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Heart of the Flanaess: Greyhawk, Dyvers, and Duchy of Urnst
Posted on Thu, September 18, 2003 by Legate
eanondson writes "You've been asking for it and here it is! A map of the Mother-of-All gaming regions.....the environs of the City of Greyhawk! This new map in the series encompasses the Nyr Dyv, Bright Desert, Domain of Greyhawk, Duchy of Urnst, and Lands of Dyvers. A great chunk of Furyondy, Verbobonc, Celene, Wild Coast and the County of Urnst are also visible. Enjoy!

Heart of the Flanaess: Greyhawk, Dyvers, and Duchy of Urnst
By: eanondson
Used with Permission. Do not repost without obtaining prior permission from the author.

This map is the beginning of a continuing series of maps which will map out the entire Greater Sheldomar Valley. I know that it may seem odd that this map is part of a project to map the Sheldomar Valley, but there are good reasons it does. First, it is easiest for me to build of off maps I have already drawn. Second, draw an imaginary a rectangle around the entire Sheldomar Valley (Ket to Pomarj to Jeklea Bay to Ull) and you will notice that the map above fits perfect in the upper-right corner of the rectangle.

As with all of my maps I have tried my best to find every canon Greyhawk location, from Living Greyhawk regional development to the Gord the Rogue novels. I've yet to find anything which describes the topography under the Nyr Dyv's waves, so I took great license to draw in my own belief of what the "Unknown Depths" might look like. The basic idea is that it is a much larger canyon, similar to the Rift Canyon, but flooded from the continental rivers.

Here's a preview, Enjoy!

The full-sized files that constitute the map can be downloaded here in zip files:

These zip files contains two larger versions of this same map. First is Central Flanaess Map (letter-sized), the other Central Flanaess Map (poster-sized).


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Maps of the Flanaess: Shadows of The Rakers

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Re: Heart of the Flanaess: Greyhawk, Dyvers, and Duchy of Urnst (Score: 1)
by BusterBudd on Thu, September 18, 2003
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Letter and Poster sized version of the Central Flanaess Map, including the City of Greyhawk! cannot be accessed. Keep getting "page cannot be found" page. Would really like to have this baby. Help me please.

Great Job! (Score: 1)
by Storm on Fri, September 19, 2003
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eanondson, teriffic job on this map. It's awesome, and you obviously put a lot of effort into this on. Good luck on the rest of your work - I look forward to seeing more. I am sure it goes without saying that the Greyhawk community thanks you :)

Re: Heart of the Flanaess: Greyhawk, Dyvers, and Duchy of Urnst (Score: 1)
by Mario_Greymist on Fri, September 19, 2003
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File sizes are reported as 0; file download creates a corrupted zip file; fixing the zip file destroys any data. No files found within the zip file.


Re: Heart of the Flanaess: Greyhawk, Dyvers, and Duchy of Urnst (Score: 1)
by PSmedger on Fri, September 19, 2003
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That sounds like you've gotten incomplete downloads. One file is 1MB, the other is like 6MB. If you've got one, I'd try using a download manager that allows you to resume, cause if the download times out, it will appear to be successful, but the files will be corrupted.....I will double check the files to make sure there is no problem with them on our side.


Re: Heart of the Flanaess: Greyhawk, Dyvers, and Duchy of Urnst (Score: 1)
by BusterBudd on Sat, September 20, 2003
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Celebrations abound in the Lands!!! I have retrieved the map(s). Such splendid works of craftmanship, the finest in all of Oerth! :)

Thank you seems so small of a fraise for such a grand accomplishment.


Re: Heart of the Flanaess: Greyhawk, Dyvers, and Duchy of Urnst (Score: 1)
by OldManReaver on Fri, September 19, 2003
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As a CC2 user, it's easy to forget / dismiss other formats, but not in this case - these (including predecessors) are beauties - well done!

Re: Heart of the Flanaess: Greyhawk, Dyvers, and Duchy of Urnst (Score: 1)
by Froonp on Sat, September 20, 2003
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Now I dream of Eanondson linking all his marvelous maps in one complete Flanaess map !

Re: Heart of the Flanaess: Greyhawk, Dyvers, and Duchy of Urnst (Score: 1)
by Klovis on Sun, September 21, 2003
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Just what I've been looking for. I've been running a low-level campaign in set in a small town I added to the foothills of the West Abbor-Alz Mountains. My characters have started to explore the world outside of the town and I need a good map of the surrounding regions. This fits the bill perfectly!

Any chance you could post just the topography map (without all the city and region names), so that the map can be customized by individual GMs?

Thanks again, a truly remarkable map and a great gaming reasource.

Re: Heart of the Flanaess: Greyhawk, Dyvers, and Duchy of Urnst (Score: 1)
by Argon on Tue, September 30, 2003
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I'm sure you heard this before but your work is truly inspiring. This is the type of map they place on some type of fabric or plastic sheet to preserve them. Then if it finds it's way into a published piece of work cha-ching big company charges a-lot more for said product.

Re: Heart of the Flanaess: Greyhawk, Dyvers, and Duchy of Urnst (Score: 1)
by Helderik on Thu, October 09, 2003
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This is a great asset to my campaign. I printed the map on a A0-size high glossy sheet and it looks absolutely fabulous. Thanks for the tremendous amount of work you've obviously put in to this file. Looking forward to the next one!

One small comment... The dark blue areas of the Nyr Dyv are a bit to dark (makes the text difficult to read). This could be due to the printer I used however.

Re: Heart of the Flanaess: Greyhawk, Dyvers, and Duchy of Urnst (Score: 1)
by abysslin ( on Fri, December 03, 2004
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Mr. Anondson, you're cartographic skills on the geographial level, are simply amazing.

Now get your butt on with the Tilvanot! =)

Re: Heart of the Flanaess: Greyhawk, Dyvers, and Duchy of Urnst (Score: 1)
by Tzelios on Wed, October 05, 2005
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An outstanding artefact!

I was amazed to find toponyms from the Gord novels in your map=) !!! I will definitely use all your maps.

Keep on your great work,


Re: Heart of the Flanaess: Greyhawk, Dyvers, and Duchy of Urnst (Score: 1)
by nijineko ( on Wed, May 18, 2011
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your map files no longer seem to be hosted here, and they are just what i am looking for today. are you still about and can these files still be had? thank you very much.

Re: Heart of the Flanaess: Greyhawk, Dyvers, and Duchy of Urnst (Score: 1)
by Anondson on Sun, October 23, 2011
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I hear there was a server rebuild and my files were lost. I still have them, currently being hosted.

This should be a functional link temporarily until June of 2012.


Re: Heart of the Flanaess: Greyhawk, Dyvers, and Duchy of Urnst (Score: 1)
by coach008 on Fri, October 10, 2014
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