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Races of the Flanaess - Elves
Posted on Tue, September 06, 2005 by Dongul
chatdemon writes "Delving yet further into Greyhawk's optional races for Classic Dungeons & Dragons, we explore the proud Elven folk and their mysterious cousins, the Grugach and Drow.

Races of the Flanaess - Elves
By: chatdemon
Used with Permission. Do not repost without obtaining prior permission from the author.

Race: Elf (Olve in the language of the Flan)
Description: Elves, or Olvenfolk, as they are known to the Flan, are fully described in the Classic D&D rulesbooks. They have the same variety in appearance that the humans of the Flanaess do.

The standard Elf, as described in the rulebooks, is generally known as a High Elf (or Noldolve). Other varieties exist:

Gray Elves (also called Sindolve) tend to be a bit slimmer and taller than High Elves, with a slightly otherworldly look about them. Gray Elves are the most aloof and withdrawn of the Elven people, often preferring only the company of their own people, and seldom found in human nations.

For the purposes of game mechanics, High Elves and Greyelves are considered to be identical. The variety is explained only for role playing purposes. Other, more diverse subraces, are explained below.

Ability Modifiers: -1 Con (minimum 3), +1 Int or Dex (maximum 18)
Special Abilities: Infravision, 60 foot range
Class Restrictions (and XP modifiers by class)
Note: Elves who take a class other than Elf lose their innate racial abilities concerning secret door detection and immunity to paralysis.
  • Cleric: Yes (-15% to earned XP, -30% after level 8)
  • Druid: No
  • Fighter: No
  • Paladin: No
  • Knight: No
  • Avenger: No
  • Magic User: No
  • Mystic: Yes (-5% to earned XP, -20% after level 8)
  • Thief: Yes (-5% to earned XP, -15% after level 8)
  • Elf: Yes (to preserve game balance, it is suggested that the Attack Rank rules option for advancement past 10th level should be used)

Race: Elf - Wood (Tarolve in the Flan tongue)

Description: The Wood Elves are a hardy, no-nosense folk common throughout the woodlands of the Flanaess. Wood Elves tend to be shorter than their cousins, averaging 4.5 to 5 feet in height, but are noticeably sturdier in build. While variety is possible, most Wood Elves have well tanned skin tones, with hair in various shades of brown or reddish-brown.

Wood Elves are a nature minded people, strongly tied to nature spirits and druidic traditions. The Druid class is a favorite, with fighters and thieves rounding out the other common career choices.

Ability Modifiers: +1 Dex or Str (max 18), -1 Int or Wis (min 3)
Special Abilities: Infravision, 60 foot range
Note: Elves who take a class other than Elf lose their innate racial abilities concerning secret door detection and immunity to paralysis.
Class Restrictions (and XP modifiers by class)
  • Cleric: Yes (-10% to earned XP, Wood Elves must take the Druid class path after level 10, they cannot advance further as regular clerics)
  • Druid: Yes (-5% to earned XP)
  • Fighter: Yes (None, -10% after level 10)
  • Paladin: No
  • Knight: Yes (None)
  • Avenger: No
  • Magic User: No
  • Mystic: Yes (-15% to earned XP, 10th level maximum)
  • Thief: Yes (-5% to earned XP, -20% after level 10)
  • Elf: Yes (-5% to earned XP, to preserve game balance, it is suggested that the Attack Rank rules option for advancement past 10th level should be used)

Race: Elf - Wild (Grugach in the Flan tongue)

Description: Grugach are a primitive, withdrawn folk, once common throughout the woodlands of the Flanaess. They tend to be the shortest of Elves, averaging 4 feet in height, but are noticeably sturdier in build. While variety is possible, most Wood Elves have a pale skin tone, with hair in various shades of brown or reddish-brown, with green hair being uncommon, but not unknown.

Like Wood Elves, Grugach are a nature minded, superstitious people, strongly tied to nature spirits and druidic traditions. The Druid class is a favorite, with fighters and thieves rounding out the other common career choices. Grugach abhor the arcane arts, and may not become Magic Users or Mystics. This effectively bars them from the Elf class as well.

Ability Modifiers: +1 Dex or Str (max 18), -2 Int or Wis (min 3)
Special Abilities: Infravision, 60 foot range. Grugach Thieves gain a permanent bonus of +10% to their ability to Find And Remove Traps.
Note: Elves who take a class other than Elf lose their innate racial abilities concerning secret door detection and immunity to paralysis.
Class Restrictions (and XP modifiers by class)
  • Cleric: Yes (-15% to earned XP, Grugach must take the Druid class path after level 10, they cannot advance further as regular clerics)
  • Druid: Yes (-5% to earned XP)
  • Fighter: Yes (None, -10% after level 10)
  • Paladin: No
  • Knight: Yes (None)
  • Avenger: No
  • Magic User: No
  • Mystic: No
  • Thief: Yes (-5% to earned XP, -20% after level 10)
  • Elf: No

Race: Elf - Drow (Lantolve in the Flan tongue)

Description: Drow are a corrupt, evil folk, dwelling far beneath the surface of the Flanaess in dark cities rampant with depravity and fell purpose. Drow have the same general height and build as their common cousins, but have jet black skin, hair of bleached white or silvery hue, and purple, red or blue eyes.

Drow place a strong emphasis on the arcane arts, and also dabble in the worship of demons and dark gods. The worship of the demon queen Lolth dominates their society, which is led, as a rule, by the women, and encourages a symbiosis with spiders and other arachnids.

Ability Modifiers: +1 Dex or Int (max 18), -2 Wisand Cha (min 3)
Special Abilities: Infravision, 90 foot range. Drow also recieve a minor resistance to the effects of magic, gaining a magic resistance of 2% per level. It is critical to remember that this is an always present resistance, that may not be "willed off", and applies to beneficial and friendly magic as well as harmful spells and effects.
Note: Elves who take a class other than Elf lose their innate racial abilities concerning secret door detection and immunity to paralysis. Drow may not be of the Lawful alignment. The approval of the DM is required before taking this race template.
Class Restrictions (and XP modifiers by class)
  • Cleric: Yes (-15% to earned XP, -30% after level 10)
  • Druid: No
  • Fighter: Yes (-10% to earned XP, -25% after level 10)
  • Paladin: No
  • Knight: No
  • Avenger: Yes (-25% to Earned XP)
  • Magic User: Yes (-15% to earned XP, -30% after level 10)
  • Mystic: Yes (-15% to earned XP, -30% after level 10)
  • Thief: Yes (-10% to earned XP, -25% after level 10)
  • Elf: Yes (-5% to earned XP)
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