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    Fourth Paragraph Test
    Posted on: 03-03-2005 @ 03:59 pm

    This is getting aggravating. Each sentence should appear as a paragraph. HTML is off. I'm using the tags.

    Last updated on 03-03-2005 @ 03:59 pm

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    Comment By: Tedra
    (Posted on 03-04-2005 @ 07:29 pm)

    Comment: Hiya GVD, thanks for all the comments you posted on my journal! I just wanted to let you know I went through a great deal of trouble trying to figure out what the hell was up with the journal paragraphs when I first started posting. I finally found the tag that you have to use. Its
    before the paragraph. Then at the end of a paragraph make sure you close it with I used spaces hoping it won't make a paragraph when I post this but we shall see when I submit. :D

    Comment By: Tedra
    (Posted on 03-04-2005 @ 07:32 pm)

    Comment: Darn....well its br inside the brackets before the paragraph. And to close at the end of a paragraph you have backslash / and br in the brackets.

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