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Postcards from the Flanaess
in Greyhawk
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Greyhawk Wiki
Past Surveys
· Gleemax (Results - 493 votes)
· Which do you think was the best of the WGR line? (Results - 152 votes)
· Your birthday is in which month? (Results - 92 votes)
· Dragon & Dungeon are to be no more, taking pen & paper Greyhawk with them: (Results - 465 votes)
· I'm a hardcore Greyhawk fan mostly because: (Results - 479 votes)
· My Verdict on Dungeon's Adventure Paths (Results - 394 votes)
· Most fearsome fighting force in the Flanaess: (Results - 324 votes)
· Give me my "Expedition to...." (Results - 506 votes)
· Which Villain do you feel is over-used? (Results - 668 votes)
· Who is most likely to join the ranks of Greyhawk Gods? (Results - 491 votes)
· New Greyhawk Gods Column in Dragon Most Wanted: (Results - 463 votes)
· Non-Human Culture Most in Need of a Greyhawk Race Book: (Results - 450 votes)
· A New Greyhawk Campaign Release Should be set in: (Results - 422 votes)
· Which game products do you feel hold the most potential for future Greyhawk development? (Results - 732 votes)
· Fav Villain, (Non-Deity) (Results - 560 votes)
· Favorite Heroic Persona of Greyhawk (Results - 199 votes)
· Favorite Greyhawk-based Magic Item (Results - 201 votes)
· What is your favorite Greyhawk based adventure/ module. (Results - 243 votes)
· Which Greyhawkian phrase do you enjoy most? (Results - 276 votes)
· How many Greyhawkian phrases can you name? (Results - 52 votes)
· Which (non-knightly) organization captures your interest the most? (Results - 274 votes)
· Yolande's hair color is... (Results - 97 votes)
· Beyond the Flanaess: my fav.. (Results - 155 votes)
· Which "duo" do you most enjoy? (Results - 268 votes)
· Which was Carl Sargent's best (Greyhawkian) Work? (Results - 173 votes)
· Which type of articles would you most like to see on Canonfire in 2005? (Results - 121 votes)
· My favorite Month is... (Results - 97 votes)
· My favorite Greyhawkian artifact is... (Results - 319 votes)
·  (Results - 0 votes)
· My favorite Aerdy House is... (Results - 204 votes)
· Of the available, which is your preferred (intelligent) subterranean race? (Results - 197 votes)
· Greyhawk Knight Orders: My favorite is... (Results - 132 votes)
· My favorite of the available Northern Nations is... (Results - 132 votes)
· My favorite Animus is... (Results - 252 votes)
· The Greatest Naval Power of the Flanaess is... (Results - 245 votes)
· My favorite establishment is a.... (Results - 152 votes)
· If not for Greyhawk I'd be playing... (Results - 225 votes)
· IF WoTC published quality Greyhawk, how much would you consistently spend (per month) on it? (Results - 230 votes)
·  (Results - 0 votes)
· Which would you vote for supreme ruler of the Flanaess? (Results - 602 votes)
· Of the available, which is your favorite giant race? (Results - 208 votes)
· Which of the available cities do you like the most? (Results - 191 votes)
· Which of the available choices was your favorite product line? (Results - 275 votes)
· What is your Verdict on the Maure Castle Article in Dungeon Issue 112? (Results - 238 votes)
· Which periodical do you use most in your game? (Results - 136 votes)
· How Long Do Your Campaigns Usually Last? (Results - 215 votes)
· What Type Of Articles Would You Like To See On The Site In 2004? CF's Editors Want To Know! (Results - 368 votes)
· Why is (published) Greyhawk nearly a dead Campaign Setting? (Results - 484 votes)
· How often do you visit Canonfire? (Results - 314 votes)
· Whose Greyhawk Novels Do You Consider Canon? (Results - 200 votes)
· Which member of the Circle of Eight (present or past) would you most like to see developed further? (Results - 347 votes)
· What section of Canonfire! would you most like to see expanded and enhanced? (Results - 263 votes)
· Did you attend GenCon this year? (Results - 99 votes)
· Besides Canonfire and Greytalk, where do you get your Greyhawk conversations at online? (Results - 77 votes)
· What game system are you using for your Greyhawk game this summer? (Results - 395 votes)
· What type of articles would you like to see more of on Canonfire? (Results - 173 votes)
· Which alternate world/setting is your favorite to borrow ideas from for your Greyhawk Campaign? (Results - 213 votes)
· Favorite "Originally Greyhawk Exclusive" Creatures (Submitted by Issak the Pale) (Results - 334 votes)
· Best Version of the Outer Planes for your GH Campaign: (Results - 339 votes)
· The Best Greyhawk Era in which to Adventure! (Results - 520 votes)
· The Best Place to Run an "Age of Glory" Campaign: (Results - 294 votes)
· Campaign Element That Most Makes Greyhawk Unique: (Results - 487 votes)
· Mysterious Place Most Deserving of an Expansion/Module: (Results - 288 votes)
· Best Greyhawk Artifact to be the Subject of an Adventure (Results - 307 votes)
· Greyhawk Barbarian-Folk Most Deserving of a Sourcebook: (Results - 235 votes)
· Mini-Adventure from the 1983 Boxed Set Most Deserving of a Sequel/Supermodule: (Results - 209 votes)
· My Favorite Greyhawk-Specific Creatures: (Results - 220 votes)
· Best Priestly Villains in Greyhawk: (Results - 328 votes)
· Yeah, they're evil... but my favorite Slavelord (who deserves their own sequel module) is: (Results - 245 votes)
· What do you feel is the future of the World of Greyhawk? (Results - 264 votes)
· When it comes to expanding the World of Greyhawk: (Results - 562 votes)
· My Favorite Greyhawk Lich: (Results - 279 votes)
· All-Time Worst Greyhawk Adventure Module, EVER: (Results - 256 votes)
· Which Flanaess city would you most like to see detailed: (Results - 260 votes)
· Favorite Greyhawk Plot: (Results - 227 votes)
· I'd most like to see a new Greyhawk Adventure or Gaz set in: (Results - 343 votes)
· Sexiest Greyhawk Babe: (Results - 263 votes)
· The World of Greyhawk needs the following new product more than any other: (Results - 280 votes)
· My Favorite Greyhawk Novel by Gygax is: (Results - 126 votes)
· My Favorite Greyhawk Paladins, Worship: (Results - 210 votes)
· Of all the Fiends threatening the Oerth, which is most likely to succeed in its vile plots? (Results - 297 votes)
· My Favorite Greyhawk Race is: (Results - 232 votes)
· Not counting Mordenkainen, who's your favorite member of the Circle of Eight? (Results - 283 votes)
· What is the Most Badass Greyhawk Module Ever? (Results - 293 votes)
· Who is your favorite Greyhawk Designer? (Results - 585 votes)

Surveys Attached to Articles
· So, which theory is it? (Results - 270 votes)
- Attached to article: What made Zagyg so mad anyway?

· This Poll is now closed. Thank you for your input. (Results - 29 votes)
- Attached to article: The Future of This Week in Greyhawk Fandom; Your Input Needed!

· Which of these gods would like to see developed further? (Results - 12 votes)
- Attached to article: Lore of the Amedio III: The 'Other' Amedio Gods

· Where would you place this tale? (Results - 15 votes)
- Attached to article: Damalaxilliametzius the Black

· Future Wine Article Locales? (Results - 36 votes)
- Attached to article: The Wines of Oerik - Part Two: Celene and the Wild Coast

Canonfire! is a production of the Thursday Group in assocation with GREYtalk and Canonfire! Enterprises

Contact the Webmaster.  Long Live Spidasa!

Greyhawk Gothic Font by Darlene Pekul is used under the Creative Commons License.

PHP-Nuke Copyright © 2005 by Francisco Burzi. This is free software, and you may redistribute it under the GPL. PHP-Nuke comes with absolutely no warranty, for details, see the license.
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