fiction
Tracy writes "Great tales of the Flanaess await your perusal! Authors include Russell Bird, Richard Di Ioia, Peter McLeod, Gary Welsh, and Jason Zavoda. Reviewer: Tracy"
Omnipotent View: Dissertation of Magic Items
Longetalos writes "A series of lectures given by Wizard Ceinedus, a teacher of Thaumaturgy at the College of Wizardry in Greyhawk City... Author:Richard Di Ioia"
Omnipotent View: The Dwarven Fire Mage
Longetalos writes "What dwarves build, they build to last... Author:Richard Di Ioia"
Omnipotent View: Knights of the Hart
Longetalos writes "In which the King of Furyondy repays old debts to allies and detractors both... Author:Richard Di Ioia"
Omnipotent View: Brother of the Sun God
Longetalos writes "Not a story of common priests, this tale demonstrates the miracles performed by the monks of Pelor. Author: Richard Di Ioia"
The Fall of a Paladin: The Falcon Saga
Man-of-the-Cranes writes "Part two of the series, relating events in the life of the hero Michael Torgrim, as he approaches his grim fate. Author: Man-of-the-Cranes"
The Fall of a Paladin
Man-of-the-Cranes writes "Part one of a series on the uncovered memories of a former holy warrior whose fate became entwined with the infamous Temple of Elemental Evil. Author: Man-of-the-Cranes"
Omnipotent View - Suel Mage-Killers
Longetalos writes "Little is known of the time before the Twin Cataclysms brought down the mighty empires of the Suloise and Baklunish peoples west of the Flanaess, and those fragments of lore that have survived the centuries often speak of the dark and terrible secrets employed during the bitter war that brought about the end of that era. Read on, and learn of one of these ancient secrets, the Suloise Mage-killers, an elite breed of assassins trained only to kill the wizards of their enemy nation. Author: Longetalos"
Omnipotent View - The History of Border Watch
Longetalos writes "A tale from the Lands of man's account of his struggle against the forces of the Old One. Author: Longetalos"
Omnipotent View: Knights of Hextor
Longetalos writes "The grip of the Aerdi on the north was shattered in 569CY when humanoids overran the lands of the Bone March and it's Marquis, Clement, disappeared. The hardy Oerids who had settled in that land and the remnants of the Fruztii who originally dwelt there were beset by monstrous hordes of rampaging orcs, and many fell to these savage hordes. A few held out...and sometimes...they wished they hadn't for their "saviours" turned out to be more barbaric than the humanoids... Author: Longetalos"
Omnipotent View: Story of Nezmajen
Longetalos writes "On the night of the Blood Moon Festival, the streets of Molag ran with blood as Iuz slaughtered the Hierarchs of the Horned Society and assumed control of that blasted land. But he did not get them all. One, Nezmajen, managed to escape the wrath of the Old One, and plotted his revenge and the retaking of his capitol... Author: Longetalos"
Iuz the Evil, Part 3
Man-of-the-Cranes writes "What remains of the party that descended into the depths of Hell-on-Oerth faces down the foul form of the Lord of Pain in an epic battle, one worthy of being sung by bards for ages, one with a bit of prodding from a mysterious figure from the east. And, yet, things do not quite turn out as expected... Author: Man-of-the-Cranes"
Iuz the Evil, Part 2
Man-of-the-Cranes writes "Beneath the depths of the Oerth, a band of heroes and villans makes it's way into the heart of the Old One's stronghold, intent on destroying his power forever. Along the way, death, desertion, and betrayl beset the band, until, in the end, Iuz himself is met. Author: Man-of-the-Cranes"
Omnipotent View: The Oeridian Horde
Longetalos writes "In the distant past, the Oeridians burst into the Flanaess and swept all before them, without exception. Flan, Suel, humanoid, and demihuman all suffered as the Oerids expanded, bringing more and more of hte Flanaess under their sway. In the end, the Oerids established great kingdoms and empires, in the names of their gods and their greatness. But before that happened, some managed to make peace with the Oerid hordes, allying themselves with the powerful conquerors against common foes, like the much-reviled Suel. Author: Longetalos"
Omnipotent View: The Greatest Sacrifice
Longetalos writes "Nestled within the rugged foothills of the Lortmils, only isolated villages and freeholds make up the southern border of the peaceful land of Veluna. That peace is shattered when a band of humanoids and giants seek to raid one of the isolated villages, with only an aged priest and a handful of ill-equipped villagers to stop them. Author: Longetalos"
Omnipotent View: The Fellowship of Shadows
Longetalos writes "A series of short notes are sent between an agent of the King of Nyrond, sent to infultrate a rag-tag group of petty theives, and his commander. But things are rarely what they seem to be, as the agent finds out... Author: Longetalos"
Crimson Ascendant - Episodes 1-4
WavesCrest writes "A caravan departs from the city of Trigol, bearing food for the city of Mowbrenn. Along the trip, rebels and bandits are encountered, although starvation and desperation seem to be the least of the problems to be found within Mowbrenn's walls as Palish priests and a blood cult stir up trouble in the city. Author: WavesCrest"
Omnipotent View: Return to Dorakaa
Longetalos writes "A priest of the Old One returns from the lands of Furyondy to the "heartland" of Iuz's Empire for a meeting with his lord and god. But before he meets his god, he had better learn how the political landscape has changed since he was last in the hellish city of Dorakaa. Author: Longetalos"
Iuz the Evil, Part 1
Man-of-the-Cranes writes "Iuz The Evil, Part 1 A Tale Of Dauntless Heroism And Catastrophic Tragedy Author: Man-of-the-Cranes"
Omnipotent View: Wolf Nomads
In the lands of the bitter, frigid north, between the lands of the Bruneal Forest and Perrenland dwell hordes of nomadic raiders of Bakluni descent. For ages, they were a scourge upon the lands of first Aerdy's Northern Reaches and Ferrond, and then upon the independent lands of Furyondy, the Shield Lands, and the Bandit Kings. All who were within their reach were their prey. And then Iuz rose to power, and the nomadic hordes found themselves cut off from their victims, until one arose to lead the nomadic hordes on an orgy of bloodshed and plunder once more. Author Longetalos

Note: Iuz, Tiger Nomads, Wolf Nomads
Omnipotent View: Law's Forge
Longetalos writes "One of the lucky few who made good on his escape from the hellish lands of Iuz speaks, telling of the town of Law's Forge. Founded in nobility, the town now suffers the blight of Iuz's priests within it's walls, forcing the master caftsmen to work for the Old One's foul armies. From this survivor's words, much can be learned about the town's current state of affairs. Author: Longetalos"
Omnipotent View: Law's Forge Sword
Longetalos writes "When the forces of the Old One martyred the Knights of the Holy Shielding, one of their prizes was the town of Law's Forge, which had been long noted for it's weaponsmiths. The mark of Law's Forge was something hightly desired in a weapon. Now, it is even more prized, as the forges lay cold with the Old One's conquest of the land and it's master smiths slain or fled...or so most would assume. Author: Longetalos"
Omnipotent View: Citadel of Steel
Longetalos writes "A haven for the warriors of the Flanaess, the Citadel of Steel accepts all who live and die by the sword. The Guild of Crex Tulkus governs the mammoth fortification, making it a center for training in the militant arts. Something is amiss, however...something happening within the hidden halls of the leadership of the Guild. Author: Longetalos"
Omnipotent View: Lich Lord Conclave
Longetalos writes "From the fastness of his hidden demiplane, the lich-lord Ariakin plots the downfall of his enemies. Espically the elves, who stand between him and the fifth seal, needed by the lich-lord for the completion of his foul plots. Author: Longetalos"
Omnipotent View: First Letter to Atok
Longetalos writes "The Crook of Rao played an important role in the post-Wars history of the Flanaess by robbing Iuz of his elite shock troops. In this glimpse behind the scenes, we see how the Old One nearly prevented this from happening, almost keeping the Crook from being delivered to Canon Hazen. Author: Longetalos"
Annotated Inspirational Reading Bibilography
The stories which inspired Dungeons and Dragons...some are considered classics while others are barely known. Compiled here is a list of many of these works, most of which have a brief summary. When in need of a good book to read, whether for inspiration or just for the fun of it, here can be found a lot of good suggestions. Author: Scott Casper
Taras in the Otherworld
Taras relives the events of his life as he makes a journey though the land of the dead to try and find a way back to the lands of the living. Along the way, he relives terrors from his life, and makes important discoveries... [Editor's note: This is NOT about Taras Guarhoth] Author: Tempest

Note: Aerdy, Grandwood
A Coming Out
Maelstrom writes "UnderOerth fiction Author: Maelstrom"
The Tale Begins
VelunaDave writes "Old but unbowed, Brother Darius has a tale to tell. In the Great Library of Rao, three heroes attend to his wisdom. Author: VelunaDave"
Reynard's Murder
Before the banners fly, assassin's ply their trade. Here is a tale of the night when Tanya of Ehlenestra first met a fey member of the Boneshadow. Author: MTG

Note: Sheldomar, Ulek,

Canonfire! is a production of the Thursday Group in assocation with GREYtalk and Canonfire! Enterprises

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