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On the Home Plane of the Fhoi Myore, and its Relationship to Oerth
Posted on Sun, February 23, 2003 by Dogadmin
MerricB writes "Legends from the time before the Twin Cataclysms, Old Secrets Revealed, and more information on a New Threat Looming!

Author: MerricB

On the Home Plane of the Fhoi Myore, and its Relationship to Oerth

by MerricB

Used with Permission. Do not repost without obtaining prior permission from the author.

It has been related how the Firbolg giants, forced into abandoning their land by the Flan settlers, summoned and were possessed by the Fhoi Myore spirits to create the Greater Fomorian giants - deformed and wicked creatures with great power of magic. It has also been told how a force of the Flan, led by their great druid Amergin trapped the Fomorians within the great Stone Ring and entrapped them in a demi-plane.

This article shall deal with the nature of the plane from which the Fhoi Myore spirits came, and with the changing nature of the planes convergent upon our own Oerth.

First of all, I would like you to imagine the most foul, perverted plane on the Abyss that you can imagine. Then discard that image - it bears little resemblance to the home plane of the Fhoi Myore. However the essence of its foulness is quite similar. The homeland of the Fhoi Myore bears little resemblance to any land in our standard planar models; indeed it does not fit into our model, being a rogue plane discarded long ago from another creation.

The plane of the Fhoi Myore is in fact one of five overlapping planes - somewhat like a group of connected bubbles a child might blow out using soap and water during play. The planes are superbly morphic, their function and form changing according to the will of the most powerful beings there.

The catastrophe that destroyed the original planar structure to which Myore belonged is something that we can only imagine, and that imperfectly. In any case, it distorted the five planes set free, and the lands became ravaged, corrupted and unhealthy for normal life. The Fhoi Myore had to adapt to survive, and they adapted superbly, discarding for the most part their original bodies and becoming either spirits or shapeshifters - or perhaps a bit of both, a creature that could both be incorporeal and solid at the same time.

Like a bubble, at times the planes of the Fhoi Myore would adhere themselves to another plane. At the time of the Flan settlers migration into that land which would be known as the Flanaess, the planes of Myore became adhered to those of the Oerth.

The Fhoi Myore by this stage had become a somewhat advanced and barbaric people at the same time, knowing no compassion, and little of loyalty - though their own family bonds could be extremely strong. They had become aware that their own plane was becoming unstable due to its random progress through the Void, and needed a new homeland. It seemed quite likely to them that their home would be destroyed when the plane eventually detached from that of Oerth, and so they reached to the new plane to see if it would support them.

They were not pleased with what they found. Our own plane is of a form completely inimical to that of the Fhoi Myore. There was no way that they were going to be able to survive on it.

At this point, they discovered the despair of the Firbolg giants, a psychic imprint that they seized upon and realised they could take advantage of. Contacting the adepts of the Firbolg, they offered great power to those who would enter into an alliance with them. It is said that the chief and wisest of the adepts counselled against the alliance, but was overruled by the son of the chief. The results were disastrous for the Firbolg.

The Fhoi Myore possessed their bodies, that being the only way they could survive on Oerth. Even so, the possession left the Firbolg greatly deformed and dying. To survive, the Fhoi Myore had to corrupt the plane of Oerth so that it was more like their own - something that I do not suppose much of the extant life on our plane would have survived.

In preparation for this task, and to create an environment in which they could survive longer, they merged one of the planes of the Myore onto that of Oerth. The resulting demi-plane permitted the Fhoi Myore to travel from one part of the Sheldomar Valley to another. It possessed aspects of both Oerth and Myore, although more those of Oerth, and it is said that members of the Flan were able to use it to spy upon the Fomorians.

Eventually, of course, the Fhoi Myore were stripped from their Fomorian hosts (creating the Fomorian giants we know today), and imprisoned by the Great Stone Ring. The plane of Myore was torn apart in the Void, and any remnants of the Fhoi Myore left within it perished.

The secret demi-plane of the Fhoi Myore which allowed them to travel to their secret underground city was forgotten by all but the gnomes of the County of Ulek, who have recently revealed it to servants of Count Lewenn - the machinations of the Priest of Chaos forcing them to reveal something they would otherwise have preferred to remain secret.

What the secret demi-plane contains today is unknown. It is most unlikely that such a useful demi-plane would remain completely abandoned - no matter how disorientating to the unprepared intruder. Perhaps Vecna the Arch-Lich discovered it during his tyrannical rule over the Sheldomar Valley... or perhaps something had discovered it before him and kept it from him?

Time will tell, as the threat of the Fhoi Myore grows and more of their secrets are revealed.

Note: Fhoi Myore, firbolg, Fading Lands, demiplane"
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Re: On the Home Plane of the Fhoi Myore, and its Relationship to Oerth (Score: 1)
by grodog on Sun, February 23, 2003
(User Info | Send a Message)
Demiplanes---you said the magic word, Merric :D

These guys sound like potential candidates as creations of my version of Fraz-Urb'luu, too....


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