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    Omnipotent View – Hot Sea and Cold Sun
    Posted on Thu, June 04, 2020 by LordCeb
    longetalos writes "As Procan seethes over Dagon's interference in what he considers his domain along the south coast of Ulek, he gets a surprise visitor to his plane who offers an alliance.

    A muscular titan with blue green skin armed with a great trident sat on a throne made out of mountain protruding from an ocean gone mad. Surrounding the mountain island was a naval war of colossal proportions, hundreds of ships fighting each other in a mad chaos with no obvious goal except for the destruction of each other. Sailors falling into the ocean were faced with further madness as ferocious aquatic creatures of all sorts battled beneath the waves.

    Upon closer inspection, the scene became even stranger. For the sailors thrown overboard did not drown as they were submerged in the turbulent water. Instead they pulled out knives, axes or even used their own teeth to join in the undersea battle against sharks and other predators. With no need to breath and seemingly without feeling any pain, the sailors fought on until death claimed them.

    But the otherworldly strangeness did not end there. As a sailor died, they appeared on a stone bench carved into the island mountain where the titan sat. Seemingly at random, some sailors appeared on benches higher up the mountain and others lower. The bottom benches already beginning to fill whereas the top benches had few, if any, returned dead.

    As the battle raged on, the onlookers and the titan would cheer or jeer at the actions of those still fighting. Although the ships were made in different times and different models, the onlookers extolled each one as if all fought for the same inscrutable goal. 

    To add to the madness, the weather itself was in turmoil. In some places the ocean was placid, whereas others a storm raged with huge waves for the ships to contend with. The storms would sweep across the battlefield, sometimes stopping in one location for some time and other times it would dissipate for no apparent reason. The sky itself was a chaotic mix of light and darkness, storm clouds and clear skies. And all around the mountain island, nary another piece of land was in sight.

    With all this chaos going on, an onlooker could be forgiven if they missed what happened next. A bright sun appeared in the sky and moved towards the mountain island. Instantly the titan stood, a breastplate made of leather and shells appearing on his torso. The corals of his trident glowing green, the titan prepared for battle.

    “Hold Procan. I am here but to talk.” the bright sun revealing itself to be a well-muscled man of golden skin, riding a ki-rin.

    “Entering my domain unannounced is a challenge Pelor. Speak and convince me that I should not attack you.” Responded Procan.

    “Answer me first, why do you build a new fleet? Who do you intend to go to war with that makes you pit your followers in battle to select the best warrior to man that fleet?”

    “I do not intend to battle any of the other gods if that is what you are here to find out. I but seek to send the fleet to the Abyss to teach someone a lesson.”

    “Would that be the 89th layer?” asked Pelor.

    “How do you know that Pelor? Have you spies on my plane? That is beneath the lord of light!”

    “No Procan. Your followers on Oerth are in my temple. Although the temple was corrupted decades ago, an avatar of mine still resides there and he sees them. One of them spoke the name Dagon and my avatar heard.”

    “In that case YES! I intend to send my fleet to The Shadowsea and teach that pesky obyrith what it means to come to my sea and infest it. It is bad enough that I must contend with Osprem and Xerbo, at least they are gods. But to have MY realm challenged by a demon lord! That I will not have. And if you try to stop me, I will not stand for it!”

    “Quite the contrary Procan. I came to offer assistance. Your followers on Oerth are weakened. I can sacrifice my avatar to help them defeat the demon lord’s thralls in Ashenport.” Stated Pelor.

    “Generous of you Pelor. What is the catch.” Said Procan dubiously.

    “I would like you to do something for me afterwards. Something that I know you would enjoy. My church in Ashenport needs to be cleansed. Since you have followers there, if they succeed in winning, I want you to have them call upon you.”

    “Call upon me to do what Pelor?”

    “I want you to flood my church on the hill. Cleanse the whole village. Bring the wrath of the sea onto land and destroy it all.”

    “What of any surviving villagers?” asked Procan.

    “They are all worshippers of Dagon. I am the god of light, not the god the of mercy.” Said Pelor coldly.

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    Re: Omnipotent View – Hot Sea and Cold Sun (Score: 1)
    by JasonZavoda on Thu, June 04, 2020
    (User Info | Send a Message | Journal)

    I have always loved these omnipotent view vignettes and it is fantastic that after twenty years you are giving us new ones.

    Re: Omnipotent View – Hot Sea and Cold Sun (Score: 1)
    by Theala_Sildorian on Thu, June 04, 2020
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