Gods of the Flanaess: Pholtus |
Posted on Thu, July 23, 2009 by LordCeb |
CruelSummerLord writes "“The one true path, the trail of light, is offered by Pholtus and Pholtus alone. From it springs all reason and knowledge, all that is good and right in this world. As followers of the one true path, it is our most sacred responsibility to aspire to shine as brightly as our lord in spreading his light to those in darkness The path is long, winding and difficult, but for those who persevere and show wisdom, our lord Pholtus provides the ultimate enlightenment and reward."
-High Theocrat Ogon Tillit, Suypreme Prelate of the Theocracy of the Pale, reciting the nation’s oath of office upon his investiture, 562 CY.
Domains: Light, Resolution, Law, Order, Inflexibility, Sun, Moons
Home Plane: Arcadia
Alignment: Lawfully good, tending towards lawfully neutral
Alignment of Clergy: Lawfully good, lawfully neutral, neutrally good, truly neutral
Alignment of Worshippers: Any
ethically lawful or neutral. Pholtus is primarily worshipped by humans,
although some dwarves and halflings revere him as a god of law and
History and Relationships: Born
in the early years after the imprisoning of the Dark Lord, Pholtus was
known for his efforts to bring order and law to the universe, even as
the gods fell to battling one another. Through his efforts at mediation
and resolution, Pholtus won the respect of many gods for his wisdom and
fairness, although other gods resented what they viewed as his
high-handed arrogance and imperiousness, and refusal to listen to other
points of view. Alternately admired for providing clear and sensible
solutions to disputes, and derided for his self-righteousness, Pholtus
became a polarizing figure to his fellow gods.
unpopularity greatly increased when many of the other gods began
creating their own mortal races, a boon granted them by the Oerth
Mother in exchange for their aid in imprisoning Dread Tharizdun. In an
effort to help these fledgling races, Pholtus proved essential in
bringing them sunlight to allow life to flourish upon the Oerth, even
as he offered advice and guidance to the other creator gods in creating
the belief systems and ethical viewpoints of their people.
Unfortunately, these other gods tended only to borrow those elements of
Pholtus’ dogma that they liked and discarded the rest, something that
frustrated him to no end. Arguments over points of doctrine led many of
the other gods to dislike him, particularly the Oeridian wind gods, who
were particularly offended by his efforts to teach law to the
aarakockra they were creating.
time passed, however, Pholtus followed the lead of the other gods in
granting divine favors to the mortals who had begun to worship him. His
new mission became to spread his wisdom and knowledge across the Oerth
to these new mortal beings, something that his followers took to with
great zeal.
Pholtus' allies include Zilchus, Moradin, Cyndor, Bralm, Yondalla and Allitur,
all of whom appreciate the value of law and order in society, something
which also endears Pholtus to Grumbar, the lord of the Elemental Plane
of Earth. His enemies include Pelor, St. Cuthbert, Corellon Larethian,
Joramy, Hieroneous, Hextor, Trithereon, and indeed almost any god that
is chaotic, evil or simply espouses a different set of ideals and
values from his own. Known as a judgmental god, Pholtus is a lone wolf
among the gods for his harsh and unbending view of the world.
Teachings: Pholtus' faith teaches that any solution can be solved with clarity and common
sense, and that any solution, no matter how convoluted, can be solved
with a clear-minded application of established law and wisdom. Mortal
beings have thrived for centuries based on sensible application of
ideas grounded in reality, which have become an established tradition
passed on down through the centuries from parent to child. There is a
place for everyone within these inherited ideals, one where all those
who display sufficient wisdom and intelligence can thrive, so long as
they adhere to the proper laws that Pholtus has passed down time
ideals stress a society governed by the rule of law, where all are
equal before the law and have the capacity to use their own talents to
flourish within it. Hard work and dedication, and the application of
common sense, are important traits for citizens to possess, as are
honesty, piety and compassion for one’s neighbor. All are equal under
the light Pholtus provides, and all are equally deserving of support
and compassion, provided they have worked to earn it. There is no shame
in requiring charity if one has made an honest and forthright effort to
thrive or contribute to the community. Those who have made an effort to
adhere to the path of light can and should reap not only the rewards
that Pholtus offers, but the support that others walking on the path
can provide. Similarly, the light shines on all equally regardless of
race, gender or ethnicity-slavery and racial and sexual discrimination
are abhorrent blights on society that must be eradicated.
however, the world is not perfect, and many factions will attempt to
attack, conquer or even destroy society to take what they have not
earned and destroy what they cannot have. Pholtus’ church thus
emphasizes the need to take up arms and defend oneself when necessary,
placing a high emphasis on the need for citizens to protect one another
against attack, and to punish those malcontents in their midst. Whether
human or inhuman, threats may come in many forms, and valiant defenders
must be ready at all times.
virtues of the Pholtan faith include hard work, compassion for one's
neighbor, careful reflection of available options before taking a
course of action, obeying those in authority if they have proven
themselves worthy of obedience, dethroning those in authority who have
violated the laws and abused their power, vigilance and alertness
against attack, and respecting the dignity of all those who display
clarity and common sense. The sins of the Pholtan faith include
laziness, acting without forethought, violating the laws of the
community, disobeying those in authority who have proven themselves
worthy of obedience, obeying those in authority who have violated the
laws of the community, slackness in guarding against attack, and
insulting those who display clarity and common sense.
Interaction with Outsiders: In
many lands, Pholtans are known for their social activism and attempts
to influence the local laws to try and bring them more in line with
what they view as the “path of light”. This can lead to considerable
social strife and competition with other religious and secular
interests, particularly other churches noted for their activism and
attempts to influence the shaping of society, such as St. Cuthbert.
Despite this, however, most Pholtans would view taking up arms against
the lawful authorities of the land as an extremely grave sin, and so
they content themselves with attempting to influence their neighbors
and win new converts among the populace.
Pholtus' clergy also performs all the healings, blessings, schooling, exorcisms,
marriages, midwifery, and counseling that religious organizations
provide to their followers, although they are notorious sticklers for
only providing their help to those they deem “worthy”, in practice
being those who actually adhere to the Pholtan faith. They can and do
provide food, clothing and other amenities for the sick and poor, but
rival the faith of St. Cuthbert in actively trying to convert their
followers to the path of light of the Pholtan faith. No Pholtan will
ever treat hale and hearty adventurers without a conversion, unless
said adventurers are themselves Pholtans. Fortunately, the faith counts
many adventurers among its adherents, and so the faith is also active
in the adventuring sphere.
who interact with the followers of Pholtus typically see them preaching
on street corners, asking for alms, or otherwise performing other
priestly duties. Except in the Theocracy of the Pale, where they are
themselves the dominant faith, Pholtans will typically not harass those
they interact with who are not themselves of their faith, and may
conduct their business as they normally would, although many lay
worshippers may still attempt to nudge their friends towards Pholtan
ideals or otherwise attempt to influence the society around them
towards these same ideals.
is the dominant national faith of the Theocracy of the Pale and the
Grand Theocracy of Dimre in the Bandit Kingdoms, where its rigidity and
discipline have contributed to those nations’ formidable fighting
forces. The faith is also well-established in the Gran March, Greyhawk,
Dyvers, Nyrond, and the Shield Lands, although it is typically viewed
with some suspicion by the authorities due to the activist nature of
its clergy and its opposition to the religions these states favor. The
faith is outright banned in Iuz, the Horned Society, the See of
Medegia, Ahlissa, Northern Aerdy, Rel Astra and the lands of the Sea
Barons, and everywhere else is either unknown or too small to be worth
most prominent temples in the Flanaess are in Wintershiven, Dimre,
Hatherleigh, Greyhawk, Dyvers, Rel Mord, Critwall and Hookhill.
Variant Sects: The
notions of clarity and common sense, which are bedrocks of the Pholtan
faith, have paradoxically divided the church into several distinct
sects, whose relations range from strained to hostile. The Blinding
Light is the most commonly found branch of the faith outside of the
homelands of the Pale, stressing protection against attackers and
positive social change towards Pholtan ideals, including ministering to
the poor and sick. They are generally less militant than the One True
Path, being more willing to conform to variations in the lands they
operate in and more willing to work with other faiths and secular
groups to achieve their goals, although they will in all ways attempt
to influence these allies towards the ideas of Pholtus. They are also
more flexible in their interpretation of Pholtus’ teachings, and put
more emphasis on those traits they feel will win converts and expand
their influence, such as the positive gains of the Pholtan faith,
including enlightenment, forgiveness and a renewed enthusiasm for life,
over the harsher, stricter punishments for sin and backsliding
emphasized by the One True Path.
One True Path is much stricter and more rigid than the Blinding Light,
and is much less tolerant of difference. Its main seat of power is in
the Theocracy of the Pale, where this branch of the faith rules almost
absolutely. It makes no secret of its desire to convert the rest of the
Flanaess to its belief system, although it grudgingly cooperates with
its neighbors when necessary, typically accepting an uneasy peace with
them in view of the greater threats from the Bandits, Stonehold, and
the monsters of the surrounding hills, marshes and forests. It is no
less rigid in adhering to the standards of social equality or
compassion, however, to the point where the nation has many more women
in positions of authority and power than do many of its supposedly more
enlightened neighbors. Far fewer people live in poverty as well, with
the citizenry of the Pale coming together time and again to overcome
adversity, traits which clerics of the One True Path claim would
benefit surrounding lands if they joined the Pale in its pursuit of
Pholtus’ ideals.
between the two branches of the faith are often very strained, with
each often accusing the other of misinterpreting Pholtus’ teachings,
not adhering to them properly, or disagreeing how these teachings
should be interpreted in any given situation. They unanimously agree,
however, on the Dark Light cult of the Grand Theocracy of Dimre in the
Bandit Kingdoms. This heretical branch of the faith believes that hard
work and vigilance are necessary to survive in a harsh world, and that
Pholtus has made the world that way to strengthen his followers and see
if they are worthy of following the path of light. To that end, they
believe that one must learn to understand darkness in order to better
aspire to following the light, and they combine this with the necessity
to survive in a harsh world by actively raiding and murdering
unbelievers and heretics, functioning essentially as religious bandits.
They are actively hated by all other Pholtans, who vehemently deny that
their god would grant spells to these heathens and instead claim that
the followers of the Dark Light are supported by some demonic patron.
Adventuring Clergy: Pholtus
actively encourages his clergy to adventure, so as to spread the word
of the path of light and inspire others through their deeds, even as
they acquire power to guide those that are blind to the light so that
they may see. Even the One True Path recognizes the value of perception
and the benefit of gathering more flies with honey than vinegar, and so
note that heroic deeds can be more effective in winning popular support
than endlessly haranguing nonbelievers. Clerics may associate with any
demi-humans as they see fit, although associating with overtly religious
people who openly belong to other faiths is typically considered a
minor sin if done for too long, although there is typically no
stricture against associating with heathens or casual believers of
other faiths. Nor are clerics are not expected to badger their friends
about their faith, but attempt to inspire them in word and deed, to
show how the glory of Pholtus can shine on all those who make the
use of edged weapons is considered a sin by the faith, and Pholtus
prefers that his clerics use the quarterstaff, a weapon that can be
carried almost anywhere and that serves a wide variety of practical
purposes besides combat, something the practical-minded deity greatly
appreciates. Clerics may also wear whatever type of armor suits them,
whether the lightest leather jerkin or the heaviest full plate armor.
are expected to tithe forty percent of the treasure they gain to the
faith, or to secular groups that either care for the community or
contribute to its defense, such as military groups, poorhouses and
orphanages, and the like. Donating to institutions run by other faiths
is a major sin, and if there is no opportunity to tithe without
donating to another faith, clerics may defer their tithing until they
get the chance to donate to a secular institution, if they cannot find
one run by Pholtus.
is said to smile on those who show diligence and hard work in pursuing
their goals, who defend those who cannot defend themselves, who preach
his name in word and deed, who display clarity and common sense in
making their decisions, inspire others to convert to his worship, or
influence the society and people around them to better follow the path
of light, particularly if they are confused and lacking guidance in
their lives."
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Average Score: 4 Votes: 4

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Re: Gods of the Flanaess: Pholtus (Score: 1) by JellyMin on Tue, December 14, 2021 (User Info | Send a Message) | he path is long, winding and difficult, but for those who persevere and show wisdom, our lord Pholtus provides the ultimate enlightenment and reward. Building Decks |
Re: Gods of the Flanaess: Pholtus (Score: 1) by JellyMin on Wed, March 09, 2022 (User Info | Send a Message) | There is no shame in requiring charity if one has made an honest and forthright effort to thrive or contribute to the community.
Re: Gods of the Flanaess: Pholtus (Score: 1) by madmardigan on Tue, January 03, 2023 (User Info | Send a Message) | Laziness, behaving without consideration, breaking community regulations, and failing to obey those in power who have demonstrated their worth as leaders are among the faults of the Pholtan faith. Regards from stamped concrete austin staff |
Re: Gods of the Flanaess: Pholtus (Score: 1) by RobertJames on Fri, May 12, 2023 (User Info | Send a Message) | While they will make every effort to sway their allies toward Pholtus' ideas, they are typically less militant than the One True Path, more willing to adapt to local customs and work with other religions and secular organizations to accomplish their objectives. - deck washing minneapolis |
Re: Gods of the Flanaess: Pholtus (Score: 1) by RobertJames on Wed, May 17, 2023 (User Info | Send a Message) | Laziness, acting without thought, breaking community laws, disobeying those in authority who have shown themselves deserving of obedience, following those in authority who have broken community laws, being lax in defending oneself from attack, and insulting those who exhibit clarity and common sense are all considered sins of the Pholtan faith, view website! |
Re: Gods of the Flanaess: Pholtus (Score: 1) by JellyMin on Sat, July 22, 2023 (User Info | Send a Message) | No Pholtan will ever treat hale and hearty adventurers without a conversion, unless said adventurers are themselves Pholtans. Contact us for more. |
Re: Gods of the Flanaess: Pholtus (Score: 1) by madmardigan on Thu, October 19, 2023 (User Info | Send a Message) | All other Pholtans actively despise them and angrily reject that their deity would provide spells to these heathens, insisting that the Dark Light's adherents are supported by some demonic patron. | invoice factoring |