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Make the Great Kingdom Great Again!
ArtharntheCleric writes "How could the Great Kingdom be restored to the path of good, and greatness - some musings from the Discord channel ..."
Banigata Joc's Golden Palace
Cymraegmorgan writes "Banigata Joc's gambling hall is bright and clean. He tolerates no cheats, but is happy to pay off winners himself. The game is what is important to Banigata and he frowns on excessive drinking in his modest casino."
BATTLEBALL: Game of the Flanaess
Abysslin writes "During a visit to Asperdi to negotiate a trade compact with the Sea Barons, Lord Drax witnessed some of Asperdi’s shacktown residents huddled in an alley, squaring off in a game unlike he had ever seen before."
The Black Daggers Revisited
Osmund-Davizid writes "A most unusual hobgoblin tribe dwells in the region of the Jotens near the Sterich town of Davishton. The tribe is more neutrally inclined and is anxious for allies to protect them from marauding giants. In their desperation, they are attempting to forge an alliance with the Lion Throne. There is much more at stake in this undertaking then first meets the eye and may have devastating consequences."
The Black Daggers
Osmund-Davizid writes "An unusual crisis is emerging within the nobility of the Council of Niole Dra. A most unprecedented event is about to occur. A hobgoblin chieftain is on the cusp of being granted a title and a barony! This is the story behind this event as well as the description of a most unusual hobgoblin tribe."

Canonfire! is a production of the Thursday Group in assocation with GREYtalk and Canonfire! Enterprises

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