A CC2 Map of the Imperial City of Rauxes |
Posted on Tue, January 29, 2002 by Legate |
Explore the streets and alleys of the capital of the Great Kingdom before its ill-fated (and as yet mysterious) devastation following the Greyhawk Wars. Available in Campaign Cartographer 2 format.
Author: Archimagus
A CC2 Map of the Imperial City of Rauxes
by Archimagus (Archimagus@aol.com)
(Used with Permission. Do not repost without obtaining prior permission from the author.)
Download the CC-2 compatible map file: Rauxes City Map"
Requires Campaign Cartographer 2 for full viewing. A free viewer/printer is available here: CC2 Viewer/Printer
Here's a preview (click on it for a larger version):

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Average Score: 3.11 Votes: 9

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Re: A CC2 Map of the Imperial City of Rauxes (Score: 1) by wujen on Wed, January 30, 2002 (User Info | Send a Message) | Great!!!! This map is very well-drawn and detailed, and came very useful to me, 'cause I'm just starting a new campaign based in the Great Kingdom, in which the PCs will be working for a Thieves' Guild based in - guess where?
Thanx a lot! |
Re: A CC2 Map of the Imperial City of Rauxes (Score: 1) by Nellisir (nellisir@mediaone.net) on Sat, February 02, 2002 (User Info | Send a Message) | Argh! It looks like a park! None of the buildings touch! This is terrible -- it should be completely different!
Nell. |
Re: A CC2 Map of the Imperial City of Rauxes (Score: 1) by castlemike on Thu, May 06, 2004 (User Info | Send a Message) | Thanks. Best Rauxes map I've seen. |
Re: A CC2 Map of the Imperial City of Rauxes (Score: 1) by coach008 on Fri, October 10, 2014 (User Info | Send a Message) | It might have to do with the fact that it's getting chillier out, but we've been seeing way fewer Birkenstocks around these days. Sure, they were the best-selling shoe of summer, and we're still dutifully wearing our Milanos until our toes protest, but nike air max 95 [www.nikeairmaxfreedom.com"] it's been a lonely existence of late. Birkenstock wearers, where did you all go? Who will she end up with? Will it be the fast-talking lawyer with an attitude? The high school sweetheart who left her for nike air max ltd [www.nikeairmaxfreedom.com"] the military? Or, the good-natured best friend who's just kind of always been there for her? (Note: None of these rom-com archetypes are necessarily in the script, but they would be if we were writing it.) A nike air max [www.nikeairmaxfreedom.com"] year later I encountered Radcliffe in a hotel elevator and, once again, he was just as courteous and charming as we chatted about that day's football games. One would think that someone who's grown up under the glare nike air max shoes [www.nikeairmaxfreedom.com"] of the spotlight would be cautious and jaded. It's a preconceived notion that Radcliffe consciously tries to shatter. Although 7% of participants said they were aware of things that would normally have been out of view, only nike air max 360 [www.nikeairmaxfreedom.com"] one was able to give enough details (the color of the scrubs personnel were wearing, air max 90 infrared [www.nikeairmaxfreedom.com"] or specific instructions nurses gave) to be verified. And, the researchers were able to confirm these details by looking at medical records. Other studies have shown that this type of awareness can also happen when patients are under anesthesia. Even Harry's hairdresser, Lou Teasdale who first showed off the insanity on her Instagram isn't married to the mishmash on his head. nike air max 2015 [www.nikeairmaxfreedom.com"] She even issued a Twitter apology for spawning it.