Maps of the Flanaess: Shadows of The Rakers |
Posted on Sat, June 14, 2003 by Legate |
eanondson writes "Here, finally, is a regional map of the nations around the Rakers mountain range! (Very cool. -ed) The map was cropped to fit the entirety of the Theocracy of the Pale, the Archbarony of Ratik and the Bone March.
Maps of the Flanaess: Shadows of The Rakers
By: Eric Anondson (xen@visi.com)
Used with Permission. Do not repost without obtaining prior permission from the author.
The regional map for the lands surrounding The Rakers mountain range includes the entirety of Pale, Ratik and the Bone March. Due to the great spread this involved, significant portions of other lands are also in the picture here. Included are, all of the Troll Fens, all of Gamboge Forest, all of Phostwood and Nutherwood, most of Tenh, most of northern Nyrond, the northern half of the Flinty Hills, and the northwest Great Kingdom of Northern Aerdy.
Of note: I took a great deal of liberty with drawing in the old roads of the Bone March, as well as placing scattered goblinoid/orc camps (i.e. the triangles signify large encampments), and various ruined towns along the Harp River.
The poster-sized map has been scaled so that, if printed, it will fit seemlessly with the two Thillonrian maps. Thus giving a nearly complete map of Grendep bay, and a complete map of the greater Corusk/Griff/Rakers mountain range.
Cool, huh? :)
I want to thank Craig Petrovich for helping with the research of the Living Greyhawk Pale Year 1 scenarios. I also want to thank Matt Lau of the Living Greyhawk Ratik triad for his help with Ratik research.
Here's a preview, Enjoy!
The full-sized files that constitute the map can be downloaded here in zip files:
These zip files contains two larger versions of this same map. First is Pale, Ratik, Bone March Map (paper-sized), the other Pale, Ratik, Bone March Map (poster-sized). Fair warning: THESE ARE LARGE FILES! Append your comments and questions to this article!
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Average Score: 4.90 Votes: 32

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Re: Maps of the Flanaess: Shadows of The Rakers (Score: 1) by Frongoid on Sat, June 14, 2003 (User Info | Send a Message) | Very very well done. Bravo. |
Re: Maps of the Flanaess: Shadows of The Rakers (Score: 1) by aurdraco on Sat, June 14, 2003 (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.facebook.com/casey.brown | Another excellent map, Eric. This will surely help the folks in Dimre as they plan their conquest of the Pale :).
Casey Brown
LG BK player
coordinator: Fanlareshen Elves meta-org |
Re: Maps of the Flanaess: Shadows of The Rakers (Score: 1) by PeterOui on Fri, June 20, 2003 (User Info | Send a Message) | Very well done. Elegant artistry. |
Re: Maps of the Flanaess: Shadows of The Rakers (Score: 1) by bigb451 on Fri, October 31, 2003 (User Info | Send a Message) | Just wanted to say moochoo moochoo thanks for these awesome maps. The group I'm DMing is in the Tenh/Pale/Ratik area now, and these awesome maps will help make the experience a great one!! |
Re: Maps of the Flanaess: Shadows of The Rakers (Score: 1) by esilv on Thu, July 08, 2004 (User Info | Send a Message | Journal) | Great map, as always.
Specifically in regards to the Ratik area, I'm presuming that the towns and roads are gleaned from LG materials?
I also note that some towns are underlined while others are not. I'm curious as to why?
I'm presuming that it's something to do with population, but would like to be sure.
Again, awesome maps. Utilitarian and gorgeous. A pleasure to game with.
Cheers! |
Re: Maps of the Flanaess: Shadows of The Rakers (Score: 1) by eanondson on Thu, August 12, 2004 (User Info | Send a Message) | The underlined names, let me think a moment. I believe I underlined the locations that were national or regional capitals. Places like Iuz's empire that are so large, I underlined regional administrative capitals, for instance.
And all the places in Ratik, yeah, so much of that was development by the now-defunct Ratik triad. Hawaii has since been rolled into Nyrond.
Thanks everyone for all the appreciation towards these maps!
Eric Anondson |
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