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Personal Information: GVDammerung
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Read My Journal
All Articles Posted by GVDammerung:
Famous Gems & Jewels of the Flanaess - Part II
Famous Gems and Jewels of the Flanaess-Part I
The Etymology of Tharizdun
The Chronicles of Keoland - Malv I
How Cool is Kyuss? Too Cool to Kill!
The Chronicles of Keoland - Nyhan I
The Chronicles of Keoland - Introduction
A Guide to the Viscounty of Salinmoor - Who Is Who
A Guide to the Viscounty of Salinmoor - Places of Mystery
A Guide to the Viscounty of Salinmoor: A Brief Chronicle of the Viscounts
Postfest VIII(UPF1): A Guide to the Viscounty of Salinmoor - Introduction and Overview
Dirty Words - Pastiche in the World of Greyhawk
Tabloid Tamoachan - The Glozeris Expedition
The Furyondian Military
Religion In Furyondy
Noble Rank in Furyondy
Songs of the Flanaess - Dwarven Opera
Rough Justice - Crime, Punishment and the Acts of Adventurers
Literature in the Flanaess - The Later Ballads of Liam Wilspare
Literature in the Flanaess - The Elven Sonnets of Liam Wilspare
Literature in the Flanaess - The Comedies of Liam Wilspare
Literature in the Flanaess - The Tragedies of Liam Wilspare
Literature in the Flanaess - The History Plays of Liam Wilspare
Eat Me! A Guide to Cannibalism and the Sentient Savories of the Flanaess
Fashion in the Flanaess - Textiles
Fashion in the Flanaess - Jewelry and Gemstones
Fashion in the Flanaess - Furs
Fashion in the Flanaess - Dyes
The Wizards Library Part 6 of 6
The Wizards Library Part 5 of 6
The Wizards Library Part 4 of 6
The Wizards Library Part 3 of 6
The Wizards Library Part 2 of 6
The Wizards Library Part 1 of 6
Literature in the Flanaess: The Thrommel Cycle
Literature in the Flanaess: Early Popular Literature
D&Demons - The Oerth War
Mordenkainen: The Unauthorized Biography, Part I
Fashion in the Flanaess - The Baklunish
Fashion in the Flanaess - The Demi-Humans, Most Especially the Elves
Fashion in the Flanaess - The Western Aerdi
Fashion in the Flanaess - The Eastern Aerdi
D&Demons - A Rough Guide to the Abyss
Pirate-Types of the Flanaess
A Wine Dark Sea - Wine, Trade & Piracy on the Greater Azure Sea
Tamoachan Revisited - The Fall of Tamoachan
Tamoachan Revisited - The Olman/Touv Wars
Tamoachan Revisited - The Origins of the Olman
The Duchies of Furyondy
The Crown Provinces of Furyondy
Postfest V, Part II: Admiral's Day
Postfest V, Part II: The Baal Fires of the Sheldomar
Postfest V, Part II: Burning Bartle
Postfest V, Part II: Riding the Marches
Postfest V, Part II: Bawming the Thorne
Postfest V, Part II: The Beaste Faire of Greyhawk
Postfest V, Part II: Beating the Bounds
Postfest V, Part II: Burning the Old Year Out
Postfest V, Part II: The Caltaran Horse Fair
Postfest V, Part II: The Court of Array
Postfest V, Part II: Courts Leet and Baron
Postfest V, Part II: Crabapple Fairs
Postfest V, Part II: The Eye of Grummsh
Postfest V, Part II: Feast of All Souls
Postfest V, Part II: Feast of the Gods
Postfest V, Part II: The Festival of Well-Dressing
Postfest V, Part II: The Gran National
Postfest V, Part II: The Great Western Rendezvous
Postfest V, Part II: The Knighthood of the Old Green
Postfest V, Part II: The Installation of the Lord Mayor of Kalstrand
Postfest V, Part II: The Lost in the Dark Bells
Postfest V, Part II: The Miner's Fair
Postfest V, Part II: Postfest V, Part II: Mock Mayor Holidays
Postfest V, Part II: The Night of Fear
Postfest V, Part II: Northern Sword Dancing
Postfest V, Part II: The Reception of Ambassadors
Postfest V, Part II: The Red Horse Race
Postfest V, Part II: The Royal Hunt
Postfest V, Part II: The Royal Progress
Postfest V, Part II: Rushbearing & Haystrewing
Postfest V, Part II: The Silver Arrows
Postfest V, Part II: Sorcerer's Night
Postfest V, Part II: Summer Carnival
Postfest V, Part II: The Timberland Festival
Postfest V, Part II: Tolling the Devil's Knell
Postfest V, Part II: Turning the Devil's Stone
Postfest V, Part II: Winter Carnival
Postfest V, Part II: The Woodmen of the Vesve's Grand Wardmote
Postfest V, Part II: Wroth Silver
Postfest V, Part II: Wealsun Mumming
Furyondy Reforged - A Brief History & Chronology
The Natural History of Furyondy
Postfest V: King Artur's Knights - The Knights of Fury
Postfest V: The Knights of Furyondy
Postfest V: Thanes' Glory
The Book of Zarus
To the Manor Born: Fief Generation in the World of Greyhawk Part II
To the Manor Born: Fief Generation in the World of Greyhawk Part I
Fashion in the Flanaess - The Suel
Literature in the Flanaess Considered - The Old Flan Almanac
Literature in the Flanaess - Natural Histories
Literature in the Flanaess - Philosophy
Fashion in the Flanaess - The Flan
Literature in the Flanaess: Travels Upon the Southern Oceans
Literature in the Flanaess: Travels in the Near West
The Bucknard Manuscript
Wee Jas Resurrected
WeeJas Dissected Part II
Wee Jas Dissected Part I
Literature in the Flanaess: The Travels of Layene Poole
Literature in the Flanaess: The Travels of Marck Polstar
Literature in the Flanaess: Petit Histories
Literature in the Flanaess: General Histories
Literature in the Flanaess: Books and Bindings
Peasant Classes in the Flanaess
Literature in the Flanaess: An Introduction
Scrying the Ancient Races of Oerth
Giants of the Flanaess
Postfest III: Seruse
The Lords of Geometry - The Platonic Solids Revisited
Return of the Ur-Flan Pt I
Return of the Ur-Flan Pt II
Last 10 Comments by GVDammerung:
Re: Literature in the Flanaess - The Elven Sonnets of Liam Wilspare
Re: Horrors of the Amedio, part 1
Re: The Legend of the Lost Seagreen Elves
Re: Literature in the Flanaess - The Comedies of Liam Wilspare
Re: Literature in the Flanaess - The Tragedies of Liam Wilspare
Re: Literature in the Flanaess - The History Plays of Liam Wilspare
Re: Literature in the Flanaess - The History Plays of Liam Wilspare
Re: Eat Me! A Guide to Cannibalism and the Sentient Savories of the Flanaess
Re: Eat Me! A Guide to Cannibalism and the Sentient Savories of the Flanaess
Re: Fashion in the Flanaess - Textiles
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