The Ring of Five Description: The Ring of Five written by Gary Holian on Greytalk in 1995. This files features several conjectures on the supposed "Ring of Five" detailed in WGR1 Greyhawk Ruins and goes into further development on it. Version: edited Filesize: 56.00 Kb Added on: 10-May-2006 Downloads: 7081 Rating:10.0 (5 Votes) HomePage | Rate Resource | Details | Comments (1) Category: Greyhawk Campaign Files
Greyhawk Weather Generator Description: Unlike other weather generators, this sheet generates a WHOLE YEAR of
weather -- using the 2E weather system. Currently, the calendar uses
the Greyhawk Calendar and can calculate a whole year of weather for any
region in Greyhawk. For each day, shows the daily Low and High
Temperature, Wind Speed, and # Hours of Daylight. Also, calculates
precipitation and uses the 2E weather tables to generate extreme
weather. System has been extensively tested and creates VERY realistic
weather patterns that change _gradually_ from day to day and season to
season. Formatted in a nice calendar format suitable for printing. Last modified by Darrel Cusey. *Requires MS Excel with Analysis
Toolpack. Version: excel Filesize: 1.65 MB Added on: 13-Mar-2008 Downloads: 6920 Rating:9.0 (5 Votes) HomePage | Rate Resource | Details | Comments (2) Category: Miscellaneous
History of the Great Kingdom Description: An extensive history of Aerdy, although it is in places incompatable with materials published since the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer.
Originally offered free on WotC’s site, CanonFire! and GreyhawkOnline are supporting the file for archival and completeness purposes.
RTF File Version: 1 Filesize: 274.41 Kb Added on: 26-Oct-2001 Downloads: 8161 Rating:3.0 (5 Votes) HomePage | Rate Resource | Details Category: Greyhawk Campaign Files
Canonfire! is a production of the Thursday Group in assocation with GREYtalk and Canonfire! Enterprises