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Category: Main/Calendars

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  Greyhawk Monthly Calendar 1 
Description: A single sheet calendar displaying the months and festivals.

Version: GIF Filesize: 72.46 Kb
Added on: 06-Nov-2010 Downloads: 4324 Rating: 6 (1 Vote)
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  Greyhawk Monthly Calendar 2 
Description: Another Monthly calendar, with a border of stars.

Version: PDF Filesize: 337.89 Kb
Added on: 06-Nov-2010 Downloads: 4044 Rating: 10 (1 Vote)
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  Greyhawk Monthly Calendar 3 
Description: Greyhawk Calendar.  Calendar by Kent Matthewson, text by Joe Katzman ( and Jason Saunders, 1994; modified by Mike LeSeney, 1995.  Features: phases of the moons, holy days, details on the main festivals.

Version: MSWord Filesize: 824.00 Kb
Added on: 06-Mar-2012 Downloads: 3993
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  Searchable Timeline of Greyhawk 
Description: This zip file contains a VBA enabled Excel workbook, an excel spreadsheet listing sources for the World of Greyhawk, and documentation on how to use them.  The VBA file contains a developing database of Greyhawk events, and tools to load it and search it, as well as an outut sheet for searches.  The Excel workbook contains information on the status of incorporating products into the database, and which members of Canonfire have volunteered to work on them. 
Version: zip Filesize: 168.00 Kb
Added on: 10-Aug-2012 Downloads: 3589
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  The Greyhawk Calendar 
Description: The Greyhawk Calendar, annotated with Holy Days and Feasts. The calendar lists each day of the year, noting important festivals and holy days of important gods. The phases of both moons are also indicated.
Version: PDF Filesize: 84.38 Kb
Added on: 06-Nov-2010 Downloads: 4609
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Canonfire! is a production of the Thursday Group in assocation with GREYtalk and Canonfire! Enterprises

Contact the Webmaster.  Long Live Spidasa!

Greyhawk Gothic Font by Darlene Pekul is used under the Creative Commons License.

PHP-Nuke Copyright © 2005 by Francisco Burzi. This is free software, and you may redistribute it under the GPL. PHP-Nuke comes with absolutely no warranty, for details, see the license.
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