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The Domed City of the Suel
Posted on Fri, July 14, 2023 by LordCeb
Osmund-Davizid writes "

Old sailors tell of many strange phenomenon across the Azure Sea.  One persistent legend is that of a city of people lying on the seafloor.  Rumors and legends, in this case, are correct.  There lies a city under the sea, protected by a magic dome.  Within it, resides the last of a long lost tribe of Suel mystics.  Their story is a unique one.

Under the Azure Sea, protected by powerful concealing magic, is a colony of Suel people from the pre-cataclysmic era.  Housed within a domed city on the seafloor, these Suel are a static culture from an age long gone.  Driven under the water by a punitive curse, the colony has managed to survive through their own resourcefulness, epic level spellcasting and divine protection.  The city, known to the inhabitants as Mantor, has managed to exist in this underwater dome throughout the centuries, but now several groups are vying to discover the city and exploit its secrets.


History:  In the year 5069 SD of the Suel Imperium, the Emperor's own son, Zellif, crossed into the eastern continents from the Suel lands.  Zellif took thousands of his followers, guided by premonitions, visions, and perhaps the simple call of destiny to settle on a peninsula on the far side of the world.  Among his followers was another man of vision, an archmage of exceptional abilities (if not an actual Imperial Mage of Power) who broke off from Zellif's group in order to pursue a mystical quest.  This spellcaster and his substantial household took to the Azure Sea, following his visions (Note 1).  After some time, they discovered an island that divinations revealed would become a "future home to the purest members of the Suel Imperium".


With that, the Magus (Note 2) settled the island and established a major cathedral to the power Lendor.  Magus was a follower of Lendor's philosophies and his top advisor was a powerful high priest of that order.  The goal of Magus was to establish the purest Suel society with strictest order.  For a time, the city began to thrive.  Atop the hierarchy was Magus, assisted by the priesthood of Lendor.  Advising them both were the priestesses of Wee Jas.  The religion of Bralm led the commoners to their work and was the favored religion of most of the population.  After the initial work in establishing the colony was done, Magus began to become detached from the daily maintenance of the colony and focused on spiritual matters in accordance with the cult of Lendor (Note 3). 


While Magus and the Lendorians were thus engrossed in arcane philosophies and rituals, the priestesses of Wee Jas and Bralm took over the day-to-day leadership of the colony.  It is at this time where the evil natures of these religions came to the forefront.  The priestesses enacted a series of pogroms to stamp out other doctrines.  While the entire Suel pantheon was respected, no unlawful influences would mar the perfect order that the priestesses were creating.   Chaotic religious practices would cease and their active worship ended.  In this matter, they were mostly successful - the only other religions tolerated were those of Xerbo and Osprem (due to their connections with the sea, no island community could afford to offend such patrons), and Phaulkon (this faith, though chaotic, had such a strong following among the colony soldiers and guardsmen that even the priestesses of Wee Jas would dare not oppress them).  The other religions held only token, passive respect as part of the Suel pantheon as a whole.   


The priests of Lendor and Magus himself were oblivious to these power plays, being engrossed in complex mathematical formulas, obscure divining, and mystical research.  This state of affairs may have continued indefinitely, but a dreadful hurricane forced the Magus and the Lendorians to act.  In this respect, it was fortunate that the priests of Lendor were otherworldly mystics, in that they were able to accurately predict the disaster in enough time to establish magical protections for the city.  While the hurricane did wreck havoc on the colony, the mages and priests of Lendor were able to save most of the important buildings through the creation of magical columns scattered throughout the city.  These columns were imbued with magical essences, carved with power runes, and constructed with exotic stone.  The columns each had a platform on the top of them, manned by priests of Phaulkon, the god of the skies.  Tutored by the Lendorians, the Phalkonian priests maintained a chant that protected the city from the ravages of the winds and weather.  Between the existing religious faiths and the magical power of the Magus, the weather was able to be contained enough to spare the colony.  This project was a precursor to the domed city.


This colony remained isolated for years until by chance, a group of Suel from the great migrations came across this island.  It seems that this group of Suel was fleeing from the wrath of a divine curse.  This Suel splinter group was a particularly nasty one, and engaged in cruel practices whenever they would meet an indigenous people.  This practice backfired on them when they came into a valley in the Drachensgrabs.  Their barbarism toward a peaceful clan of Flan tribesman resulted in a horrific curse that began to turn the offenders into stone.  Most the of Suel succumbed to this curse, but a few managed to reach the shore and craft ships to flee upon the Azure Sea from their affliction (Note 4).  They stumbled onto this colony by chance. 


Through these visitors, the people of Mantor learned of the fate of the Suel Imperium.  They welcomed the fleeing Suel as brothers.  With that act of charity, they invited their doom into the city.  It seems that the Flan deities that originally cursed the Suel would continue their divine punishment.  What followed was a tempest of epic proportions, with the purpose of drowning the entire island.  Again, the devotion of the priests and mages of Lendor gave the city advanced warning of the incoming devastation.  This time, however, the destruction was divinely ordained and thus the city was doomed to sink beneath the waves.


It was at this juncture that Magus made the final sacrifice for his people.  He had already lived far beyond the time of ordinary men (over four centuries it is believed), probably due to years of magical artifice.  In the face of a divinely inspired cataclysm, Magus cast his final spell, an epic level true dweomer that created a dome of force that surrounded the colony (Note 5). The spell worked, Mantor was surrounded by a force dome that allowed the city to survive the storm and subsequent sinking of the entire island.  Additionally, the dome rendered the city within to be invisible to all but pure-blooded Suel, as a concealing magic to protect the people from further curses from other races.  In a cataclysm worthy of ancient epics, the island and city of Mantor vanished beneath the waves.  


Aftermath:  While the force dome protected the city and its inhabitants from immediate doom, and concealed them from discovery, the long-term question of survival in this new environment became the most pressing issue facing the survivors.  The cult of Wee Jas, in her aspect of goddess of magic, took the lead. Because with the death of Magus, the power of the Lendorians was much weakened, and those scholars and mages turned to focus all their attention on maintaining the magics that kept the dome intact, thus ceding any temporal authority they had to the Wee Jas church.  The high priestess of Wee Jas saw the opportunity to gain more power, and inserted herself and her followers into the Lendorian research.  Together, the Lendorian and Wee Jas cults created a complex series of chants, spells, rituals, and ceremonies that had to be continually performed in order to keep the dome intact and to keep the invisibility power of the dome working.  A select group of Wee Jas wizards and priests worked with the Lendorians on this task and it continues to the present day. 


Having created a process for preserving the dome, the next major undertaking was to plan for long term existence under the dome.  The most important fact was that the resources for the now enclosed city had to be precisely and strictly monitored.  The cult of Wee Jas came upon a solution to this lack of resources - they created a "living mausoleum". This was a series of tombs under the bedrock of the city, in which a large portion of the city were placed in a stasis so as to conserve the food, living space, and air among the populace (Note 6).  This eerie underground vault houses the majority of the colony's population at any given time.  The priests of Wee Jas safeguard and monitor their sleeping charges, periodically waking a particular citizen as their skills are needed or else to start up a selective breeding program.  


Modifications had to be made in order to survive.  The various churches were given specific areas of the colony's administration to supervise.  The church of Bralm took up the laborers and farmers to creating vast landscapes of mushroom and fungus farms (Note 7). The Lendorians dedicated themselves to monitoring and casting spells to keep the dome and its invisibility screen intact, as mentioned above.  Phaulkon's priesthood was given the task of maintaining the air for the colony (Note 8).  The priests of the sea powers Xerbo and Osprem were to simply keep saying prayers over the dome to placate these deities and keep the ocean at bay.  The church of Wee Jas watched over everything as the overall administrators and masters of magic.     


The result of this has led to increased autocratic attitudes from the cult of Wee Jas, to the point that they are practical dictators of the colony.  Every aspect of life is monitored and subject to the ruling of the high priest or priestess of Wee Jas (Note 9).       


Current State of Affairs:  This is not a vibrant, living city.  It is stagnant, with most of the population kept in stasis and the bulk of the living population spent in drudgery keeping the highest caste in comfort.  The priestesses of Wee Jas and Bralm have no incentive to change their ways.  Indeed, they have actively rooted out any attempt to try and contact the outside world or travel outside the dome.  The Lendorians, nominally in charge, have long since removed themselves from any practical leadership positions.  It may be the case that the city is "doomed" rather than "domed".   

The different factions generally split up over religious lines, as any guilds or other political groups have been quashed ages ago.  At the top is the High Wizard-Priestess of Wee Jas, basically the ruler of this city.  She has the most power over the administrative and magical working of the city and her status as the leader of the Wee Jas mages and priests is undisputed.  She claims that she was revived out of suspended animation a couple decades ago, but the truth is that this individual has died years ago and revived herself as a lich.  She has been leading the city disguising her undead status. 

Nominally allied with the Wee Jas faith is the High Priestess of Bralm.  While early in the city’s founding these two cults were close allies, the current leader of this religion suspects that the High Wizard-Priestess is self-seeking and not forthright with her background (she does not know that the cult of Wee Jas is being led by a lich).

The closest thing to a rebellious set in Mantor is the followers of Phaulkon.  As described above, their cult was allowed to exist as the religion of the warriors.  After the city sank, their charge became to continually refresh the air of the city.  On the various enspelled columns, every day a priest of Phaulkon has to stand at the top and participate in a long ritualistic chant in order to work the spell that transmutes foul air to fresh air.  The priesthood chaffs under the restrictions of the Wee Jas and Bralm leadership, but are too dedicated to their duty to preserve the lives of the city to actively rebel.  Instead, there has developed a passive resistance – the priesthood regularly attempts to inform the Lendorians of what they suspect is usurpation by the other powers, discusses possibilities of exploring the undercity to find ways to leave the dome and make contact with either the surface world or else friendly undersea races.      

While Zellif's group later met with the followers of Maulk to found the present day nation of Shar and the Scarlet Brotherhood, the city of Mantor remains under the sea.  A static culture, this city is at least living up to the divinations of Magus of so long ago that foretold that this city would be the home of the last pure Suels.  There are many groups which would like to visit this place, to learn from it, lead the people into the current age, or exploit it.    


Locations of Note:


The Living Mausoleum:  A testament to the ingenuity of the priests of Lendor, this series of subterranean chambers house the majority of the residents of Mantor in a time stasis.  The name is a misnomer, as the residents are not dead, but held in coffin-like stone boxes, unfeeling, ageless, and ready to be awakened should the need arise.  The resemblance of these boxes to tombs lent the people of Mantor to give this place the ghastly nickname in a bit of gallows humor and the name stuck.  The location of these chambers is in the middle of the city and does not connect to the sewers.  Golems guard the place, standing silent and adding to the eerie stillness of the place.  Every so often, the priestesses of Wee Jas determine that some particular citizens need to be awakened and will come to the Mausoleum to take those individuals out of stasis, only to be returned again once whatever task has been completed.  Some hapless people have not been revived in centuries.      


The Grand Library of Lendor:  This edifice is still impressive, a tribute to the scholastic pursuits of the Suel.  It is a combination cathedral and library that may be the most glorious temple to Lendor, as it has been preserved due to the near fanatical level by a small army of Lendorian priests and sages.  The language used in all the writings is Ancient Suel, making any translations difficult.  The temple library may contain the most complete surviving records of the Ancient Suel Imperium on Oerth.  That fact alone makes this location an invaluable resource, it is consequently well defended with mundane and magical traps, summoned spectators (Note 10), automatons and other defenses, mostly to keep unauthorized personnel from entering without escort.  Within a series of secret passages and rooms in a forgotten corner of the complex is the old private laboratory of Magus himself.  This alone would be a trove of lore and arcane knowledge unparalleled.     


The Tower of Wee Jas:  This is the dark heart of the city.  While the Lendorians are still the rulers in concept, it has been centuries of domineering by the clerics of Wee Jas that have made the true center of power in Mantor this forbidding complex.  Entrance by anyone other than invited personnel is punishable by death.  The church maintains its own body of guards and spellcasters to keep out the uninvited.  The rites and services to Wee Jas are all done in this tower (no one outside the faith worships this power in Mantor, her priesthood is that obnoxious).  Within the tower all manner of magical traps, wardens, summoned beings, and creations occupy the various chambers, laboratories, salons, living quarters, and other areas within.  There certainly must be some spatially enhancing magic in place here, as there are far too many of Wee Jas’s priesthood, wizards, servants, and militia to account for the relatively small size of this edifice.         


The Hive:  This odd shaped building (its shape reminds one of an anthill or bee hive) in the city center served as a storage area for grain and foodstuffs in the city’s early years.  Since the sinking of the island, it is now the center of the priesthood of Bralm and the food raising hub that the city depends on for its survival.  The foodstuffs of the city are mainly fungus, worm, and insect mash, a vile mess that the priesthood of Bralm makes the general population consume.  It is rumored that the Wee Jas cult has better sources of food and drink in their tower, but such inquires are hunted down by the Bralm priests as being subversive.  There is a magical artificial globe that radiates sunlight that keeps a grove of fruit trees alive.  The tending of this grove is the highest priority of the Bralmites, as the fruit is vital to keeping the populace healthy.  The existence of this magical globe also gives the population better health than would normally be expected of such an isolated city, with each citizen being afforded time in the Hive to get a ‘sunbath’ for their general well-being (Note 11).      


City Sewers:  The city had a small, simple sewer system in its days above the water.  Currently, these old pipes still serve their old purpose with a twist.  To keep sewers from overflowing, some mages had numerous gelatinous cubes introduced to the sewers in order to dispose of the waste generated by the city.  These “slime mages” carefully monitor the cube population versus the amount of sewage generated in order to maintain an equilibrium.  While the city planners were very concerned that any breach by the ocean into these tunnels could undermine the dome, that has not happened, largely due to this monitoring by the slime mages.  Currently, these odd wizards amuse themselves with conducting weird races throughout the underground tunnels using their pet gelatinous cubes.  The slime mages install devices that can be tracked into the cubes and monitor the results in a collective magic scrying device.  Some slime mages have taken to doing experiments on the cubes, resulting in strangely colored specimens, some oddly shaped varieties, and other weird gelatinous cube variants.  Additionally, the slime mages have developed some specialized magic spells dealing with oozes, slimes and jellies that maybe of interest to certain wizards.


Outbuildings:  When the island that housed the city sank beneath the waves, the dome protected Mantor from destruction.  But not every edifice was under the dome when it was erected.  There were a few small buildings, fisherman’s huts, docks, and individual locations outside the dome’s perimeter and thus now reside on the sea floor.  Most of these are just the building of lower class laborers and fisherfolk, but there is one exception.  A ruined tower on the outskirts of the island was the home of a wizard of Lendor.  This wizard, who may have been an apprentice of Magus, lived separately in his declining years from the rest of the city, as he was a misanthrope.  While the tower is now hopelessly ruined, the eccentric old wizard had a secret tunnel running from his basement to a private home in the city, and that can be a method in which someone in the present time can enter the dome.  To date, this tunnel remains undiscovered.  While most of the tunnel is flooded, it rises just under the city to be an effective airlock.  The tunnel still has some magical wards on it, created by this ancient wizard, but these have weakened over time and can be bypassed. 


Personalities of the City:


High Wizard-Priestess of Wee Jas:  She is the de facto dictator of this city.  Her proclamations have gotten more and more erratic over the past few years.  Small wonder, seeing as though she had died about a century ago!  She exists as a lich but takes obsessive measures to conceal that fact from anyone else (the high priestess of Bralm suspects that this woman is indeed the same high priestess from decades ago, but has no proof of this).  She casts preservative spells on her body several times a day to maintain the fiction that she is still a living woman.  She has changed her appearance through magical and mundane methods periodically to perpetrate that she is a different high priestess than before.  One aspect of Wee Jas is vanity, and this is a trait that this high priestess exhibits many times over.  Another aspect of Wee Jas that this leader personifies is her evil nature.  She has become convinced that only she knows best what is in the city’s best interests.  The fact that the city’s best interests and her personal comforts coincide is a point lost on her.  To help her maintain her steely grip on the city, she is personally in charge of the Living Mausoleum project, and takes a direct hand in reviving and suspending personnel.  Those who raise questions as to her nature are either put back into suspension or else quietly eliminated by being tossed into the sewers to be caught by the gelatinous cubes.  While this wizard-priestess still has a grip on her sanity and humanity, that is starting to slip and all the preservative spells in the world cannot stop the effects of time forever.


Bralm’s High Priestess:  Effectively the second in command of the city, this woman is a stern and demanding figure to the work parties of the city.  In charge of food production and all construction projects, the priestess has a hand in every major civil act in the city.  To be fair, she does not spare herself, ordering her priesthood to bear all the same deprivations as the general populace.  She is troubled by the rumors that the Wee Jas cult is saving all the best resources for themselves.  Still, she knows her place (all Bralmites understand their roles in the world), and that place is being the taskmistress of Mantor.  It would take a lot of convincing to make her investigate her nominal leader and the wizards of Wee Jas.       


The leader of the Lendorian Church is currently a sage with no special abilities, but is highly honored in the Lendorian faith as being a savant of many esoteric fields of study.  This makes him the perfect leader for the Lendorians (as far as the Wizard-Priestess of Wee Jas is concerned) because this man is entirely absorbed in his research and cannot be bothered with complaints from the populace or from the Phaulkonians.  Still, the priesthood of Lendor as a whole is completely dedicated to the preservation of their accumulated knowledge, and if they could be convinced of the self-seeking nature of the Wee Jas leadership, they may be roused to action. 


Phaulkons United:  The small force of warriors that enforce the laws and stand ready in case of some infiltration (the priestesses of Wee Jas are paranoid that undersea monsters may try to break the dome or tunnel under it and into the city) represent some of the last independent thinkers of the city.  These troops, along with some of the more radical priests, seek to leave the dome and make contact with the outside world.  They dream of linking up with other Suel survivors, or of goodly aligned sea elves, to introduce some change to the depressingly bland existence under this dome.  These fellows meet in secret, and on occasion, have a few of their number attempt to map out the undercity to find some method to escape into the sea beyond. 


Adventure Hooks:

Raiders of the Lost City:  The outrageous Keoish ship captain, known by his sobriquet ‘XYZ’ (Note 12), has recently come across some coins and minor treasures that are of pre-cataclysmic Suel design.  He evidently was taking his hand in underwater salvage and managed to find some curious sunken buildings on the sea floor and gain some small coins and other items from these ruins.  The artifacts collected were from the outbuildings area, not the city proper.  But apparently, XYZ has enough Suel blood in him that he was able to discern the dome while exploring the underwater area around Mantor (Note 13).  He is determined to lead an expedition to visit the city under the dome and is seeking out skilled adventurers to accompany him into what he believes to be the find of the century.    


Meanwhile, in the nation of Shar, a Scarlet Brotherhood noble (Note 14), through his own network of spies (and XYZ’s own loose lips), has found out about XYZ’s discovery.  Inspired by the idea of a pure Suel undersea city, he is personally mounting a private expedition to find the domed city.  This set up provides a source of adventure as the two competing groups hunt for clues throughout the world and race to the bottom of the sea to make contact with the city.  While the noble in question is involved privately, an official Scarlet Brotherhood response could have a third party against the other two in a race to contact the lost city.    


Possible revolt of the nobodies:  The dismal conditions of the general population make this city ripe for a revolt.  The enforced diet, servitude, isolation, and aloof leadership has created a potential disaster in the lower classes making a move to wrest control of the city.  What prevents this is mostly the fact that at any given time, only a small portion of the populace is out of stasis.  Should the magic of the Living Mausoleum start to weaken, the population kept in stasis would soon overrun the resources of the city and could potentially erupt in violent conflict.


Integration with the sea world:  The Phaulkonians, along with the followers of the sea gods Xerbo and Osprem, dream of coming out of their isolation and to start to thrive again.  They know of various undersea races and long to leave the bounds of their city and swim amongst the deeps.  There is enough sea faring and underwater survival magic present in the city archives, but the Lendorians and the Wee Jas leadership do not want to explore that possibility.  Creating a situation where an adventurous junior priest of Phaulkon could meet up with a friendly sea race and establish some sort of understanding could be the basis of a diplomatically minded party.




1.  The archmage believed that his own life was insignificant compared to the furthering of Suel society (so much so that the Magus forbade any records of his name be preserved, establishing the point that only Suel society mattered, not any one individual).  This peculiarity spread to many of the Magus's followers, so that in Mantor's historical records are references to people by their position or title and not name, such as "High Priest" and "Harbor Master".  Subsequent holders of office are designated generally by numbers (i.e. "the Fourth City Planner" or "the Third Captain of the City Watch".  This makes for some confusion when researching the colony's history.


2.  Throughout the rest of this article, when referring to this particular individual, the title "Magus" will be used.  


3.  Lendor's faith is notorious for being overly concerned with esoteric arcane matters that are far beyond the care of normal people. 


4.  These Suel were a band of exceptionally wicked spellcasters who managed to escape their curse by taking over the bodies of a few hapless Suel followers.  See the Greyhawk Adventures Hardcover book for details on "The Twisted Forest".


5.  Details of this spell are lost to time, likely to have died with Magus.  Certainly, the series of columns that were installed throughout the colony for the first hurricane were essential to the casting of the dome.  These columns are engraved with runes of air and weather control and blessed and maintained by the priests of Phaulkon.  They number around a dozen and were placed along magically attuned points throughout the island.  This magical dome construct that is large enough to cover the whole city and furthermore last underwater for hundreds of years is epic level magic, on par with Slerotin's Tunnel.  The stress from casting this last dweomer cost Magus his life, as his body burned away to ash upon completion of the spell ritual.  


6.  Again, this represents an epic level dweomer, this time through the guidance of the goddess of magic and death Wee Jas.  It was through the cooperation of mages and priestesses of the order that this spell could have been accomplished on such a large scale.  It is likely that such an epic act of spellcasting could not be replicated without divine assistance.  The similarity to how this city was spared its fate closely resembles the magical force that saved the city of Lo Nakar is worth noting.  In the case of Lo Nakar, the divine patron was Wee Jas as opposed to Lendor.


7.  The food sources for this lost colony are not what one would expect.  Due to the nature of the sinking of the colony, the people of Mantor have a great fear of the ocean and have deliberately kept themselves apart from it.  Therefore, there has been no coordinated effort to create tunnels, airlocks, or other means of exiting the dome.  All food must therefore be grown and harvested within the confines of the domed city.  The priestesses of Bralm have managed to create some magic items that simulated sunlight, and thus have been able to supplement fungal farms with approximations of terrestrial plant life for food.  Their skills in animal husbandry resulted in the breeding of many nutritious insect life forms that are the principal source of food for most of the population.  While this diet can sustain life, it is not a pleasant existence.  The priestesses of Bralm grimly force their farmers to keep working, grinding their spirits down with each passing day as taskmasters of the strictest order. 


8. The priesthood developed a spell to transmute foul air to fresh air.  It is a highly ritualistic spell, involving a long complex series of chanting in order to keep the air in the city breathable.  


9.  By coincidence, the policies and practical working of the colony closely mirrors the current policies of the Scarlet Brotherhood.


10.  The church of Lendor has a strange relationship with the creatures known as spectators.  This edifice houses many of these creatures, some of them have been divinely summoned to guard valuables in the Grand Library.  See Dragon Magazine Issue # 139 for details. 


11.  The average citizen is still pale in appearance, but not overly so.  The magic sun globe has been replicated in a few other areas of the city, providing healthy light to the people, making their existence closer to that of a surface city.  The diet leaves a lot to be desired, with the ration of fruit juice from the grove being the most valuable commodity in the city.


12.  This man is a notorious scoundrel known throughout the Azure Sea as a ‘wild card’ among the great sea captains of the current era.  While he is believed to have begun his career in the Keoish navy, he is now fiercely independent (although his natural inclination often aligns with Keoish policy, so much so that he is occasionally able to be persuaded to do some sort of job for their intelligence service).  He has aliases for every port he visits, but often the name is a play on the initials ‘XYZ’  (i.e. Xander Yanez Zaar or Xavier Yaro Zuckermon). 


13.  Indeed, the concealing magics that render the dome invisible to non-Suels has weakened over the years.  This is to the extent that a human with only trace amounts of Suel heritage can discern the dome of the city if close enough.  The location of the city itself is in the Azure Sea, south of the Sea of Gearnat.  XYZ has made a map to the location, but safeguards it carefully against Scarlet Brotherhood spies.         


14.  This noble is a member of the Homeland Nobility faction, so he has little real power.  He sees an expedition to find this lost city of the Suel as an opportunity to increase his and the nobility’s personal power and to bring lost lore of the ancient Suel back to Shar.  Of course, the Father of Obedience has spies within this noble’s household, and knows of the rumored city.  For now, the Father of Obedience does not want to launch an official expedition to find the city, and is content to let this noble do the hard work first.  If the investigation bears fruit, the official Scarlet Brotherhood response would be positioned to swoop in and take control of the situation.




The Scarlet Brotherhood Accessory

Greyhawk Adventures Hardcover Book for the history of the Twisted Forest

Keoish Intelligence Reports from the Azure Sea on Canonfire

See a couple of articles by Nathan Ellis Irving about another Suel city that survived the into the present time; "An Overview of Lo Nakar" on Canonfire and "Lo Nakar The Last City of the Suel" from the Codex of Greyhawk available at       



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