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The Frontier Village of Ironstead
Posted on Tue, September 02, 2003 by Legate
Yabusama writes "Following on Crockport, I present a map of the Furyondian outpost village of Ironstead which is situated deep in the Vesve, close to the frontlines with the forces of the Darklord of Dorakaa...

The Frontier Village of Ironstead
By: Yabusama
Used with Permission. Do not repost without obtaining prior permission from the author.

The official line on Ironstead from 'The Marklands'...

"Ironstead is a stockaded village of some 30 wooden buildings and 200 people. Here, Belvor has stationed 40 elite heavy infantry and a dozen rangers and wizards. There are 100 or so woodsmen militia working with these troops.

Belvor’s aim is to create Ironstead as a listening post within the Vesve, and to try to organize the southern Vesve woodsmen militias more effectively. Patrols from Ironstead prowl the margins of the Badlands, and communicate with a secondary base at Laurellinn, which is an important forestry and timbering camp of much the same size.

The garrison leader, Helmend Fannen, was a wise choice by Belvor. He is a Vesve native who fought in the king’s troops in the siege of Chendl. He has returned to his homeland and Vesve people respect one of their own being trusted to lead Belvor’s own men. This speaks of trust on Belvor’s part.

Ironstead is also a base from which Belvor aids woodsmen by supplying weapons, although Furyondy does not exactly have a surplus to spare. Well crafted metal axes, swords, and shields go to the woodsmen, who make their own spears, staves, bows and arrows. Timber is transported from Laurellinn on great wagons along the broad forest road to the Royal Highway. This road is patrolled by Furyondian militias, including forces from as far away as Castle Ehlenestra and even Baranford."

My players explored the delights of the King Belvor's Arms, sampled the gambling delights of Mystral's Hall (and lost quite a bit too), got roped into patrolling the surrounding lands and mingled with the Vesve elves on occasion.

As DM I granted the freedom of the village to the party when they slew a Thassaloss that was marauding the nearby countryside, but then Xenvelen got upset over the death of his pet and sent demons to wreck the place, sadly as a result the party got asked very, very politely "Thanks for the Thassaloss slaying and all that, and I know you have the freedom of the village, but would you please leave now 'coz if you stay we won't have a village much longer". They took the hint and left pronto. [LoL]

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Re: The Frontier Village of Ironstead (Score: 1)
by Argon on Tue, September 30, 2003
(User Info | Send a Message)
I like it. Though I would prefer solid colored buildings the land background is key to it's brillance.
I know it's difficult to make these maps. Heck I'm still trying to make somethind as good as what you have done. I have CC2 Pro and the City Designer add on.
So here's hoping I can acheive something close to your piece of work.

Re: The Frontier Village of Ironstead (Score: 1)
by Rose on Sat, May 20, 2006
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 You can get Mappa Hârnica add on for CC2 free from [] 

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