Dragon & Dungeon are to be no more, taking pen & paper Greyhawk with them:
Wizards will regret their loss and my patronage. | 43.23% (201) | Sad, but I'm with D&D where ever it goes. | 17.85% (83) | Goodbye D&D, hello Path-Hawk! | 11.40% (53) | Was getting more material from other fans anyway. | 6.24% (29) | Wasn't a fan of Paizo-Hawk, good riddance. | 5.81% (27) | I haven't bought a copy of either in 10+ years. | 10.75% (50) | Other, please explain. | 4.73% (22) |
Total Votes: 465
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"Dragon & Dungeon are to be no more, taking pen & paper Greyhawk with them:" | Login/Create an Account | 4 comments |
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Re: Dragon & Dungeon are to be no more, taking pen & paper G (Score: 1) by Wolfsire on Tue, May 08, 2007 (User Info | Send a Message | Journal) | I'll wait and see. Who knows what the cybercontent will be. In any event, I expect they'll end up selling the rights to get it in paper again. |
Re: Dragon & Dungeon are to be no more, taking pen & paper G (Score: 1) by Duicarthan on Thu, May 10, 2007 (User Info | Send a Message | Journal) http://www.greyhawkonline.com/duicarthan | Its really sad, but if this is where Greyhawk is going then we need to be ready to support it. We already print out half of our Greyhawk materials these days, so we'll see what WOTC has to offer. If they cannot provide, then they lose out on the cash and a proven profitable market.
Re: Dragon & Dungeon are to be no more, taking pen & paper G (Score: 1) by Julian_Grimm on Sat, May 12, 2007 (User Info | Send a Message) | Thank God for C&C. We have a magazine and a company without ADD running things. Haven't bought a Wisbro product in three years and don't plan on starting back especially with their war on the traditions of the game heating up.
TLG all the way. |