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Current Poll Results

I'm a hardcore Greyhawk fan mostly because:

Nostalgia. It was my first campaign setting.17 %17 %17 % 17.75% (85)
Its deep roots in D&D. They were born together.23 %23 %23 % 23.59% (113)
Its a versatile setting that I like customizing.11 %11 %11 % 11.27% (54)
Its a setting that doesn't treat me like I'm 2.8 %8 %8 % 8.35% (40)
Its fan-built, w/ lots of contributions I can use.3 %3 %3 % 3.55% (17)
Its a great example of pulp sword and sorcery.3 %3 %3 % 3.97% (19)
Because the PCs matter more than the NPCs.9 %9 %9 % 9.60% (46)
I love the humor, puns, and inside jokes.0 %0 %0 % 0.63% (3)
There is no Elminster.16 %16 %16 % 16.70% (80)
Other, please explain.4 %4 %4 % 4.59% (22)

Total Votes: 479

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 Dragon & Dungeon are to be no more, taking pen & paper Greyhawk with them: (464 votes)

 I'm a hardcore Greyhawk fan mostly because: (479 votes)

 My Verdict on Dungeon's Adventure Paths (394 votes)

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"I'm a hardcore Greyhawk fan mostly because:" | Login/Create an Account | 14 comments
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Re: I'm a hardcore Greyhawk fan mostly because: (Score: 1)
by TwiceBorn on Thu, March 15, 2007
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I voted for "Other", because there is no "all of the above"...

Re: I'm a hardcore Greyhawk fan mostly because: (Score: 1)
by Maldin on Fri, March 16, 2007
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Ditto... I voted "Other" because I wanted "All of the Above". Also, for a reason that is not there...
"Its fan-built, w/ lots of contributions I have made"
I explain that statement in a CF forum thread at:

Denis, aka "Maldin"
Maldin's Greyhawk

Re: I'm a hardcore Greyhawk fan mostly because: (Score: 1)
by Baramay on Mon, March 19, 2007
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Another vote for all of the above!

Re: I'm a hardcore Greyhawk fan mostly because: (Score: 1)
by nijineko on Thu, March 22, 2007
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Re: I'm a hardcore Greyhawk fan mostly because: (Score: 1)
by Jakob81 on Fri, March 23, 2007
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This was a HARD choice.
Since there was no "all of the above", I went with "No Elminster"! :P

Re: I'm a hardcore Greyhawk fan mostly because: (Score: 1)
by Roykirk on Tue, April 03, 2007
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I voted Other because I love Greyhawk for almost all the reasons listed. Maybe next time add an "All of the Above" selection?

Re: I'm a hardcore Greyhawk fan mostly because: (Score: 1)
by trav13369 on Sat, April 14, 2007
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I use Greyhawk for the main fantasy world that my D20 Modern world is mystically linked to.  I explain the six human races on Oerth as the descendants of those brought over from Earth millenia ago.  There is a time dilation between the two planes-if you spend one time increment on Oerth, the next higher increment passes on Earth (i.e. if 2,000 years passes on Oerth, 20,000 years pass on Earth).  Also, in major cities (populations of 25,000+) there is a secret technomagic black market.  Those who use it are sworn to secrecy upon threat of death, and the ambient tech level is just shy of steampunk, thanks to dwarves and gnomes, but that level of technology stays mostly within their enclaves.

I run two campaigns that are offical playtests for the upcoming Bureau 13 d20 game.  The teams in my two campaigns are "Omega teams", teams of Bureau agents who are gathered to handle "Omega-level threats" (such as interplanetary and extradimensional invasions).  The Omega teams, one on Earth and one on Oerth, often act together.  The Oerth team was formed to keep any technology higher than what can be normally made or extrapolated from the general populace.  Mostly comprised of Oerthers, this Team is trying to stop an interdimensional conglomerate from taking over both Earth and Oerth.  I run many of the old GH modules, altered to fit my campaign (The Team had a major advantage in the Expedition to the Barrier Peaks adventure).  The Oerth campaign is based in Geoff, CY 591.  The aforementioned extradimensional conglomerate has found and conquered the Forgotten City in the Sea of Dust, and has aided many of the villains of the milieu, or at least, agitated events in Oerth's history.

I try to snag anything I can on GH, to make my variant campaign better, tapping into ANY source on Oerth's history I can get my hands on.  You guys have no Earthly (or Oerthly clue, for that matter LOL) how much easier my job has become.

Thank you.

Re: I'm a hardcore Greyhawk fan mostly because: (Score: 1)
by Thulcondar on Sat, April 14, 2007
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"All of the above".

Re: I'm a hardcore Greyhawk fan mostly because: (Score: 1)
by Hagen on Tue, April 17, 2007
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One option is missing: Greyhawk has the best adventures, from 1st to 3rd edtion.

Re: I'm a hardcore Greyhawk fan mostly because: (Score: 1)
by CombatMedic on Wed, April 18, 2007
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  I voted ''other'' because there was no ''all of the above'' response  listed.

Re: I'm a hardcore Greyhawk fan mostly because: (Score: 1)
by Anced_Math ( on Thu, May 03, 2007
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All of the above was not present.

Re: I'm a hardcore Greyhawk fan mostly because: (Score: 1)
by Mangrove on Wed, October 17, 2007
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I voted "Nostalgia" as Greyhawk is where it all started for me some 25+ years ago.  I've played in a number of worlds and in many game systems, but nothing has ever given me the buzz that I got, and still get, from Oerth.

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