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Current Poll Results

Which Greyhawkian phrase do you enjoy most?

I spit on the Old One.27 %27 %27 % 27.17% (75)
Long live Spidasa!2 %2 %2 % 2.90% (8)
Cold iron avail you.30 %30 %30 % 30.07% (83)
Stone endures still.8 %8 %8 % 8.33% (23)
Ware and were, friend.2 %2 %2 % 2.90% (8)
Hands in your pockets, eyes on your purse.7 %7 %7 % 7.25% (20)
Are you athought?3 %3 %3 % 3.99% (11)
Until the starbreak.3 %3 %3 % 3.99% (11)
May the axe grow great.5 %5 %5 % 5.07% (14)
Kill your father, eat your mother.6 %6 %6 % 6.52% (18)
Certain as a Shielder's Oath.1 %1 %1 % 1.81% (5)
Other. (please comment)2 %2 %2 % 2.17% (6)

Total Votes: 276

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"Which Greyhawkian phrase do you enjoy most?" | Login/Create an Account | 15 comments
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Re: Which Greyhawkian phrase do you enjoy most? (Score: 1)
by Omote on Fri, March 11, 2005
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I have liked this phrase for so long, that i regularly use it even when in non-D&D company. Of course I get strange looks and comments thrown my way... oh well.

"I spit on the Old One!"


Re: Which Greyhawkian phrase do you enjoy most? (Score: 1)
by Argon on Fri, March 11, 2005
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As certain as a Sheild landers oath! I like it and my rouge characters likes to use it when making a promise. Watcher sir I promise to never steal again if you let me go, As certain as a sheild landers oath I've learned my lesson I did.

Re: Which Greyhawkian phrase do you enjoy most? (Score: 1)
by basiliv on Sat, March 12, 2005
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My favorite is "Until all the Suloise have left the table." :-)

Re: Which Greyhawkian phrase do you enjoy most? (Score: 1)
by Delglath on Wed, March 16, 2005
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Being an Aerdi noble of power and loyal to Malachite Throne (at least until I have enough power to overthrow that madman Ivid), I have to say that the irony of "Long live Spidasa!" appeals to me greatly :)

Re: Which Greyhawkian phrase do you enjoy most? (Score: 1)
by starbreaker on Wed, March 23, 2005
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I enjoy this phrase for obvious reasons.

Re: Which Greyhawkian phrase do you enjoy most? (Score: 1)
by starbreaker on Wed, March 23, 2005
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I enjoy this phrase Till the stars break for obvious reasons.

Re: Which Greyhawkian phrase do you enjoy most? (Score: 1)
by starbreaker on Wed, March 23, 2005
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I enjoy this phrase Till the starbreak for obvious reasons.

Re: Which Greyhawkian phrase do you enjoy most? (Score: 1)
by starbreaker on Wed, March 23, 2005
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I enjoy this phrase until the starbreak for obvious reasons.

Re: Which Greyhawkian phrase do you enjoy most? (Score: 1)
by grodog on Sat, April 02, 2005
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Sadly, I don't recognize about 3/4 of these phrases---anyone care to share a key/legend for the poll? :D

Re: Which Greyhawkian phrase do you enjoy most? (Score: 1)
by Kirt on Thu, April 07, 2005
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My favorate Greyhawk phrase was invented by one of my players...

"By Boccob's Blessed Balls!"

Referring, of course, to the "wandering planets", those balls of light which guide our fate.

My second favorate was invented by me.

"Sheer incabulacy!" or "Bloody Incabulatic!"

Referring to the fact that Luna is not the god of insanity, Incabulos is.

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